Hello everyone.
My name is Miss Baron.
It's really great to meet you all.
Now, there's something that you should know about me.
I love stories.
I love telling stories.
I love writing stories and I love making up stories.
And it just so happens that we are going to do all of those things together in the next two units.
In these units, we are going to learn how to describe things.
And I'm really excited about that because I think that writers have a bit like painters.
Painters use that paint brushes, don't they? To paint pictures that they hope people will want to look at.
Now, writers use their words to paint really clear pictures in people's imaginations so that people want to listen to and read their stories.
And I'm going to teach you how to describe things really clearly, really vividly so that people want to listen to you and read your stories.
Now I've got a friend who's going to help us out from time to time in this unit, but he's refusing to come out until you guess what kind of animal he is.
So I'm going to describe him for you.
I'm going to give you some clues.
See if you can guess what kind of animal he is from my description.
You ready? He has brown fur, hands, feet and a long tail.
He is very chatty and likes to howl a lot.
He smells like the jungle.
He smells like the bark of trees and the muddy jungle floor.
He is soft and silky and sleek to touch.
I wonder if you guess what kind of animal he is yet? I'll give you one last clue.
He is playful, mischievous and clever.
Go on.
Tell us what kind of animal you think he is.
Tell me to your screen now.
Say I think he is.
Well, I think you're going to have to come out now because they've guessed it.
They've guessed what kind of animal you are.
Are you ready to meet him? This is Marcel.
Marcel is a monkey.
You guessed right.
Now, can you say hello to Marcel? Say hello, Marcel.
Marcel is saying hello back to you.
Oh, hang on a second.
What's that? Oh, you want to sing the description song? Great idea.
Marcel and I love this song.
In fact, it's Marcel's favourite song at the moment.
He just can't stop singing it.
So are you ready to hear it? It goes like this, ♪ Description ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ Description ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ Description ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ How shall we do it? ♪ ♪ How does it look ♪ ♪ How does it sound ♪ ♪ How does it smell ♪ ♪ How does it taste ♪ ♪ How does it feel ♪ ♪ That's how you do it ♪ So that is our description song and Marcel and I are going to teach that song to you a bit later in the lesson, but for now, let's tell you what you're going to do today.
So as you know, I love telling stories.
And today I'm going to tell you one of my favourite stories.
So in this lesson, you are going to listen and respond to a story.
And this is what the lesson is going to look like in a bit more detail.
First, we are going to do a quick spreading activity, then it story time.
And you're going to listen to me tell the story.
And after that, we are going to draw and label our favourite moment.
So in this lesson, you will need an exercise book or a piece of paper to write on and a pencil to write with.
So pause the video now and go and get those things if you need to.
Now, then let's begin with our spending activity.
Have a look at the words in the white boxes on your screen.
What do you notice? Pause the video now and have a think about what you notice.
You're back and ready to tell me what you notice.
So tell me in a full sentence, starting I noticed that.
Tell me to your screen now.
Well spotted.
You notice that all of the words in the second white box end in ful, F-U-L, ful.
Now, I wonder if you can remember what we call a letter or group of letters that we add to the ending of a word that changes its meaning.
Can you remember? Have a go.
Tell me to your screen now and start your sentence, I think we call it a.
Tell me to your screen what you think.
Well done.
Well remembered and well done for having a go.
It is called a suffix, isn't it? A suffix is a letter or group of letters that we add to the end of a word that changes its meaning.
So today we are learning about the suffix ful, spelled F-U-L Now notice that when we add the suffix ful, the spelling of the root word doesn't change, does it? So let's have a closer look at the words in the white boxes there.
Let's read the words in the first white box together.
Ready? Help, harm, care, fear, watch, use.
Now let's read them in the second white box.
Helpful, harmful, careful, fearful, watchful, useful.
So notice that the spelling of the root word doesn't change when we add the suffix F-U-L, ful, but it does change the meaning of the word.
So how does it change the meaning of the word? Let's have a look at that.
Ful means being full of or having lots of, for example, fearful means being full of fear.
And when we add the suffix ful, it changes the word to make it an adjective.
So the words helpful, harmful, careful, fearful, watchful, and useful or adjectives that we use to describe.
