
Lesson video

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Hi everyone.

Miss Fryer here back for lesson six of our "Honey and Trouble" character unit.

In lesson five, we used our inference skills to look for clues in a text about the characters in the story.

And today we're going to be boxing the story up for purpose, still thinking about the characters, using our writing toolkit.

At the end of lesson five, I left you with a piece of trivia.

It was about the Amazon Rainforest.

I asked you how tall you thought the tallest tree in the Amazon Rainforest was.

What do you think? About as tall as your house? As tall as your school? Maybe as tall as three houses on top of each other? Or 10? Well, let me tell you that the tallest trees in the Amazon Rainforest are about 88 and a 1/2 metres tall.

That's like stacking 14 and a 1/2 houses on top of each other.

Wow! That is tall.

Today, we're going to be doing a movement activity.

Followed by some spellings.

Then we're going to be retelling our story with the story map to make sure we get that sequence back into our heads.

And then we're going to be boxing up our story, which I'll explain more about when we get there.

In today's lesson, you will need an exercise book or paper, a pencil and your brain.

So pause the video now, if you need to get any of those things.

We're going to start off with a little movement activity.

Each of my movements are going to be based on the characters in the story.

I'm going to try and make sure that you can see how they feel at different parts of the story.

So I'm going to be using my face, and my body in my actions.

I'm going to do all of the actions four times.

So see if you can watch the first time and then join in with me a few times before I change.


Off we go.

Are you looking? Ready to copy? Off we go.

Were you copying along with me? Let's do it one more time all the way through.

Hopefully you'll have some of those movements in your head by now.

Remember, I do them four times.

So once you've watched it the first time, see if you can copy and join in for the other three.

Are you ready? Off we go them.

Did you do big faces and actions? Well done if you managed to copy along.

Now we're going to do some spelling.

We're going to look today at the 'K' the sound.

Which is sometimes start with a C called a curly 'K' or sometimes start with a K what we call a kicking 'K'.

How do you know whether to use a curly 'K' as letter C, or a kicking 'K' a letter K? Let's investigate.

I'm going to show you some words that start with a letter C and with the letter K.

And I'm going to see if you can spot a pattern for me, which I'll explain in a minute.

So let's go start off by reading some words, starting with a curly 'K' a letter C.

I'm going to say them, then you copy me.





















Now some names.







What I'd like you to do please, is to have a look at those words that start with a curly 'K' a letter C.

And have a look at the letter that follows it.

The letter that comes after the C.

Pause the video now so that you can write down a list of the different letters that follow the letter C.

Pause now.


Let's now look at our letter K our kicking 'K'.

Same thing.

I'll read, then you copy me.















Now let us look at some names.







There's two ways in spelling Kim.



Same thing.

Pause the video and see if you can write down the letters that seem to follow a letter a kicking 'K' a letter K.

Here we go.

I have highlighted and put in a colour, the letters that come after a curly 'C' and a kicking 'K'.

Can you see a pattern? We can see that afterneath a curly 'K' a letter C, it has an A, an L, an O, an R and a U.

But after a K comes an E an I and a Y.

So that will give you a big clue about which one to choose when you're doing your spelling.

I've made up a song to help me remember.

Do you want to hear it so that you can learn it too? It goes like this.

♪ I am C who is following me ♪ ♪ It's A and L O R and U ♪ ♪ I am K and I am here to say ♪ ♪ It's E and I and Y it's true ♪ Can you hear in my song? I say all of the letters that follow a kicking 'K' and a curly 'C'.

I'm going to sing it again.

See if you can join in with me this time.

Follow with your eyes, my finger on my board.

Let's try again.

♪ I am C who is following me ♪ ♪ It's A and L O R and U ♪ ♪ I am K and I'm here to say ♪ ♪ It's E and I and Y it's true ♪ Now next time you're writing a word with a 'K' sound at the start, see if you can think.

Maybe you can sing my song through and that will help you spot whether it's a kicking 'K' or a curly 'C'.

Now we're going to test that.

See if we can think of if we need to use a C or a K.

So get your pen and paper ready.

I'm going to give you a word.

I wonder if you can tell me and write it down, whether it's a C or a K.

We'll sound it out together as well to help you out.

My first word is the word "cuddle".

Let's sound it out.


"Cuddle" Write it down for me.

Pause the video if you need.


"Cuddle" Let's have a look.

Is it a C or a K? It's a C.

It's got a U following it.

I am C who is following me.

It's A and L, O, R and U.

So we're to put a U after the C.



My next word is the word "kerb" Let's sound it out.


"Kerb" Write down, "kerb" Are you going to choose a curly 'C' or a kicking 'K'.


"Kerb" Let's have a look.

We need a K for the word "kerb." It has E-R, 'A', sound in the middle.

