
Lesson video

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Hi friends, it's Ms. Molnar here and today to help me is my favourite top partner, Harold, the hedgehog.

Say hi to everyone Harold.

Well, today we're going to be talking about time in math and we're going to be using some special language called ordinal language to talk about sequencing some events.

All right, well, if you're ready to come along with us, let's see what things we'll need to get ready for this lesson.

So Harold, the only thing that everyone is going to need for this lesson today is a pencil and paper.

So maybe you can practise writing some of your numbers because we're going to do that next for a little bit of a starter activity.

All right, if you don't have a pencil and paper with you now, pause the video, go grab them and when you're ready, we'll begin.

Okay, so I thought we'd start off by practising how to write some of our numbers.

Are you really good at writing your numbers? Well, Harold has been trying to get better at writing his numbers up to 10.

So I'm going to choose a number, we're going to practise writing it with our magic pens in the air.

"What's a magic pen?", you say.

Well, a magic pen is an invisible pen and anyone can have an invisible pen.

So make sure you've got your magical pen ready, so you can write in the air.

Is it ready everyone? All right, so I'm going to call it the number that we're going to practise first.

Let's practise number three.

So when we do number three, you start at the top and we go across and then down and then a little bit up a bump and around.

Can you try doing it in the air with your magic pen? Have a go.

Well done.

Now maybe you even want to try writing the number three with your magic pen on your hand, okay? So with your magic pen, you can go across, down and around for number three.

Try that three times.

Maybe you even want to try and write it in the air instead of with your magic pen with your nose.

How fun would that be? All right, let's do it together Harold, are we ready? So we go across, down and around for the number three.

All right, Harold is going to show you how he does it on his whiteboard now, and then maybe you can have a go.

Are we ready? So Harold's going to go.

He's going to go across, down and around for number three.

Let's see how Harold did everyone.

Wow, bravo Harold.

All right, can you have a go at writing the number three, three times on your paper? Go.

If you need to pause the video, you can pause it and then tell us when you're ready.

All right, way to go everyone.

That was really great, shall we try one more? All right, let me see.

Harold is going to get me to practise one, okay.

Ooh, okay, number 10.

Why is this one a little bit trickier? Well, if you said this was trickier because this number has two digits, you're so right.

Number 10 has a one and a zero in it.

All right, get our magic pens in the air, we're going to do the number one first, are we ready? So we're going to straight down for number one and then we'll leave a little bit of a space and then we'll do our zero.

So remember zero, we start at the top, we go down and around and we loop back at the top.

All right, do that with your magic pen in the air three times.

Well done everyone.

All right, Harold shall you show them how it's done on our whiteboard now and then they can have a go at writing.

All right, let's see how Harold does.

So he's going to go down for number one and then around and loop for the zero.

Let's see how he did everyone.

Well done, Harold, that was absolutely fantastic.

Way to go.

All right, we think that you should have a go at doing the number 10 as well on your whiteboard, three times.

Pause the video and then we'll come back together.

All right, so we thought we would start off by singing one of Harold's favourite songs to sing.

Can you guess what his favourite song might be from the video on screen? Are there any clues in the picture? Wow, there is a spider, did that give you a clue? If you said the "Incy Wincy Spider" you're right.

That's one of Harold's favourite songs.

Do you know that song? Well, if you do, why don't you sing along with us.

♪ The Incy Wincy spider climbed up the water spout ♪ ♪ Down came the rain and washed the spider out ♪ ♪ Out came the sun and dried up the rain ♪ ♪ So the Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again ♪ Well done, everyone.

That was some great singing.

Oh, I really liked that song as well, Harold.

All right, now, can you remember what the spider did first? Think back to the song.

♪ The Incy Wincy spider went ♪ If you said went up the water spout, you are right.

First, the Incy Wincy spider went up the water spout, well done.

What happened next in the song? Think about the song, next.

Out came the, the rain, well done.

Out came the rain and washed the spider out, way to go.

So we know that first, the Incy Wincy spider went up the water spout.

Next, out came the rain, and it washed the spider out, way to go.

What was the last thing that happened finally in the song? If you said out, out came the sun and dried up all the rain, way to go everyone, you've got a really good memory.

So we know that first, the spider went up the spout.

Next, the rain came and washed him out and then finally, the sun came out and he went all the way up the spout again.

All right, it seems like we have another nursery rhyme on the screen.

I wonder if you've heard of this one before.

Take a look to see if there's any clues.

So we've got a clock and we've got a mouse.

I wonder if you've heard of that nursery rhyme before, that song before? Well, if you know it, it's called "Hickory Dickory Dock".

And it goes, ♪ Hickory dickory dock ♪ ♪ The mouse went up the clock ♪ ♪ The clock struck one ♪ ♪ The mouse ran down ♪ ♪ Hickory dickory dock ♪ Have you heard of that one before? Well, what we want you to do is to take that nursery rhyme and we want you to put the pictures in order.

