
Lesson video

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Hi, my name's Miss Toole, and this is Tabby Cat.

Tabby Cat and I love to get into role to retell different stories and different bits of information.

Today, we are going to be getting into the role of a news reporter to explain how Jack became rich.

Let's have a look what we're going to be doing today.

We're going to start off with some spellings.

Then we're going to read our new explanation, and then we're going to perform our explanation in role.

So today you are just going to need your fabulous self, a piece of paper and a pencil for spellings and your amazing brain.

So pause the video now to go and get your resources.

And when you're ready, you can press play.

As well as getting into role, Tabby and I love to sing songs.

So before we start our spelling, we would like to sing the song that we sang in our last lesson of this unit, based on "Jack and the Beanstalk." So I was wondering if you could remember it.

Don't worry if you can't, we're going to go through it fairly quickly and then we'll sing it together with our actions.

Are we ready, Tabby? I'm going to sit you there while we do our singing.

Perfect, okay.

So it starts off with, Jack sold his cow for magic beans.

So we went, ♪ Jack sold his cow for magic beans ♪ Think you could do that? ♪ Jack sold his cow for magic beans ♪ And then we talked about, what do the magic beans turn into? The beanstalk.

♪ The magic beans turned into a beanstalk ♪ Together.

♪ The magic beans turned into a beanstalk ♪ Once we've had a beanstalk, then what happened? Jack climbed the beanstalk.

♪ Jack climbed the beanstalk to the Giant's castle ♪ Good, altogether.

♪ Jack climbed the beanstalk to the Giant's castle ♪ ♪ And stole all the Giant's money ♪ Again.

♪ And stole all the Giant's money ♪ Perfect, right, let's put it all together.

Are we ready? ♪ Jack sold his cow for magic beans ♪ ♪ The magic beans turned into a beanstalk ♪ ♪ Jack climbed the beanstalk to the Giant's castle ♪ ♪ And stole all the Giant's money ♪ ♪ Bum-bum-Bum ♪ ♪ Jack sold his cow for magic beans ♪ ♪ The magic beans turned into a beanstalk ♪ ♪ Jack climbed the beanstalk to the Giant's castle ♪ ♪ And stole all the Giant's money ♪ Thank you for joining in with our song, we really enjoy it when you are singing along with us.

And I was wondering if you could create a song at home based on the story of "Jack and the Beanstalk." Now let's start our spelling and the rest of today's learning.

In this unit, our spelling focus has been common exception words.

Now can you remember another word we use for common exception words? We call them tricky words because.

we can't sound them out, we've just got to know them.

And when we're reading them, we look and we say, we look and we say.

and when we're spelling them, we use our letter names to spell them.

Just so we don't confuse ourself by trying to sound them out.

In this unit I have shown you a few different common exception words, and we've had a go at spelling them.

Today is going to be our last set of common exception words.

And we're going to follow the same format.

I will say one of the words, I want you to have a go at writing it down.

And then once you've written it down, I'll show you on the screen and you can check it.

Now same as before, when I am saying the word, if you don't have enough time to write it down before I show it, you can just quickly pause and press play once you have written the word down.

So you'll need your paper and your pen now, ready for us to write down our words.

So the first word I would like you to write down is be.



It might be cold outside.


Think about it, it's two letters, be.

Right, I'm going to show you, let's have a look, be.

B-E, be.

B-E, be.

Check what you've got written down.

If it's the same, fantastic, well done for remembering.

If it's not, still fantastic, don't worry, mistakes help us to learn, you can just write it next to it correctly, be.

The second word is your.


it is your turn to write the word, your.

and this one is four letters, your.

Have a think about it, your, and write it down.

Right, I'm going to show you, your, Y-O-U-R, your.

Y-O-U-R, your.

Check it with what you've got written down.

And if you need to make corrections, make a correction, that's fine.

The next word is once.

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Jack.

Once, and again, it's four letters for once.

Now, this one is really tricky because we definitely can't sound this one out, once.

Let's have a look, once, O-N-C-E, once.

Check what you've got written down, And if you need to make a correction, make a correction, that's fine.


Our next word is love.

I love to sing and dance.



Think about it, four letters, love.


All right, I'm going to show you, love, L-O-V-E, love.

L-O-V-E, love.

Check it with what you've got written down, and if you need to make a correction, make a correction, that's fine.

