- ♪ Hello, everyone.
It's time to sing a song.
♪ ♪ It's time to sing a song.
It's time to sing a song.
♪ ♪ This is Music Time.
It's time to sing some songs.
♪ Well, hello, friends.
I hope you are doing well today.
We're going to go on another journey to the garden, and we're going to get super busy in the veggie patch today.
We're going to start by singing our new song about jobs to do.
I hope you've thought of lots of jobs we can be doing today.
Then we are going to look at all of the plants that are growing so high.
And finally, we're going to have to do a little bit of chopping in the garden.
You will need your singing voice, your listening ears, and of course, your imagination.
Right then, everybody, we've got to get warmed up because we're doing lots of very important jobs in the garden today.
So let's start with our big gardening boots, and let's stamp our feet nice and loudly.
♪ Stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp ♪ ♪ Ready, steady, off we go.
♪ ♪ It's time to stamp our feet.
It's time to stamp our feet.
♪ ♪ This is Music Time.
It's time to stamp our feet.
♪ Okay, right then, everybody, time to go running around the garden.
♪ Running, running, running, running, ♪ ♪ It's time to run in the garden.
♪ ♪ It's time to run in the garden.
♪ ♪ This is Music Time.
It's time to run in the garden.
♪ ♪ Running, running, running, running, ♪ ♪ running, running, stop.
♪ ♪ It's time to do a little dance.
We'll get dancing.
♪ ♪ Time to do a little dance.
♪ ♪ This is Music Time.
It's time to do a little dancing.
♪ A little bit more.
Do some jumping.
♪ Time to jump around.
It's time to jump around.
♪ ♪ This is Music Time.
It's time to jump around.
♪ Phew! My goodness me.
Are you ready to get going? We've got lots of jobs to do, but we're definitely ready to do them.
♪ The sun is out.
Let's give a shout.
Hey, hey, hey! ♪ Can you give a shout with me three times? Can we go, "Hey, hey, hey?" One, two, three.
Hey, hey, hey! Well done, everybody.
This is my favourite part of this song is when we get to shout really loudly.
♪ The sun is out, let's give a shout.
♪ Hey, hey, hey! I think you can shout a bit louder than that, everybody.
♪ Sun is out, let's give a shout.
Hey, hey, hey! ♪ ♪ I love my garden, yes I do.
♪ ♪ I've got some jobs to do.
I've got some jobs to do.
♪ ♪ The sun is out.
Let's give a shout.
Hey, hey, hey! ♪ ♪ I love my garden, yes I do.
♪ Now everybody, we've got lots of jobs to do today in the garden.
What kind of jobs might we need to do in the garden? Hmm.
♪ I've got some digging to do.
♪ Okay, everybody, get your imaginary shovel and do some digging.
I could use my ukulele like a shovel or maybe this way around.
Can you get your shovel? Big spade because we're going to do.
♪ I've got some digging to do.
I've got some digging to do.
♪ ♪ The sun is out.
Let's give a shout.
Hey, hey, hey! ♪ ♪ I love my garden, yes I do.
♪ What's next? ♪ We've done some digging.
♪ ♪ Now let's do some weeding.
♪ Pull out those weeds.
♪ I've got some weeding to do.
I've got some weeding to do.
♪ ♪ The sun is out, let's give a shout.
Hey, hey, hey! ♪ ♪ I love my garden, yes I do.
♪ You think of another one? Hmm.
♪ I've got some sowing to do.
♪ Going to sow some seeds.
Let's sow our seeds.
♪ I've got some sowing to do.
♪ ♪ The sun is out.
Let's give a shout.
Hey, hey, hey! ♪ ♪ I love my garden, yes I do.
♪ Can you think of another job? ♪ I've got some.
to do.
I've got some.
to do.
♪ ♪ The sun is out.
Let's give a shout.
Hey, hey, hey! ♪ ♪ I love my garden, yes I do.
♪ Can you think of another one? Okay, I'm going to leave a little gap.
♪ I've got some.
to do.
I've got some.
to do.
♪ ♪ The sun is out.
Let's give a shout.
Hey, hey, hey! ♪ ♪ I love my garden, yes I do.
♪ Okay, here's my last one.
We've definitely got to do some watering.
♪ I've got some watering to do.
♪ ♪ I've got some watering to do.
♪ ♪ The sun is out.
Let's give a shout.
Hey, hey, hey! ♪ ♪ I love my garden, yes I do.
♪ Phew! What a lot of jobs we've done today.
We did the digging.
We did the sowing.
We did the weeding.
Then we did two of your jobs, and finally we watered everything.
Thank goodness the sun was out.
Right then, everybody, have you seen those plants? They are growing so high up to the sky.
Can you stretch up really high? Can you go all the way to the ground? ♪ All the plants are growing so high.
♪ ♪ The wind blows east.
The wind blows west.
♪ ♪ And when the wind stops, they come to a rest.
♪ Well done, everybody.
Did you go all the way from the ground up to the sky? See if you can stretch even further the next time.