So let's have a look it's helpful.
Helpful means being full of help.
Having lots of help.
For example, my brother was very helpful cooking dinner last night.
Harmful means being full of harm.
For example, the Wolf and little red riding hood was very harmful.
Careful means being full of care, having lots of care.
So for example, little red riding hood should be very careful when she walks into the woods alone.
And let's do one more.
Useful means being full of use.
So for example, the map was very useful when I went tracking through the mountains.
Now, you've heard me put some of those adjectives ending in ful into my own sentences.
I would like you to choose at least three and put them into sentences of your own now.
So here's another example for you.
Little red riding hood was fearful of the big bad Wolf.
Now you don't have to write these down.
You can, if you would like to, or you can just make them up and say them out loud.
Pause the video now and have a go at putting some of those words into your own sentences.
Now let's get onto our story.
In our story today, you are going to meet a very special animal called a coyote.
Now coyotes live in North America.
They roam the Plains and forests of North America, which gives you a clue as to where our story today is from.
So should we have a look at a picture of a coyote? This is a coyote.
Now, before I tell the story, I would like us to just think quickly about how we would describe coyote using four senses.
So have a look at the sentence stems in the green box.
Looks like, sounds like, smells like and feels.
So have a close look at that picture.
Now I would like you to think about how you would describe coyote using those four sentence stems using those four senses.
So pause the video now and have a go at that.
Amazing efforts.
So I would love to hear your favourite sentence using one of those senses.
So tell me to your screen now.
Tell me your favourite sentence.
Brilliant efforts.
I love how clearly I can now picture coyote in my mind because of the way that you've described him using the senses.
So let me share my sentences with you.
This is how I described him using the senses.
Looks like a big dog with long pointy ears.
Sounds like a Wolf when it howls, smells like a rubbish bin because it's scavenges for rubbish feels rough when you touch him.
And we're going to find out in our story today, why coyotes fur is so rough.
So are you ready to hear this story? Let's begin.
It's story time.
It's story time.
So make sure you're sitting somewhere comfortable.
Make sure you're sitting somewhere quiet.
Let's begin with our story chance.
♪ It's story time.
♪ ♪ It's story time.
♪ ♪ Look, listen, learn, join in with me.
♪ ♪ It's story time.
♪ ♪ It's story time.
♪ ♪ Look, listen, learn.
♪ This is a native American story.
It is a story full of bravery, a story for the excitement, a story for the drama.
It is the story of coyotes heroic quest to save the human race.
This is the story of how coyote brought fire to earth.
In the beginning, the world and all its creatures were made.
Most of the animals were made with fur, which kept them warm at night.
But the humans were made with hardly any further at all.
At night, they huddled and shivered.
It was so cold.
Many of their children died from the cold.
The humans called an urgent meeting to which they invited all of the animals to ask for their help.
All of the birds and animals of the forest came to the meeting and listened.
"We must have warmth at night," said the human chief, "without it, we will surely die." The nights are getting colder and colder and we have no fur to keep us warm.
The sun warms us by day, but we must have a piece of it at night.
Will anyone bring us a piece of the sun? All of the animals turn to look at each other as if he were mad.
What a question? They thought, just then coyote popped up and said, I will do it.
I will help you leave it to me.
Let me see what I can do.
And with that brave coyote, trotted off through forest, up through the Meadows, up the mountains and into the sky.
He went through the sky door into the sky worlds, there he crept carefully and slowly to the blazing sun.
When he got there, he saw that the sun was a great blazing scorching ball of fire, carefully guarded by fire guardians, huge giants with hands as big as mountains and legs as long as rivers.
Never blinking, eyes blazing, they constantly watched the sun making sure that no thief ever tried to steal a piece of its fire.
Now coyote hid behind a bush, he watched and he waited.
For a long time nothing happened.
Then the fire guardian standing by the son spoke, "Brother!" He boomed, "I'm hungry.
Come and take my place" With that, he walked away from his position by the sun back to the hut.
And for a few moments the sun was left unguarded.
A minute later, a second fire guardian appeared even larger, even more ferocious than the first.
And he went to take his brother's place by the sun.
