
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi everyone, I'm Miss Harris.

Welcome to today's science lesson, where we are going to be answering this question: What are objects made from? Now, don't forget at the end of every lesson, I'm going to be asking you to identify what material is used in my background.

So keep that in mind during this lesson.

So let's take a look at what else we're going to be doing today.

So we are going to be recapping what a material is, looking at, what is an object, looking at types of materials, identifying some materials using different objects, and then we've got our end of lesson quiz.

You will need an exercise book or a piece of paper, a pencil, a coloured pencil, and most importantly, your brain.

If you need to get any of these things, pause the video and go and get them now.

Okay, ready for the next part.

So we've got our star words, are you ready? Materials, can you say that? Materials, good.

Wood, good.

Plastic, glass, paper, wool, plastic.

Okay, let's do it faster.

Glass, paper, plastic, wood, materials, metal.

Good job.

Now, can you remember what a scientist is? So a scientist is a person who, let's do our actions, a person who studies the world around us, including things living and non-living.

Can you remember what things are that are living and things that are not living? So here we've got two images, so we've got our group of animals and then on the other side, we've got our pots and pans and books.

Which side shows living things? So you're right.

The animals and the plants are the living things because they can eat, they can feed, they can drink water, they can communicate, they can reproduce, that means have babies, they are alive.

Those animals are living things.

Is a book alive, is it a living thing? Can it move around? No, it's not a living thing.

So we scientists studied things that are living and things which are non-living.

So what is the material? This is what we studied last lesson.

Let's recap what that means.

So, everything, can you follow with your finger? Everything is made up of materials, each material, but done it, can be used to make lots of different things.

What is made up of materials? Everything is made up of materials.

So materials are used to make lots of different things.

So that leads me onto this question.

What is an object? So an object is something that is made up of materials.

Each material can be used to make lots of different things.

So an object is something that is made out of a material.

So here I have a cup.

My cup, the cup is the object, here's the cup and I can put water in it and drink it.

It's made out of glass.

So the object is a cup, the material is glass.

The object is a cup, good, and the material is go, go, go, glass, good job.

So now, let's look at some types of materials and some different objects that are made out of them.

So first, let's identify the objects.

Can you look at the screen and can you say one object, which you can see here? So I can see some glasses, what can you see? So I can see some, maybe you can see some marbles or the magnifying glass or the glass slipper or the cup or the jar, good.

So, what material is used to make these objects.

So the material used is, can you say that? The material used is, glass, well done.

So the objects are the things that you can see here, but the material is glass, what's the material? Glass, good.

So let's practise.

What is this object? The object is a, can you say that? The object is a, jar, good job.

The object is a jar.

The jar is made from glass, well done.

Did you say that full sentence? The object is a jar.

The jar is made from glass, well done, let's do another one.

Here, we've got some more objects.

Can you point to one of the objects and tell me what it is? Great job, I can see there is a wooden spoon.

Can you see that? A spoon and a door, a table, some bricks and a little, almost like a doll's house.

What material is used to make all of these things? I gave it away when I said what the spoon was called, wood, well done.

So here, the object is a spoon, good job.

The material is, wood 'cause it's made out of wood.

So the object is a spoon, the spoon is made from wood, well done.

Ready for our pause point.

So here, you're going to pause the video and you're going to answer this question and then press play when you're ready.

So what is this object and its material.

So this object is a mug or a cup and it is made from glass.

Okay, ready for some more.

What material, sorry what object can you see here? Can you point to an object? What one can you see? I can see a bag, what can you see? Good, well done, can you see anything else? Well done, so I might say the object is a bag.

Your turn, the object is a, good.

What are these objects made from, what is the material? Plastic, well done.

Okay, let's bring all of that knowledge together.

The object is a bottle, well done.

The bottle is made from plastic, well done.

Okay, ready for the next one? Shake it, look, get ready, you ready? What objects can you see here? I can see some screws, some bolts.

What can you see? Can you see the sword? Okay, so what are these objects made from? They are made from metal, well done.

Okay, what is this object? Nice and easy, this object is a fork, well done.