Okay so, the plants are growing high, but which plants are growing high? Hmm, let me look around my garden.
I can see that the beans are growing really high.
♪ All the beans are growing so high.
♪ ♪ The wind blows east.
The wind blows west.
♪ ♪ And when the wind stops, they come to a rest.
♪ Ooh, it's very windy.
Those beans were blowing all over the place.
What else grows really high in the garden? Beans go up high.
Also peas grow high.
♪ Let's see if they go a little bit higher.
Off we go.
♪ ♪ All the peas are growing so high.
♪ ♪ The wind blows east.
The wind blows west.
♪ ♪ And when the wind stops, they come to a rest.
♪ Phew! Right.
♪ What grows even higher than beans and peas? ♪ What else grows really, really high? Can you think of anything? Oh! I know.
Fruit trees grow really high, don't they? I've got an apple tree that I can see in this garden.
♪ Should we sing all the trees? Off we go.
♪ ♪ All the trees are growing so high.
♪ ♪ The wind blows east.
The wind blows west.
♪ ♪ And when the wind stops, they come to a rest.
♪ Can you think of another plant that grows high? We thought of beans and peas and trees.
Can you think of another plant that grows really, really high? Why don't you pause the video, and you can sing the song again with your high plants.
Don't forget to do the actions and sing super, super high when you get up there.
It's time to take everything we found in the garden today and start doing some cooking.
What veggies do you think I've brought from my veggie patch? What vegetables am I going to put in my big pot? ♪ Chop, chop, choppety chop.
♪ ♪ Chop off the bottom, and chop off the top.
♪ ♪ What there is left we'll put in the pot.
♪ ♪ Chop, chop, choppety chop.
♪ Would you like to join in with the actions this time? ♪ Ready, steady, off we go.
♪ ♪ Chop, chop, choppety chop.
♪ ♪ Chop off the bottom, and chop off the top.
♪ ♪ What there is left we'll put in the pot.
♪ ♪ Chop, chop, choppety chop.
♪ ♪ Very good.
♪ Let's go one more time with all the actions and the words.
Off we go.
♪ Chop, chop, choppety chop.
♪ ♪ Chop off the bottom, and chop off the top.
♪ ♪ What there is left we'll put in the pot.
♪ ♪ Chop, chop, choppety chop.
♪ Get your big spoon ready.
♪ Stir it round.
Stir it round.
♪ ♪ Taste and see what you have found.
♪ What do you think's in my big vegetable stew? I'll tell you the first vegetable I put in there was a carrot.
Can you guess the next one? ♪ Chop, chop, choppety chop.
♪ ♪ Chop off the bottom, and chop off the top.
♪ ♪ What there is left we'll put in the pot.
♪ ♪ Chop, chop, choppety chop.
♪ ♪ Stir it round.
Stir it round.
♪ ♪ Taste and see what you have found.
♪ That vegetable was only this big.
What do you think it was? No, it was a potato! Can you think of a vegetable you're going to chop this time? ♪ Ready, steady, off we go.
♪ ♪ Chop, chop, choppety chop.
♪ ♪ Chop off the bottom, and chop off the top.
♪ ♪ What there is left we'll put in the pot.
♪ ♪ Chop, chop, choppety chop.
♪ ♪ Stir it round.
Stir it round.
♪ ♪ Taste and see what we have found.
♪ Hmm.
Let me just taste again.
I think you put in a beetroot.
Was it a beetroot? No, oh dear.
Shall we try one more time? I'm going to guess one more time.
♪ Chop, chop, choppety chop.
♪ ♪ Chop off the bottom.
Chop off the top.
♪ ♪ What there is left we'll put in the pot.
♪ ♪ Chop, chop, choppety chop.
♪ ♪ Stir it round.
Stir it round.
♪ ♪ Taste and see what we have found.
♪ Ooh, is it some corn on the cob? Oh, maybe I got it right.
Maybe I didn't get it right.
Would you like to play it again? Okay, you can play it again, and see if the person or the toy that you're with can guess what vegetable you're putting in the pot.
Well friends, we've had such a good day in the veggie patch.
We got busy, first of all, by doing lots of different jobs with our new song.
And I loved your shouting in the sunshine.
Then we looked at all of the different plants that were growing super high.
And finally, we collected our vegetables and put them into a delicious vegetable stew.
Don't forget, if you'd like to share your musical learning with your teacher at school or with some of your friends or family, you could maybe send them a photo or a video of what you've been doing today.
And if there's an adult in your home who would like to post your musical learning on social media, they can do so by tagging us @OakNational or using the hashtag #LearnwithOak.
Well, it's been so fun, but it's gone so quickly today, hasn't it? Shall we get our waving hands ready? Don't forget to sing.
♪ Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, it's nearly the end.
♪ ♪ Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, ♪ ♪ It's been so fun to sing with you, my friends.
♪ ♪ Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, but now we've got to fly.
♪ ♪ Goodbye, everyone.
Goodbye, Mrs. Wright.