And we know that E follow to K I am K and I'm here to say it's E comes afterwards.

So therefore put in K Next word.

My next word is the word "kitchen" "Kitchen" Sound it out.


"Kitchen" Write it down for me.

C or K? K-I-T-C-H-E-N.

"Kitchen." Let's have a look.

There, it's a K.

I am K and I'm here to say it's E and I.

"Kitchen" has an I after the K an 'E' sound, so we need write a K.

Last one then.

Let's do the word, "computer" Let's sound it out.


"Computer" That's a tricky one, isn't it? Write that one down for me.

"Computer" C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R.

Seven sounds.

Is it a C or K though? Let's find out.

It's a C.

It's A an 'A' and L O-R and U.

And "computer" has an O It's got the 'O' sound.


"Computer" Good job if you managed to get any of those right.

Last challenge for you to do still in our spelling.

Here is our full list of words that we have looked at today.

Pause the video and choose three words with a curly 'C' and three words with a kicking 'K' and see if you can remember our song to see which ones to use.

Pause the video now.

Now we're going to retell the story, using the story map that we created in lesson two.

We made into a mood map in lesson three.

If you have yours with you, you can follow along with yours.

But if not, I'm going to put mine on the screen.

So we start off with our lady walking through the forest.

She makes honey and keeps bees and she is singing her song.

Do you remember how it goes? It goes, ♪ I am going to market ♪ ♪ To market ♪ ♪ To market ♪ ♪ I am going to market ♪ ♪ To sell my honey ♪ And there she is singing.

She gets to a stone in the forest and she trips over and her pot breaks into a hundred pieces.

Up in the trees, a monkey hears her say, "Oh! why do you give me so much trouble?" And she stomps off home.

So he, sneakily climbs down the trees and has a look at the pool of sticky sweet liquid on the floor.

"Hmm, I like this," said the monkey.

"This must be trouble.

I like trouble.

It's my new favourite thing in the whole world.

I'm going to go and ask brother elephant, if he has any trouble that he can give me." So off he goes, to see his friend, brother elephant.

He asks him for his trouble and brother elephant says, "are you sure?" And the monkey says, "Oh yes, certainly." And brother elephant, what does he do? He smacks him across the bottom.

And monkeys says, "ow! Why did brother elephant do that?" I'm going to go and ask sister tiger.

And so off he goes to sister tiger.

He asks her for trouble and she says, "are you sure?" And she swipes him across the face.

And the monkey says, "ow! Why did sister tiger do that?" And he goes off instead to talk to his friend, brother buffalo.

He asks brother buffalo for trouble.

And brother Buffalo squirrs him with those sharp horns he has.

And them how big they were.

And the monkey said, "ow! why did he do that?" And goes off to see the wise woman of the forest in her hut.

He asks her for trouble, and she says that she will give him trouble, to take this bag to the edge of the forest, where there were no trees because it's full of trouble.

And monkey is so relieved and so grateful.

And he does what she says and takes it off.

But when he opens it, he finds those three black dogs who jump out and they chase him around until he well hides up the tree.

And sadly, he goes home to his mummy, but mummy says, "it's okay.

What you want is not trouble.

It's honey." And she comes down from her cupboard, doesn't she? and gets the jar down and he has it.

And he has learned his lesson at the end about what the honey is.

It's not trouble.

It's honey.

And that's what happens in our story map.

So, in our boxing today, we want to box up for purpose.

And our purpose is the monkey's character.

So that's what we're going to be thinking about in our purpose column of our boxing, which I will show you in a minute.

Here is our boxing section of our story.

Now, if you would like to print and use the downloadable boxing template, then you may do so.

I've just drawn my template.

So you can do that too, but pause the video to get your boxing template, if you would like to.


So here is a simple boxing template.

Like I said, you can use the downloadable resource and print one off and use the one that I've made.

Or if you don't have a printer, or you don't want to print it, or your printer is not working, like mine's not, then you can just make your own.

It's just a table.

And you can see I've got three columns.

One is for my story.

One is for my purpose.

And one is for just some notes.

Now a purpose of this unit is to think about characters we care about.

So that's what I'm going to be focusing on in my purpose column.

What's the purpose? Our purpose is our character.

So we're rethinking about that element from our writing toolkit.

Our monkey's thoughts and feelings.

What is his thoughts and feelings at different parts of the story? I'm going to skip the very first bit of the story with the woman and her breaking her honeypot.

Because again, my purpose is the monkey's character.

So I'm going to go straight onto the bits about the monkey when we first meet him.

So in this bit of the story, I'm just going to do a quick picture of this part of the story.

So I'm just going to draw my monkey.

Doesn't have to be really artistic.

