
Lesson video

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And welcome back.

I'm Mr Hutchinson, and this is a RE.

We've been learning all about Judaism and we're halfway through our essay about Judaism and what makes Judaism unique.

If you haven't already started your essay you need to go back to the last lesson to do the first three paragraphs.

We walked through those together, planned them together and and wrote down what we want in each the paragraphs.

If you haven't studied this unit yet then you need to go back and study the first six lessons that we did where we learned all of the amazing facts about this fascinating religion.

If you're all up to speed and you've done the quiz for today before to start getting some of those facts spinning around in your head and ready to use them, we're good to go.

So let's get started.

We're planning and writing an essay about Judaism, our religion.

Today's lesson, we're going to remind ourselves what we're doing we're writing an essay.

So what was an essay again? Remind ourselves of that.

And then we're going to plan it and write paragraphs four, five, and six.

And at the end of this lesson, you'll have an essay, you'll have a nice long essay.

Some of you it might be three pages or four pages or five pages.

I think our record is eight pages.

Maybe you can try and beat that record.

Eight pages all about Judaism.

Could you write down that many facts? I bet you could.

So, let's get started.

You need to organise yourself make sure you've got a quiet place to work 'cause you're going to do lots of writing.

Make sure you've got an exercise book or a notebook or have some paper, a pen or a pencil to write with and a ruler to get ready with your planning sheets.

So an essay is a long piece of writing all about something factual something real life in this case, a religion, but it could be about all sorts of things.

An essay, could be about sharks, it could be about the World War I, it could be about the Amazon Rainforest, it could be about Mediaeval Monarchs anything you know a lot about you can write an essay about it to show how much you know about it and to explain it to other people, too.

And we're going to write one about the religion of Judaism.

That's what you're aiming for this beautifully written essay chunked into paragraphs for each different lesson for each different thing you've learnt and jam packed with key vocabulary and key facts.

I bet that you can do something just as good, if not better.

So to begin with, get your planning sheet ready I showed you how to do that in the last lesson.

So I'm not going to show you in this lesson.

If you need a reminder, just go back to the last video to watch me modelling exactly how to do that.

Use your ruler and get your boxes ready to plan your essay.

We're going to do para, paragraph three, four, sorry, four, five, and six today.

And you need to make sure that you've got 3 columns lots of space for the key information and don't forget that title.

This is what we're writing about.

What makes you, Judaism unique or special unlike any other religion.

Pause the video and get your planning sheet ready now.


Planning sheet should be ready.

So you are good to go.

So our first paragraph we're writing today or our fifth paragraph of our essay is going to be about the sacred text of Judaism received by Moses on Mount Sinai from God.

That's what Jews believe and it's the Torah.

So you can see there, I've got a picture of Moses on Mount Sinai.

You can see there, the clouds and the fire as Moses is discussing with God and receiving from God, the Torah, the 10 commandments and the Torah, and that Torah can anybody remember what this is as part of the Torah? It's very special part of the Torah what the Torah includes.

Well done if you remember that's the prayer it's called the Shema, the Shema prayer, a very special prayer in Judaism and it's in the Torah.

So Jews can remember that prayer to their God.

And you might also remember the Torah includes the commandments and the rules that Jews need to follow.

So some key vocabulary you could put here is all about Moses and Mount Sinai receiving it.

The five books of the Torah, Genesis about the creation of the world, Exodus about the, so I remember Exodus is exiting 'cause it's about the Israelites exiting Egypt, it's about how Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, Leviticus, which includes all of the rules and commandments, Numbers, where the number of Israelites was recorded and Deuteronomy Moses final words before the Israelites moved into the land of Israel includes the Shema prayer, the Mitzvah which are all of those 613 commandments.

So pause the video now and just add to your plan anything that you've missed already.


You might have drawn some pictures.

You might have jotted down some notes.

You might have put down a vocabulary.

So you're ready to write.

You've got everything that you need to write your fifth paragraph of your essay.

Please remember that you need to write in full sentences.

You need to make sure you've got lots of key information and key vocabulary and that you leave a line between each of the paragraph and it should be really well and really clearly explained.

So imagine that you explain this to somebody that doesn't know anything about Judaism.

So need to really explain every single part of what it means and the vocabulary, and you're ready to go.

So you've got your planning sheet, you've got your, all of the different things that you're going to write about to give so that your brain can just focus on writing full sentences, using key vocab, shrinking into paragraphs and explaining everything very clearly.

I won't talk anymore 'cause I know you're ready to start writing.

You can pause the video and write paragraph five.



Well done.

I bet it's a great paragraph and I'd love to read it.

You can send it in I'll tell you how to do that at the end.

But let's start planning paragraph number five.


We're going to plan paragraph number five together.

I might have said five before that was paragraph four before, sorry.

So paragraph five now and this is going to be all about the Jewish festivals.

So before I tell you what I think we should include for the Jewish festivals, see if you can draw any pictures or jot down any notes for what we learned about the Jewish festival.

So pause the video and write down everything that you can remember.

Great work.

You should already have lots of ideas.

I'm going to show you what I've got and you can add to your plan as I go along.

So I drew a picture of the shofar because the shofar is really important in that festival, festival of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

I remembered it in Passover, the Passover they had a ritual meal and then the plate was called the Seder plate.

And there were different parts that reminded the Jews about the Exodus story.