So out loud using some sentence stems first, next, and then.

So listen to me sing the song again and see if you can put each of those three pictures on the screen in the right order, which one would have to come first.

So I'm going to sing it again one more time, okay? ♪ Hickory dickory dock ♪ ♪ The mouse went up the clock ♪ ♪ The clock struck one ♪ ♪ The mouse went down ♪ ♪ Hickory dickory dock ♪ All right, so we want you to pause the video and say out loud which of those pictures comes first and why? So you'd say first, this picture comes because the mouse, okay? So pause the video, have a go and then we'll come back together.

All right, well hopefully, you paused the video and you were able to put the pictures in order.

So I wonder which picture comes first, the first one, the middle one or the last one.

All right, so if you said first, then mouse went up the clock, you're right, way to go.

So Hickory dickory dock, the mouse went up the clock.

So that middle picture would be our first picture, way to go.

Now what happened next in the nursery rhyme? Did the most rundown all of a sudden or did something happen first? Well done, if you said the clock struck one, you're right.

So we would say next, the clock struck one.

So it would be our last picture there.

And then finally, what could we say it happens with then? What's the last thing that happens? Well done, the mouse ran down, so we could say then the most ran down.

Do we think we can say the whole story using first, next, then, all together.

Oh, I think we can.

All right, here we go.

First, the mouse ran up the clock.

Next, the clock struck one.

Then the mouse ran down, way to go, everyone, well done.

All right, so we've got a picture here with the clock and the mouse from our nursery rhyme.

Now I wonder, do you think it took a very long time for the most to run down the clock? Do you think it would have taken a long time or short time to run down the clock? If you said short time, well done.

Mice can be very speedy.

Now, what is an activity that would take longer than the mouse running down the clock? I'm going to have a think.

Well, if I was going to spell out my name and write it down, it would take me, I think, longer to write out Ms. Molnar, than for the mouse to run down the clock.

What else might take longer than the mouse running down the clock? It would take longer for me to eat an apple than for the mouse to run down the clock.

Can you pause the video and think of something that would take you longer to do than the mouse running down the clock? Because we want to hear what idea you come up with.

All right, pause the video and have a think.

All right, what activity did you say would take longer than the mouse running down the clock? Wow, that's fantastic, well done.

Now let's think about what that activity might take a shorter amount of time than the mouse running down the clock.

I think I could blink my eyes much quicker.

I could blink once, much quicker than the most can run down the clock.

I could also snap my fingers much quicker than the mouse running down the clock.

Can you pause the video and have a think at what activity you could do that's much faster than the mouse running down the clock.

Pause the video now.

All right, what did you come up with that was a faster activity than the mouse running down the clock? Oh, that's great.

Well, now what I think we're going to do is we're going to play a little bit of a game.

I'm going to count to 10 and I want you to try and do something that you think you can do before 10 seconds is up.

So I want you to think of something that you can do before time is up and I've counted down from 10.

So maybe depending where you are, you can walk across the room and pick up a toy and bring it all the way back before I'm done counting to 10.

Maybe you can write the number three before I'm done counting to 10.

So I want you to pause the video first and think what activity could you try and do right now at home that you think you could do before I count down from 10.

All right, pause the video think of your idea.

All right, if you've got your idea, ready to go, do your activity.

I'm going to count down from 10 and by the time I get to zero, I want to see if you've done it.

Are you ready? All right, here we go.

10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one and zero.

Well done, did you get the activity done before I finished counting? Well done, so Ms. Molnar was counting in seconds, seconds aren't a very long amount of time.

We could also say it probably took seconds for the mouse to run down the clock.

Well done everyone.

All right, everyone.

Well, for your main task, we want to see if you can do the 10 test.

I wonder how many things you can do in 10.

So maybe you're going to take your teddies and you can move each of them over to the other side of the room before you count to 10.

Maybe you could fill up two water glasses before you count to 10.

Maybe you could try and empty them before you get to 10.

We want you to pause the video and see how many different activities you can do in 10 seconds.

And maybe you're going to say out loud what you can do in 10 seconds and maybe what you couldn't do in 10 seconds.

Maybe something was too quick or it took too long.

All right, pause the video and have a go at your 10 test.

All right, well, how did your 10 tests go everyone? We really want to know what different activities you did.

Were you able to do some before 10 seconds was up? Did some of them take too long? Well, we really hope that you took photos of all the amazing 10 tests that you did today and Harold and I would love to see it as well.

So if you'd like you could ask your parent or carer to share it with us on our social media here at Oak.

Well, that's all we have time for today everyone but we really hope you had a great time and we can't wait to see you again.

Take care everyone.