And he gets that sticky sweet liquid, doesn't he? So the purpose of the start of the story is to have an opening that hooks us to make us really want to read the story on and to describe his character.

And so what do you think is the first thing that we know about the character? What does his actions tell us about what he is like, what's he feeling? Thinking back about my mood map and in my mood map I remember I wrote the word "delighted" on this part of the story.

So I'm going to do that.

I'm going to do the word, "D-E-L-I-G-H-T-E-D." So the purpose of this bit of the story is to show that the monkey is delighted.

In my note section, I'm just going to write some important keywords about what is happening at this part of the story.

So that when I come to write my story, I can remember what is happening at this point.

So I'm going to use that keyword, "monkey" We decided in lesson five, didn't we? That's a tricky word to read and write.

So I'm going to write that there so I don't forget.

And the other important thing about this bit is that the monkey thinks honey is trouble.

And we want to show that he is foolish.

That's it? That's all the notes that I need for the first part of my story.

In the next part of my story.

I'm thinking about the trouble that he gets himself into by asking his friends.

So I'm going to do really quick drawing of his friends.

This is tiger.

This is buffalo, And what did we write in our mood map to this section? Do you remember? How is he feeling when all his friends are hurting him, rather than giving him that trouble that he wants? He feels puzzled.

Sound it out.

P-U-Z double letter L and then an E-D.

So that's past tense.

He's feeling puzzled.

Doesn't really know what to do.

As of notes I might write, friends.




That's what's happening.

He's asking the recipe.

Asks them, but they hurt him.

So that's the important things that happening in that section.

So I'm boxing, I'm still on our main purpose, this is about thinking about his feelings.

My notes, just tell me what's going on.

The next part of my story.

He goes to the hut, doesn't he? Of the wise woman of the forest.

And she gives him the bag.

And we know that that bag, don't we? Is full of trouble.

I just know the bag to be full of three black dogs, but there we go.

And in this part of the story, he is really relieved.

And that where we left at that's, relieved.

Draw a relieved face.

Good luck with that.

There we go.

Help him out.

Why not? He's relieved.

He's relieved.

He's gone to the wise woman of the forest and she's given him the bag.

Nice and straightforward.

Now of course, once we get out, we've got this big, big problem.

It's going to reach the climax of our story.

The exciting action, because monkey has to hide up a tree, because he's got those three black dogs.

Don't have to do the most amazing pictures in the world just for help to help me think about my purpose.

Three of them so how about I draw some more strange sausages And how is he feeling in this part of the story? Do you remember? He was feeling frightened.



He has the three black dogs.

He goes up the tree and he runs, doesn't he? So there will be just the notes for that section.

And then the very last thing that we're going to put on our boxing is the kind of the solution to the problem.

How does he solve his problem? He goes home to his mommy and she gives him that jar of honey from the cupboard.

So he's got the.

He gives it to him, draw the low part of that the big pot of honey Actually one day he looks happy.

Honey and he is feeling very.

Looking back at my mood map.

There it is.

He's feeling very G-L-A-D.


He's feeling really glad and happy and that his problem has been sorted.

So they've gone back full circle again, just feeling really happy.

So I'm going to write this, the words, mummy Honey.

And that's the most important things really.

So in my boxing, remember, all I want to do is think about the purpose of the different parts of the story.

So my purpose is really simple.

It's just describing his thoughts and feelings at different parts in the story, with my really simple pictures and just some notes that are going to help me when I go to writing.

Now keep this boxing because we are going to be focusing on the character of the monkey in our next few lessons.

When we come to recycle our story in unit eight, then this boxing is going to be really, really helpful to us then as well.

So make sure you keep your boxing, even once you finish this unit seven.

So take the time now to fill in your boxing template using either the downloadable resource or the one that you've drawn yourself.

Fill in the story section with little pictures to help you, the purpose, being the thoughts and feelings of the monkey and notes to help you remember what happens and keywords to help you with your writing.

Pause the video now so that you can do yours.

We did all kinds of good learning today.

So thank you very much for joining me.

I particularly liked our movement section.

You could make up some movements of your own, either using our "Honey and Trouble" story, or maybe you can do them for your favourite book or your favourite movie and get someone to copy you.

In lesson seven, seven, we are going to be reading as a writer to explore how writers write good characters, which is going to put us up really nicely for writing our own bits of character writing, in lessons eight, nine, and 10.

Remember, you can share your work with Oak National all through our units.

If you'd like to, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #learnwithOak.

And that's it for today.

All that's left is for me to give you our daily trivia question.

Now what animals make honey? We should know this from our song.

♪ Now he knows ♪ ♪ Honey comes from bees ♪ Today I have a piece of honey trivia for you.

How many bees do you think it takes to make one pot of honey? How many do you think? Have a think, have a guess, and I will tell you at the start of lesson seven.
