
Lesson video

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Hi everyone, and welcome to lesson nine in our unit on the sweet-talking potato.

I wonder if any of you watched lesson eight and had a go at drawing an illustration on your writing about the beginning of the story, showing exactly what was happening and all of that action.

Because today we are going to have a go at writing the middle of the story.

First of all, we're going to do it all together and then you're going to get the chance to have a go yourself.

Let's see what you're going to need for today's lesson.

In today's lesson, you're going to need your boxing map from lesson seven if you've still got it.

Don't worry, if you don't though; you can share mine.

You're going to need some paper, a pencil, and of course your Teddy Talk partner.

Teddy is ready here with me today.

If you need to get any of those things, press the pause button now and press play when you are ready.

Let's see what we're going to be doing.

We're going to start off by playing a game.

Then we're going to do our singing together.

We're learning a new song today.

And then we're going to write the middle of our story.

Our game today is called "Phone Call Home." I am going to pretend that I am the farmer from our story The Sweet-Talking Potato, and Teddy is going to pretend to be my mum.

So I'm going to phone my mum.

She is going to ask me questions all about my day.

Me and Ted are ready to play our game now.

So, you ready, Teddy? Bring-bring, bring-bring.

Hello? Who's there? It's mummy.

Mummy says, how was my day? Mummy, you will not believe what happened to me today.

First of all, I was feeling so hungry, so I thought, "You know what? I will go down to my field and I will get myself a nice potato to cook.

I can make some mashed potato or some chips." Mm, I was so excited.

But I reached down, I picked up the potato, and guess what happened? Mummy says she doesn't know what happened.

The potato yelled at me! It yelled, "Hands off!" I was very, very upset.

I'm very scared.

I'm very frightened.

So I dropped the potato on the floor.

I asked my dog if it was him.

Then my dog spoke too, mummy! Mummy says, "What did I do next?" Do you see how me and Teddy took it in turns to play our game today? So now if you'd like to, you and your Teddy Talk Partner can have a go at playing Phone Home.

One of you can pretend to be someone from your family and one of you can pretend to be the farmer and describe all the crazy things that happened to you today.

Have a go at pressing the pause button now, and when you have played Phone Home, press the play button.

I hope you had lots of fun playing Phone Home with your Teddy Talk Partner.

Are you ready to join in with a new song? We're going to do my turn then your turn so that we can learn all of the words, and then we'll try it all the way through together.

♪ The potato talked to the farmer ♪ ♪ The potato talked to the farmer ♪ ♪ The farmer ran to the baker ♪ ♪ The farmer ran to the baker ♪ ♪ Then the bread talked to the farmer ♪ ♪ Then the bread talked to the farmer ♪ ♪ The farmer ran to the King ♪ ♪ The farmer ran to the King ♪ ♪ Then the throne talked to the King ♪ ♪ Then the throne talked to the King ♪ ♪ And the King was so amazed ♪ ♪ And the King was so amazed ♪ Very good joining in.

Let's see if we can do the whole song together.

♪ The potato talked to the farmer ♪ ♪ The farmer ran to the baker ♪ ♪ The bread talked to the farmer ♪ ♪ And the farmer ran to the King ♪ ♪ Then the throne talked to the King ♪ ♪ And the King was so amazed ♪ ♪ I said the potato talked to the farmer ♪ ♪ The farmer ran to the baker ♪ ♪ The bread talked to the farmer ♪ ♪ And the farmer ran to the King.

♪ ♪ Then the throne talked to the King ♪ ♪ And the King was so amazed.

♪ Give yourself a big, big clap if you had to go at with joining in with that one.

Now we've done all that singing, I think we are warm enough and ready with all our energy to do some really, really amazing writing.

Our writing today is going to be looking at the middle of the story and we're going to give it a really good go at showing what is happening.

Do you think we can give it to a really good go at showing what's happening? I can't hear you! Do you think we can give it to a really good go at showing what is happening? Yes, we can.


We need to start off by looking at our Boxing Map and looking at the middle of our Boxing Map.

So here, we've got our Boxing Map, the middle section of the story.

In lesson eight we wrote section one, the beginning of the story, and now we're going to look at the next parts.

We're going to re-- we really need to make it clear about what is happening in the story.

So we have got the shop, the man, the chicken, the farmer running away.

Can you think of a sentence to tell a part of the story? We could have, "The farmer runs to the market." We could have, "The chicken speaks," or, "The farmer meets the man." Hmm.

Remember, when you do your writing you can have a go at writing whichever part you would like.

You can do a different sentence to us.

I'm going to choose, "The farmer meets the man." Let's practise saying our sentence.

The farmer meets the man.

Whisper it to your talk partner Teddy.

The farmer meets the man.

Say it out loud.