10 days after Rosh Hashanah there's a Yom Kippur where Jews fast, no food, they fast for 25 hours as they ask God for forgiveness for all of their sins and wrongdoing from the previous year.

And then there's the festival of lights, Hanukkah where Jews remember the Maccabean revolt and how the temple was rededicated by the Maccabees.

So some key vocab I put up there for you.

there's the festival of Rosh Hashanah where the shofar is sounded.

And remember Jews say L'shanah tovah, which means for a good year, a happy new year.

I hope that you're, you're put into the book of life for a good year.

And you're inscribed, which means written and sealed into the book of life for this year, L'shanah tovah.

Then there are the 10 days of Awe, where Jews try to make up with everybody that they've fallen out with and ask for forgiveness for their sins.

On Yom Kippur they fast for 25 days.

On Passover they'll eat a Seder plate.

And then there's also the, the festival of lights, Hanukkah where they remember the Maccabees and they still like this.

I don't think I've told you this before this is called the menorah, this candle very special in Judaism.

It's got eight candles, okay.

Eight candles because the oil burned for eight days instead of one day.

And so this candle stick, the menorah reminds Jews of that.

So, once you've got all of that down you're ready to write paragraph number five.

Pause the video and use all of those pictures and all that information to write a paragraph all about the Jewish festivals so, so if people don't know about them they can learn all about them from your essay.

And it helps to answer the question, how Judaism is unique? Great work.

Another great paragraph.

Some of you might even think I've got so much to write I need to chunk it into two paragraphs or three paragraphs.

That's fine too.

It's your essay.

You write it how you like, you put as much detail in as knowledge you have in your head.

So our final paragraph that should've said paragraph six excuse me, paragraph six, our final paragraph.

What did Jews believe about the Messiah? So what can you remember about Jewish beliefs about the Messiah or the Messianic age? See if you can jot down everything that you can remember you can draw pictures, you can write words.

What can you remember? Get everything from your brain on to your planning sheet, about the Messiah.

Great work.

Hopefully, you've got a good planning sheet there, ready to go.

Let me tell you what I would write about.

I think I would talk about King David who started off as David and from David and Goliath, defeated that giant and then went on to become a famous Jewish King.

And that Jews believed that the Messiah will be the King of the Jews he will be a king or a teacher or a priest and he will be descendant of David.

He will bring peace as a Jewish belief.

He will bring peace.

There'll be no more war once the Messiah comes and he we'll ride into Jerusalem on a donkey.

Now there are different beliefs about the Messiah.

For some Jews, the reformed Jews remember they don't necessarily believe it will be a person that comes.

They believe that maybe we need to understand this as a time that's coming.

So there will be a time when there's no wars.

When, when the scriptures talk about the Messiah really what it means is there'll be a time when there is no war anymore.

So you might like to include this vocabulary these key words in your essay, that there's the story of David and Goliath that beliefs around the Messiah come from scripture, especially prophecy, prophecy, or sort of like promises or about what will happen in the future or projections of what was going to happen in the future.

And there's prophecy in the Torah and the Tanakh about the Messiah or the Messianic age, the time.

Orthodox Jews and reformed Jews have different beliefs about that.

Orthodox Jews believed that a king, that the Messiah were a king, a judge, a teacher and he'll ride into Jerusalem on a donkey.

You might like to talk here about how Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah that was promised.

They believe that Jesus fulfilled lots of that prophecy, that the Messiah would be a man of sorrows, somebody who would suffer for everybody, somebody who would defeat death.

Jews don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah.

They, they believe that maybe he was a special teacher, a special maybe even a prophet, but not the Messiah, not the promised Messiah that, Jews believe we're still waiting for the Messiah or for the Messianic age because not all of the prophecy was fulfilled.

So now you're ready to write paragraph six the final paragraph, and then your essay will be all done.

What makes Judaism unique? How is Judaism unique? Write your final paragraph using your planning sheets.

Oh! Super.

We got finished.

Well done.

You worked so hard and now you've got an amazing essay that you should be really, really proud of.

So, well, well, well done.

I'm really proud of you.

Show it to somebody.

You might want to read it out.

You might want to read it to family at home, read it to friends on the phone because you should be really proud of this great piece of work and how you've become an expert in Judaism with a full essay written.

Awesome work.

I'm really, really proud of you.

If you'd like to you might like to finish this off just with a conclusion, a final paragraph where you answer that question.

You've got lots and lots of ideas about what Judaism, what makes Judaism unique.

And you might like to sum that up with one paragraph saying these, these are the main aspects or parts of Judaism that make it unique.

If you want to do that you can pause the video and add that in now.

And that will nicely bring your essay to a close answering that question.

So I'll give you a chance to pause the video and write a conclusion if you'd like to now.


And I'd love to read your essays.

I really want to read what you've written all about Judaism.

So please do ask your parents to or your carer to take a photo of your essay.

They might need to take lots of photos 'cause maybe it's lots and lots of pages 'cause you worked so hard, take a photo or photos, pop it onto Twitter, using those hashtags #ONAyear2 and then I'll be able to read that amazing work which I'd love to do because you've worked so hard.

Thank you and well done.

You should feel very, very of yourself for all of your work in today's lesson and across the whole unit.

I'm really impressed with how hard you've worked and the great standard of work that you've produced.

I'll see you next time.
