Year 8


The objective for this lesson is to understand the process of characterisation when creating a strong and believable character. Students will have the opportunity to learn and apply the key terminology of given circumstance, interpretation and motivation to bring to life the character in a script. Students will add more terminology to their growing 'toolbox' of physical and vocal skills.

Year 8


The objective for this lesson is to understand the process of characterisation when creating a strong and believable character. Students will have the opportunity to learn and apply the key terminology of given circumstance, interpretation and motivation to bring to life the character in a script. Students will add more terminology to their growing 'toolbox' of physical and vocal skills.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. This lesson explains more about characterisation, given circumstance, interpretation and motivation. Read monologue and demonstrate a few lines for annotation for given circumstance and interpretation. A chance to reflect on a character's motivation and initial thoughts on acting the monologue out.

Content guidance

  • Physical activity required.


Adult supervision recommended.


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4 Questions

What is a character?
Correct answer: A fictional person in a story
A person who performs in a play, film or television program
What is a monologue?
Correct answer: A long speech which a character says on their own
A quick exchange of dialogue with another character
Which term relates to planning where actors enter and exit a stage, as well as where they will stand?
Correct answer: Blocking
What are vocal skills?
How you use lights to communicate a character.
How you use your body to communicate a character.
Correct answer: How you use your voice to communicate a character.

5 Questions

What to actors call the process of creating a character?
Correct answer: Characterisation
What are given circumstances?
Creating your own ideas for a character.
Correct answer: The basic information about a character.
The motivation for the character
When interpreting the character for yourself, what do you use to help you?
The character's costume
Correct answer: The character's given circumstances
The character's motivation
What is a long speech that a character says on their own?
A duologue
Correct answer: A monologue
What are vocal skills?
How you use lights to communicate a character.
How you use your body to communicate a character
Correct answer: How you use your voice to communicate a character