
Lesson video

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- , Madame Johnson, Welcome to today's lesson.

Now today's lesson is called, What is it like? Describe things.

And it's part one of two lessons on this topic.

We're going to focus today on some regular adjective agreements, and we're going to revisit adjective order too.

Now I hope that you've got yourself into a quiet place, ideally with no distractions, so that you can really concentrate on today's lesson.

You're also going to need something to write with and something to write on.

So that could be your class exercise book, or that could be just a piece of paper.

Let's get going.

On the screen now, you will see the plan for today's lesson.

Please have a read of what it is we're going to be doing today.

On the screen now, you can see some of the language that I will be using throughout today's lesson.

In fact, I just used that phrase at the top, to ask if you were ready.

You'll hear a variety of these, but you'll most of all hear the one at the bottom there , when I ask you to pause the video and complete an activity.

Please take a minute now to pause the video and to refresh yourself with this language.

As always, we're going to start with some of the sounds of French.

Now it's really, really important that we practise the sounds of French like this little and often, as it really helps when we come to trying to pronounce French words.

And the sound that we're going to focus on today is a sound associated with this graphing.

Now this graphing makes an ee-uh sound, okay? Ee-uh.

Once more.


Super, you might have seen this in the quite common word, bien.



We will say three other words that contain this graphing.

You might recognise them.



Now you might be able to tell from the picture.

What does that mean, ? It means old.



It means how much or how many.



And that, as you can tell, means nothing.

Let's just repeat these once more.


Combien? Rien.


Now for today's vocabulary.

So these are some of the words that we will see this lesson and next lesson.

I'm going to say each one.

Please repeat the words after me.

You will see that the English meaning comes up on each slide.








And grosse.



I would now like you to point to the word that I say and say the correct French word.

So I'm going to be saying words in English here.

Please point to and say out loud the correct French word for less.

Did you say moins? Please point to and say correct word for large.

Gros or grosse is correct.

That's why you have masculine and feminine forms there for gros and grosse and gentil and gentille.










Yeah, moins is correct again.


Gentil is correct.


On the screen now, you have all of the words together.

We're going to use some of them this lesson, and some of them next lesson.

We're going to move on to the grammar point of our lesson now.

Next lesson, you'll have a chance to write down this vocabulary, but of course, if you find it really useful to have the lesson vocabulary in front of you, you may pause the video here and make a note of the words.

If not, let's keep going.

Our first grammar focus today is looking at regular adjective agreement.

Now we have seen before that adjectives need to agree with the noun that they describe.

Such as Il est amusant or Elle est amusante.

We add the E because instead of he is funny, for Il est amusant, we have, she is funny and we say, Elle est amusante.

We pronounce the E at the end of the adjective, amusante.

Now an E is added.

Now meilleur from our vocabulary list follows the same pattern.

So we add an E to meilleur when the thing we are describing is feminine.

Now can you remember what meilleur means? It means better.

Now can you remember what happens when the adjective already ends in an E? That's correct, it doesn't change.

So it stays as Elle if you're describing she instead of he.

So he is sad and she is sad.

Nothing changes.

Now in our vocabulary list, there is one word that follows this pattern, and that is pire.

Okay, pire does not change regardless of whether it is masculine or feminine.

Now, can you remember what pire means in English? Well done, it means worse.


Now today, we're going to look at some other regular adjective agreements, for example, gros, meaning big or large.

And too, grosse, in the feminine form, Now, if the noun is plural and masculine, it doesn't change.

But if it is feminine and plural we do add an S on the end, grosse.

And notice the pronunciation difference here between gros and grosse.

Now, this adjective goes before the noun in French.

For more on this, I suggest you see unit three, lesson nine, describe people and things.

I'd like you to make a note of this rule please.

Some adjectives add N-N-E on the end, such as bon, meaning good, which in the plural form adds an S , and bonne, meaning good as well, but for feminine nouns.

Also adding an S if the feminine noun is plural.

So bon and bonne.

Notice the slight difference in pronunciation there between bon and bonne.

Just like gros and grosse, this adjective also goes before the noun.

Now some adjectives, such as gentil, meaning kind, add L-L-E on the end.

So gentil in the plural form also adds an S and feminine form, we have gentille, like that, okay? With L-L-E on the end.

Also, however, in the plural adding an S.

We're going to do some spelling practise now.

So can you remember? If you can do this without looking back at your notes, amazing.

If you need to check, of course, feel free.

Can you remember how to spell big and large, meaning here in masculine form, and big and large in the feminine form? Please pause the video, try to spell these two words and play the video when you're ready to see your answers.

Let's see how you got on.

So gros for big or large, masculine and grosse for big or large in the feminine form.

Now same again, good masculine and good feminine.

Let's take a look.

Bon and bonne.

More spelling practise, please.

Kind and kind.

How did you get on? Let's see.

Gentil and gentille.