Coyote continued to watch and wait.
A while later that second fire guardian spoke, "Brother!" He boomed," I'm hungry.
Come and take my place." He walked away from the sun back to the hut, again leaving it unguarded for a few moments until a third fire guardian appeared to take his place.
Now coyote thoughts and thought and thought and finally came up with a clever cunning plan.
And just as he turned to quick back to the sky door, back to the forest, his claw caught on a leaf on the grounds.
It rustled softly.
The fire guardians had huge ears and heard everything.
"Who's there?" He bellowed, "Who comes to steal my fire? I will not allow it.
Run and I will burn you with my fire breath.
Show yourself and I will spare you." Coyote was not waiting around to find out.
He bolted back to through the sky, through the sky door, down the mountains, through the Meadows and back to the forest where everyone awaited his return.
"I can help," He said, "but I need help." White craw, white squirrel and singing frog all offered to help him.
He told them his plan.
They nodded and went off through the forest.
Brave coyote, went up through the Meadows, up the mountains and into the sky again.
He went through the sky door and up into the sky world.
Once again, he crept stealthily towards the blazing sun.
Again, he hid behind his bush and he waited.
When the fire guardian went to trade places with his brother when it was time for him to eat, coyote sees his chance.
The sun was left unguarded.
He knew, he had just a few moments, so he nipped out from behind his bush and snatched a piece of the fire in his mouth.
And he crept back towards the sky door.
When that second fire guardian appeared and realised that a piece of his sun fire had been stolen, he was furious.
"Who has stolen my fire? Show yourself.
Where is the thief?" The fire guardian sniff the air.
He could smell the burning trail of the fire and he began to chase coyote with huge giant strides.
Coyote rocketed through the sky, through the sky door, he could feel his mouth burning then he could feel his fur burning.
He was completely on fire.
The fire guardian was chasing him, getting closer and closer and closer.
By the time coyote reached the mountain, his fur was black all over.
The fire guardian was just about to reach out and grab coyote when at that moment there was white crow waiting.
"White crow here, catch!" Shouted coyote.
And threw white crow the piece of fire.
White crow caught it in her beak and flew down the mountain as fast as she could.
The fire guardian close behind her.
As she ran, she could feel her beak burning.
She felt her beautiful white feathers burning.
And by the time she got to the bottom of the mountain, they were black as night.
Just then the fire guardian was about to reach out and grab her when there was white squirrel.
"White squirrel!" Shouted white crow, "Here catch, it's your turn." And she threw the piece of fire to white squirrel, who caught it in his paws.
He ran and ran and ran as fast as his legs would carry him through the Meadows, being chased all the time by the fire guardian who was getting closer and closer and closer, white squirrel felt his paws on fire.
He felt his fur burning.
He carried on running until his fur was ash grey.
And just then the fire guardian got so close that he just reached out was about to grab white squirrel when there was singing frog.
"Singing fog!" called white squirrel, "Here catch, it's your turn." And he threw the piece of fire to singing frog who caught it in her throat.
Singing frog swallow to the piece of fire and hopped hopped hopped through the forest.
She could feel the fire burning her throat, but she kept hopping.
She kept going.
All the time the fire giant was getting closer and closer and closer.
And he was just about to reach out and grab singing frog when there was tree.
Singing frog shouted, "Tree, tree, it's your turn here catch." And coughed up the piece of fire.
It flew through the air and landed inside tree's trunk.
And as soon as the fire was safely inside tree's trunk, tree closed up her trunk to keep the fire safe from the fire guardian forevermore.
And that is why from that day to this fire lives inside wood.
And if you don't believe me, next time you go to a bonfire, you can see for yourself.
And that is why from that day to this, frogs do not have lovely singing voices, they just croak.
And that is why from that day to this crows are black and squirrels are grey.
And what of the fire giants? Well, they still live up in the sky world, guarding the sun, making sure no one comes to steal a piece of the sun fire ever again.
And sometimes they look down on earth and they look at the fires that humans make and they grumble.
They grumble about the time when coyote came to steal a piece of that sun fire.
And that is when we get thunder.
That is the story of how coyote saved the humans.