The fork is made from, can you say it, I didn't hear you.

It's made from metal, well done.

It's made from metal, okay.

Now we're onto the next part of our lesson where we're going to do some writing.

You are going to be identifying some materials and telling me what the object is and what it's made out of.

So this is my model, this is my example of what you're going to write.

So here I have a bottle and you can see the arrow is pointing to the bottle.

My first sentence is identifying what the object is and what the material is.

So the object is a bottle, the material is plastic.

Then I'm going to, I'm going to write that sentence in my book because it's got a little pencil next to it.

So I know I need to write that one down, but then my next sentence, the bottle is made from plastic.

So I'm going to put that sentence that I'm writing down together, but I'm going to say it.

You can see I've got some little speech bubbles here to help me, so I'm going to write down the object is a bottle, the material is plastic.

Then I'm going to say the bottle is made from plastic.

Okay, are you ready for your one? So, the object is a.

fill in the gap.

The material is a.

Then you're going to write down the object is made from.

So you're going to write down what the object is and what the material is and then you can say it all together.

Pause the video and do that now.

Well done, now pick up your colour pencil.

We're going to tick or fix.

We're going to check our answers, are you ready? The object is a window, did you get that right? The material is glass, well done.

So then I will say out loud, the window is made from glass.

Did you write that down? The object is a window, the material is glass.

If you didn't write that down, you can now fix your sentence by pausing the video and checking your answers with your coloured pens.

You're going to write the correct answer in a coloured pen.

Well done, ready for the next one.

The object is a.

the material is.

So you're going to write that first sentence down then you're going to tell me what the object is made from.

Pause the video, have a go at that now.

Look very carefully at what the arrow is pointing at.

Well done, now let's check out our answers, pick up your colour pen or pencil.

So the object is a table, did you get that one? The material is wood.

The table is made from wood.

So the object is this table, the material is wood.

You can pause the video and check your answers now, otherwise you can tick it if you've got it right.

Okay, now it's time for our pause point.

What is this object made from? So pause the video and answer to the question and then resume when you're done.

What is this, what's material is this object made from? So I have an example here for you.

Here is the object, it's a tin can.

It's what soup or baked beans come in.

It is made from metal, what's it made from? Metal, good job.

Okay, now it's time for a little bit of a challenge before we end our lesson.

How many objects and materials can you identify in this picture? So here, what objects can you see? So I can see a book, what can you see? Good, a pencil and a sharpener.

What is the book laying on, do you think? A table, well done.

Now, can we see how many different materials you can identify? So I'd like you to pause the video and have a look for how many different materials you can see.

So I might say the table is made from wood, it's your turn.

Well done, let's check.

So here we have got wood, which is the table and the pencil are made from wood.

We then got the book, which is made from paper and then we've got the sharpener, which is made from metal, great job.

Now, here is our observation for this week.

This is what I want you to do in your own time.

How many different objects can you find? And can you identify their materials? So you can identify what they are made of.

So you're going to pick something up.

So I might pick up this card that I've got.

So this is a card, it is made from paper.

You can have a go at doing that for your observation.

So let's find out.

You're going to pick up an object, You're going to identify what it is, so this is a card, and then you're going to identify what it's made from.

The card is made from paper.

So first, pick up the object, identify what it is, the object, and then identify the material.

Now it's time for our drum roll, I'm sure you know, what's coming next.

Are you ready? Drum roll Three second drum roll, ready? Three, two, one, it's time for our end of lesson quiz, woo hoo, and you can see, I put my little face there as a cartoon.

It's our end of lesson quiz.

There are three questions that you need to answer.

Can you get them all right? Amazing, okay.

Now, can you remember what I said at the start of the lesson? Can you identify what material is shown in my background? What is it? It's plastic, well done.

The bricks are made from plastic, great job.

You have worked so hard today, and you've learned lots of new things about objects and materials.

Have a go at doing your observation after you've done your quiz.

Remember, pick something up, say what it is.

So it could be a shoe and then telling it, saying out loud, what it is made from.

Have a great rest of your day and I will see you next time, bye.