The farmer meets the man.

Say it in a grizzly voice.

The farmer meets the man.

Say it in a very very quiet voice.

The farmer meets the man.

Let's count how many words.

The farmer meets the man.

How many words? Five words.

The farmer meets the man.

Now let's have a go at quickly whizzing through our strategy check.

At the beginning of our sentence we need a capital letter.

Then we need a finger space after each word.

We need a full stop at the end of the sentence.

And we need to re-read our writing to make sure it makes sense.

When we are writing each word, what do we need to do? Say the word, robot the word, and then write the word.

Well done.

High frequency words that we need to know in this sentence: "The farmer meets the man." The: T - H - E.

Our sentence today is "The farmer meets the man." First word, "The." That's a sight word, so we can't use our phonics.

We just need to know what it sounds like.

But it does have a capital letter because it's the first word.

So, "The." T H E "The." Then we need a finger space because it's a new word.

"Farmer." First sound: ff, aw, mm, uh.



Ff, aw.

"Aw" is a digraph.

That means there are two letters that make one sound.

A and R is "Aw." "Far-muh." Mm, uh.

E and R makes the sound "uh." Ff, aw, mm, uh, farmer.

The farmer.

New word, so we need a finger space.

"Meets." First sound.

Let's robot the word.

Mm, ee, tuh, ss.

"Meets." Mm.

"Ee" is a diagraph.

Two e's makes the sound "ee." "Meets." Mm, ee, tuh, ss.

"Meets." The farmer meets-- The farmer meets-- It's a high-frequency word again.


T, H, E.

T H, E.

The farmer meets the-- finger space because it's a new word-- man.

Let's robot the word.

Mm, ah, nn.


Mm, ah, nn.


The farmer meets the man.

End of a sentence, we need a full stop is a dot.

Very, very good.


Let's think of another sentence to go in the middle of our story.

So far, we've got "The farmer meets the man." What does the man say to the farmer? Does he believe the farmer? Mm-mm-mm.

He says, "No, that's impossible." So what could our sentence be? We could say, "No, that's impossible." We could say something else though.

I think I'm going to choose to say, "The man says no." "The man says no." Okay.

That's going to be our sentence today.

Can you say it with me? "The man says no." Your turn.

"The man says no." Say it really quietly.

"The man says no." Let's say it in a squeaky voice.

"The man says no." Count it in our fingers.

"The man says no." Four words we've got to write today.

In our sentence, "The man says no," we have got four words.

And there are two high-frequency words: "the," which is T, H, E, and "no," which is N, O.

These are the ones that we can't use our phonics for.

We just have to know how to spell them.

So let's give it a go at writing our sentence.

"The man says no." Ready? "The man says no." That is another one of our high frequency words today.

"The." Need a finger space because it is a new word.

"The." Capital letter because it's the beginning of a sentence.

T, H, E.

"The," finger space because it is a new word, "man." Robot the word.

Mm, ah, nn.


Mm, ah, nn.

"The man." New line, because I don't have space here.

"The man says." Ss, ay, ss.



"Ay" is a diagraph.

A and a Y makes the sound "ay." "Says." "The man says" Finger space because it's a new word.

"No." One of our high-frequency words.

"No." N, O.

End of a sentence.

What do I need? Full stop.

Let's read our sentence back and check it to make sense.

The mm, ah, nn.


Ss, ay, ss.



"The man says no." Should we read our whole paragraph for the middle of the story and make sure it tells us exactly what's going on? The farmer meets the man.

The man says no.

Very, very good.

Now that we've had to go together putting all of the action into our writing for the middle of the story, it's going to be your turn at home to have a go.

So you're going to need to get your piece of paper and your pencil, and what I would like you to do is use your phonic knowledge by roboting the words and see if you can come up with a word or a sentence, or even more than a sentence, to describe what is happening in the middle of our story.

So press the pause button now, and when you have finished your writing, press the play button.

I absolutely loved seeing so many of you joining in with our writing today.

Well done.

I hope you had fun doing that, and I can't wait to read some of your work.

We're at the end of lesson nine now, and I wonder if when you have finished watching our lesson for today you could have a go at doing another illustration, just like we did for lesson eight in drawing a picture to go with your writing for lesson nine.

It would be lovely if you could illustrate your lovely writing.

Before we go, let's have one more time of singing our new story song.

Are you ready to join in? Can you remember the words? ♪ The potato talked to the farmer ♪ ♪ The farmer ran to the baker ♪ ♪ The bread talked to the farmer ♪ ♪ And the farmer ran to the King ♪ ♪ Then the throne spoke to the King ♪ ♪ And the King was so amazed.

♪ Well done, everyone.

I hope you had a lovely lesson today and enjoy the rest of your day.

See you next time in lesson 10!.