That is the story of how coyote brought fire to earth.
I hope you enjoyed that story.
I wonder what your favourite moment was.
My favourite moment was when we meet the fire guardians for the first time, we find out how huge and ferocious they are with their hands, as big as mountains and their legs as long as rivers.
What was your favourite moment? Can you tell me in a full sentence now starting my favourite moment was.
Go on tell me to your screen.
Really interesting.
Lots of different favourite moments.
It's such an exciting story, isn't it? It's really hard to pick just one favourite moment.
I heard lots of you say that you really liked the ending.
I really liked the ending of that story too, because we find out some really interesting things, don't we? We find out why fire lives in woods, why frogs croak, why crows are black and why squirrels are grey.
So now that we've talked about that, let's draw and label our favourite moments.
Here it is.
So my favourite moment is when we first meet the fire guardians, wasn't it? So here is a picture of that moment.
You can see coyote hiding behind the bush and there is the huge fierce fire giant guarding the sun.
And you can see his hands, biggest mountains, his legs as long as rivers, his fiery hair and his mean ferocious space.
So that is my picture.
I would like you to pause the video now and draw a picture of your favourite moment in the story.
So now you've drawn your picture.
You are ready to label it, to describe that scene or moment in a bit more detail.
So let me talk you through the labels that I have used to describe my scene in a bit more detail.
Scorching ball of fire, I've used that to describe this sun.
Fiery hair, hands as big as mountains, legs as long as rivers, those describe what the fire guardian looks like.
So that I can paint a really clear picture of him in my mind.
I've said something about the personality of the fire giants as well.
Mean and fierce fire giants.
Brave coyote.
And I wanted to use the word brave to show what's his personality is like to show you what his main qualities as a character, He's brave, isn't he? And I've said hiding behind a bush to show what he's doing.
So that is how I have labelled my picture.
I would like you to pause the video now and write some labels to describe your picture in a bit more detail.
Pause the video and do that.
That brings us to the end of today's learning.
Well done feel super hard work today.
Now I know that Marcel also wanted to say, well done.
Where has he gone to? Can you call him with me? Say, Marcel! Marcel! Oh, here he is.
Marcel, where have you been? Now Marcel wants to say a big well done too.
And he also wants to sing his description song again.
He wants to teach it to you.
Remember he promised that he was going to do that at the beginning of the lesson.
In fact, he's been singing it next door the whole time while I've been teaching you.
So are you ready? We're going to sing the first verse first.
Gosh, that sounds awful.
We're going to sing the first verse first and you can join in as soon as you're ready.
So are you ready Marcel? He's ready.
Let's go.
♪ Description ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ Description ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ Description ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ Okay, so let's sing that verse again.
Join in with us.
You ready? ♪ Description ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ Description ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ Description ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ Okay and the next verse.
So let's do two lines at a time.
It's the first two lines go like this.
♪ How does it look ♪ ♪ How does it sound ♪ So joining with me.
♪ How does it look ♪ ♪ How does it sound ♪ Brilliant.
The next two lines.
♪ How does it smell ♪ ♪ How does it taste ♪ Sing those lines with me? ♪ How does it smell ♪ ♪ How does it taste ♪ And then the last two lines.
♪ How does it feel ♪ ♪ That's how you do it.
♪ Brilliant.
So we slow down a bit in the last two lines.
Ready? ♪ How does it feel ♪ ♪ That's how you do it.
♪ Gosh, can you hear how loudly Marcel is singing? Almost deafening me.
So are you ready? Let's sing it all the way through now from the top.
Let's go.
♪ Description ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ Description ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ Description ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ How does it look ♪ ♪ How does it sound ♪ ♪ How does it smell ♪ ♪ How does it taste ♪ ♪ How does it feel ♪ ♪ That's how you do it ♪ Brilliant job.
Well done.
Thank you for joining in with us.
I wonder if you sang as loudly as Marcel did.
So that's all from us today and we look forward to seeing you in lesson two, when you are going to become the storyteller yourself.
You are going to learn to tell the story of coyote yourself from memory so that you can tell it to who ever you like.
So for now we will say goodbye.
We can't wait to see you in lesson two.