Now some other adjectives follow these patterns that we have seen today.

Okay, if ending in an S-S-E, N-N-E or L-L-E.

Now here on the left hand side of the screen, you have some adjectives in the masculine form.

Now I'd like you, before I show you the feminine form, to try to guess the feminine form of these adjectives based on the rest of the word and the rule that you have just seen.

So please have a go at writing the feminine form of these adjectives in your notes.

When you're ready to see the answers, please press play again.

So naturel was naturelle, okay? Follow that pattern.

Please correct your work.

Professionnel, professionnelle.

Again, please make any corrections that you need.

Cruel, cruelle.




Okay, that one has a really strong pronunciation difference there too.

Ancien goes to ancienne, super.

Traditionel, traditionelle.

And Europeen, europeenne.

Now if you need to pause to make your corrections or to copy the correct answers, please.

It's now time for a listening activity.


For each number, one to five, you're going to listen to the adjective I say and write down the correct adjective.

You'll have a choice of two adjectives on your screen.

You need to listen really, really carefully, especially to the ends of the words, hearing how they are pronounced.

Okay, so you're choosing the correct words.



Now you should have written down gros, like that.

Because if it was the other word, it would be grosse.



Now for europeenne you needed to write down a europeenne, like that, because otherwise it would be europeen.

Okay, very slight difference there.

But europeenne, the feminine form would be correct.



So it should be dangereuse, like that.

The feminine form of dangerous.



You needed bon, like that.



It was the masculine form, ancien, okay? As opposed to ancienne, which would be the feminine form.

Now let's move on to our second grammar focus for today.

Revisiting adjective order.

Now we know that in French, most adjectives go after the noun, such as, un livre interesant, reading an interesting book.

Une femme intelligente.

An intelligent woman.

Une voiture bleue.

A blue car is correct.

Un homme drole.

A funny man, super.

Une maison moderne.

Modern house, excellent.

However, in French, some adjectives go before the noun.

Now, a nice way to remember which adjectives go before the noun is if they refer to, beauty, age, good or bad or size.

Okay, so BAGS.

That is a nice way to remember.

Now this was part of a previous lesson.

So should you wish to revisit adjective order and do more detail on this, you need to look at unit three, lesson nine, okay? Describing people and things.

Otherwise you could just make a note of it now.

It's now time for a speaking activity.

Now for this speaking activity, I would like to say the sentence on the screen, but including the correct adjective from the list of adjectives.

You have five seconds for each one.

So here you have your sentence in the grey and then you have your words to choose from in the list of adjectives.

Please say the sentence, including the correct adjective.

Did you say, un gros parc? meaning a large park, super.

Can you say the sentence including the correct adjective.

Did you say une fille gentille? Kind girl.

Un bon film would be correct, super.

Une idee dangereuse.


Une grosse pomme.

It's important to point out that gros and grosse can also mean fat, okay? They can mean big and large, but they can also mean fat.

So just really useful to know, depending on the context of the sentence.

It's time for a writing activity now.

And for this writing activity, I would like to correct the mistakes in sentences, and then copy the correct sentences into your book.

So I would like you to write down everything that's on the screen, but correcting the French.

If you would like some further support, you can continue to watch.

Likewise, if you are looking at this and think you would like some further challenge, continue to watch.


Here is your further support.

I've highlighted the words that are wrong.

There is a problem with all of the highlighted words.

Please copy the correct sentences into your book.

For more of a challenge, you have the same activity, correcting the mistakes in the sentences, but the sentences are ever so slightly more complex.

Please pause the video here and have a go at correcting the mistakes in these sentences.

Time for some feedback now.

Make sure that you've got a different colour pen and get ready to correct your work.

Now, in bold are any words with mistakes in, but these words are now correct.

Okay, please, if you did one of the first two options, so you did the normal writing task or the support writing task, please pause the video here and correct your work.

If you did the challenge activity, please continue to watch.

Here are the answers to the challenge activity.

Please pause the video and correct your work.

It's now time to summarise our learning.

I would like you for your summary today to write the masculine and feminine forms of these adjectives down.

You have five different adjectives to write down in French, please.

Let's take a look at your answers.

So big and large, or as I said, fat, gros and grosse.

Kind, gentil and gentille, Professional.

Professionnel, professionnelle.

Good, bon and bonne, and dangerous, dangereux or dangereuse.


Please make any corrections that you need to, of course pausing the video if necessary.

A big well done and I thank you for your concentration and your hard work today.

You've done a fantastic job.

Now we continue to look at these adjectives and to make them into comparative sentences.

So using them to compare two things in part two of this lesson.

So please do move on to part two when you're ready.

However, before then, if you'd like to go back in the lesson, in the video, and rewatch any bits or redo some of the grammar activities, you can, but when you feel ready, it would be brilliant if you could move on to today's exit quiz to see how much you have learned today.

Now in the meantime, take care and I hope to see you again soon.