Year 7

Creating newspaper headlines

I can create engaging headlines and subheadings.

Year 7

Creating newspaper headlines

I can create engaging headlines and subheadings.

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The purpose of a headline is to grab a reader's attention
  2. A headline should give an indication of the content of the news article
  3. Language devices are often used in headlines
  4. Sub-headings can be used to give more detail about a story

Common misconception

Headlines and subheadings are simply short

Headlines and subheadings must be crafted to fit the purpose of the article


  • Layout - The layout of a text describes how features such as words, information and images, are arranged and presented.

  • Headline - The headline is the title of an article.

  • Subheading - A subheading is a phrase used to introduce some text.

  • Pun - A pun is a joke making use of the different possible meanings of words that sound alike.

  • Alliteration - Alliteration is a technique where two or more words close together start with the same sound.

Get pupils to bring in newspaper articles and discuss the headlines and subheadings used to find more techniques used
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Contains subject matter which individuals may find upsetting.


Adult supervision suggested.


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6 Questions

In 'The Speckled Band', what is the name of the estate on which Julia Stoner died?
Roylott Estate.
Surrey Estate.
Correct answer: Stoke Moran.
Who is the prime suspect for the death of Julia in 'The Speckled Band'?
Her fiance.
Her sister.
Correct answer: Her stepfather.
What is a language device?
Correct answer: Any technique the writer uses to create an effect.
A piece of sophisticated punctuation.
Ambitious vocabulary.
What is rhyme?
Correct answer: Correspondence of sounds between words.
Repetition of words.
Creating an image in the reader's mind.
What is the purpose of a newspaper article?
To analyse a writer's work.
Correct answer: To inform the public of recent events.
To inform the public about a celebrity's life and background.
What could a newspaper about the events of 'The Speckled Band' report on?
Fire at Stoke Moran.
Correct answer: Julia Stoner's death at Stoke Moran.
Robbery at Stoke Moran.

6 Questions

Which is not a feature of a newspaper article?
Correct answer: Single word analysis.
What is the purpose of the headline in a newspaper article?
To detail all of the events.
To provide an image of the scene.
Correct answer: To hook the reader's attention.
What does a subheading need to be when used in a newspaper article?
Detailed and long.
Correct answer: Short and snappy.
What device is usually not used in a headline?
Correct answer: An extended metaphor.
A pun
Which headline below contains alliteration?
Stoke Moran Terror!
Correct answer: Stoner Sisters' Sinister Ordeal!
Menacing Doctor!
Which is the most effective headline?
A young woman died at Stoke Moran.
Correct answer: Menacing Murder at Moran.
Terror at the Mansion.