
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi, friends.

It's Ms. Molnar here and we are going to do some mass learning today.

Now, if you've not met my friend Harold before, he is a little bit silly sometimes and likes to get up to mischief and guess where I found him this morning? My goodness, he fell asleep.

How could I describe where he is, where I found him? What language could we use? Well, if you said Harold fell asleep inside or in the fruit bowl, you're so right.

Well, we're going to get Harold ready there and we are going to do some learning today, all about positional language.

So just like when we said that Harold fell asleep inside the fruit bowl, we're going to use other language like that to describe some object's positions.

So the only thing you're going to need for this lesson is you're going to need some friends.

So maybe you've got a bunch of teddies or friends like Harold.

Maybe you've got some Lego men.

Maybe you've got some dolls.

You're going to need to gather a few of those friends and then you'll be able to do some of our exciting activities today.

Okay, pause the video, go grab some of those friends, and come back and we can get started on our new learning for today.

Okay, so for our counting, to get us started, Harold thinks that we should get up and get moving.

So what we're going to do is I'm going to call out a number and then I'm going to ask you to do something back with that exact same number.

So we'll start first like this.

I'm going to call out the number and I want you to clap your hands this many times.

Are you ready? Can you clap your hands five times? Ready? One, two, three, four, five.

Way to go! This time, we want you to get up.

So stand up out of your seat and get ready.

Are you ready? We would like you to do seven star jumps.

Ready? Three, two, one, go.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Fantastic, everyone.

All right, this time, we would like you to put your hands up in the air four times.

Ready? One, two, three, four.

Great job, everyone.

All right, come back to your seat and let's see what we're going to need to do next for our learning.

All right, so I've got my teddy bears here.

I've got a blue one, yellow, red, green, orange, and purple.

Now, I've got some teddy bears that are in the front.

I've also got some teddy bears that are in the back.

We're going to use some language to try and describe where each of the Teddy bears are.

All right.

I might say that the orange teddy bear is in front of the yellow teddy bear.

Or I could say that the yellow teddy bear is behind the orange teddy bear.


Now, I wonder you could tell me which colour teddy bear is behind the green teddy bear.

Which teddy bear is behind the green Teddy bear? That's right.

It's the red teddy bear.

The red teddy bear is behind the green teddy bear.

Now, what colour teddy bear is beside the blue teddy bear? What teddy bear is beside the blue teddy bear? That's right.

It's the yellow teddy bear.

The yellow teddy bear is beside the blue teddy bear.


Now I wonder, could you describe where the green teddy bear is? How could you describe where the green teddy bear is? So you could have said the green teddy bear is in front of the red bear.

You could have said the green teddy bear is beside the orange teddy bear.

Way to go, everyone.

Now, let's get a little bit trickier this time.

I'm going to use the language of in-between.

Which colour teddy bear is in-between the purple and the green one? Well done.

If you said the orange teddy bear, you're right.

It's in between the purple and the green teddy bear.


Now, what if I said this time, the yellow teddy bear is beside which teddy bear? What would you say? Well, if you said there's more than one answer, you're so right.

The yellow teddy bear is beside the red teddy bear, but also beside the blue teddy bear.


Okay, it's your turn to have it go in the top task.

We've got a picture of some animals on the screen.

Do you recognise any of the animals? Can you name any of them? Well done, I'm sure you can name a lot of them.

So we've got a cow, a sheep, a dog, a cat, and a rhinoceros.

What we would like you to do is use some of the sentence stems on the screen to describe the position of each of the animals.

So we might talk about an animal being in front, being behind, beside, or in-between.

That one's a really tricky one.

I might say the cow is in front of the sheep or maybe I'm going to say the rhinoceros is behind the cat.

So we would like you to pause the video, have a go, and see if you can say some of these full sentences out loud.

All right.

Well, we hope you got to have a go at that.

What did you describe as which animal being beside another animal? Maybe you said the rhinoceros is beside the cat or maybe chose another one.

There were lots of answers for that one.

What did you say for in-between? Which animal was in between another of the two animals? If you said the sheep, well done.

You could have said the sheep is in-between the cow and the dog.

All right, everyone.

It's time to put all of these skills to the test.

For your main task, I'm really excited about this one.

I think it's going to be a lot of fun.

We want you to set up a tea party or a picnic, or maybe some kind of brunch that you could have with your teddies or your Lego man or your dolls and we want you to describe their position to one another.

So maybe you're going to set them up all sitting around in a circle.

Maybe you're going to have them in a line, but we want to have all of your items out and we want you to be describing each of your friends and their position.

So maybe you're going to say my teddy bear is beside the doll.

Maybe you're going to say the Lego man is in-between the two teddies.

All right, so, you're going to need to pause the video, go get some of your friends, set up your tea party or your picnic, and use some full sentences to describe where they are.

We hope you enjoy that picnic.

How was the picnic, everyone? Did you have a tea party? What friends came to your tea party? Well, we're sure that you got to use lots of that new language that we learned today to describe what their position was.

Well, we really hope that if you would like, you could ask your parent or carer to share some photos from your learning today on our social media at Oak and also, I'm sure your teacher would love to see the learning that you've been up to today, as well.

All right, everyone.

That's all we have time for, but we will hopefully get to see you soon.