And the last one is one.


You are one brave boy, one.

We definitely can't sound this one out either.

So have a think about it.

One, it's three letters.


I'm going to show you, one, O-N-E, one.

O-N-E, one.

Have a look at what you've got written down and if you need to make a correction, don't worry, mistakes help us to learn, just correct it on your piece of paper, one.

Super, well done.

Now what I'd like you to do is pick some of your words that you've just written down and put them into your own sentences.

So I was saying some sentences as I was showing you the words.

So now I want you to have a go at putting the words into a sentence.

Now, remember, when you're writing sentences, it needs to start with a capital letter and it ends with a full stop.

Off you go now, pause the screen, and when you're done, press play to carry on with today's lesson.

In the previous two lessons of this unit, we created our own explanation piece explaining how Jack became rich.

Now, can you remember the purpose of an explanation? It's to explain something and what do we need to make sure we're focusing on? The cause and the effect, and linking them together using our connectives? Like, so, because, as a result of, then, all of those words to help us connect our cause and effect.

And we have created a fabulous piece of writing.

So before we get into role of our new reporter, I would like us to get back into the role of professor and retell our explanation.

Hi, my name is Professor Money, and I'm here to explain to you how Jack became rich.

First, Jack sold the cow for some beans because he thought they were magic.

Jack's mum wasn't happy, So threw them out of the window.

When Jack and his mom woke the next day, there was a huge beanstalk.

So, Jack decided to climb it.

At the top, Jack met an angel who told him that the Giant killed his dad and stole their money.

Jack was very angry about this.

So Jack stole the Giant's money, hen and harp.

When the Giant woke, Jack ran down the beanstalk and chopped it down.

As a result of this, the Giant fell down.

And that is how Jack became rich.

Now I've told mine in role, pause the video and retell yours in your role of your professor.

Now that you have retold your explanation, it's time to get in role.

And we are going to become a newspaper reporter explaining how Jack became rich.

So I want you to imagine you have just got to Jack's house as he has just chopped the beanstalk down and has got all the money.

And you are going to be reporting to the people at home on what has happened and how Jack has became rich.

I'm going to model it for you, and then I want you to have a go at doing it at home.

Hi, you are joining me live from outside of Jack's house, who has just become extremely rich.

We are going to find out what has happened and how this poor boy has become one of the richest people on Earth.

Jack says that he sold his poor cow for some beans that somebody told him were magic.

Jack's mum threw these beans out of the house, and when they woke the next day, it had created the most humongous beanstalk.

Jack decided he was going to climb the beanstalk and see what was at the top.

And when he arrived at the top, an angel met him.

The angel told him how the Giant had killed his father and stole all of Jack's father's money.

This made Jack so cross because him and his mum had been really poor and had to sell their cow just to get a little bit of money.

Jack decided he was going to take on the Giant and every day you went up the beanstalk and stole something from the Giant.

He stole his money, his golden hen.

And on the final day he stole his harp.

But when the Giant woke from his sleep, he heard the harp and started to chase after Jack.

Jack run down the beanstalk and chopped the beanstalk down with an axe.

The Giant fell just behind me here.

And that's how Jack became one of the richest people on the planet.

He stole his father's money back from the Giant.

Now have a go yourself at becoming a news reporter and explaining how Jack got rich to the people at home.

Did you enjoy retelling our explanation in the role of a newspaper reporter? I wonder, how did it make you feel getting into role? I enjoy it because it makes me explore the different ways that you can tell a story or a piece of text.

Now I would like you to think about our whole unit on how to grow a bean and how Jack became rich.

And what was your favourite part of this unit? My favourite part of this unit was creating the different songs to explain how to grow a bean and then to explain how Jack became rich.

Because I think putting words to music really helps us to remember what happened.

Could you tell your screen at home what was your favourite part of this unit? And I would like you to use the words, my favourite part of this unit, in order to put it into a full sentence.

Now that we have finished this unit, I want to leave you with one final joke.

And the joke is, which side of the house did Jack plant his beans? Which side of the house did Jack plant his beans? Have a think about it.

The answer, on the outside, he planted them on the outside.

Do you get it? Outside of the house, that was the side in which Jack planted his beans.

Thank you for joining in with me this unit.

And I hope you've enjoyed exploring explanation just as much as I have, see you later.