
Lesson video

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My name is Mrs. Ford and welcome to our first lesson in our new unit, Online and the media: Rights, responsibilities and keeping safe.

In today's lesson, we're going to look at the range of online opportunities that are there for us, and we're going to explore different ways in which you might use the internet when you are older.

In this lesson, you will need an exercise book or paper and a pen.

You may also choose to have an alternative colour pen to make improvements to your work following the feedback.

If you do not have that equipment now, pause the video please, and go and get it.

Before the video, you will have been asked to complete an introductory request.

If you haven't done that, can you please pause the video, complete the quiz and then join us again.

In today's lesson, we are going to be looking at the positive opportunities there are for being online.

We're also going to explore different ways in which you might use the internet when you are an adult.

We will complete a reflection on how you use the internet currently.

And we will finish with an exit quiz.

Key words you need today to help you through the lesson.

Well, today we're looking at the internet.

But what is it? Well, the internet, as you can see here, is a large network of connected computers around the world.

It allows people to share information and to communicate with each other.

I'll also be talking about social media.

Social media are a range of websites and programmes you may use them on applications, which allow people to communicate and to share information on the internet.

You should be aware that social media platforms have particular age restrictions depending on the content that is allowed to be shared on there.

Before you use social media, please check with your parents or carers as to whether this is suitable for you.

Quite first task.

I want to know how you use the internet.

So I would like you to create a spider diagram, to show all of the ways in which you use the internet.

In the sense of your spider diagram, you may choose to use my title.

How do I use the internet? You will then draw arrows off and include the different ways that you use the internet.

One example here is to use it for research for homework.

You may have been asked in the past to research things and then present it back to school to show that you have understood your learning.

Pause the video please and populate, complete that spider diagram with all the ways that use the internet.

Do that now.

If you have come back that means that you've completed your spider diagram.

You've thought of all the different ways in which you use the internet.

Here are some examples and I'm going to go through them clockwise.

You may choose to add some of this information into your spider diagram.

You may do this in a different colour pen or the same colour pen and maybe put a star next to it so you know which ones you've added.

So I've already spoken about research for homework, but you may also be guided to access web programmes for schoolwork.

These programmes may include reading improvement programmes, spelling, it may include some numeracy tasks.

You might tell us to access social media on the internet.

Maybe your group chats.

Also, there are many different social media platforms at the moment that you may be using.

But again, as a provider, just check with your parents or carers that you are safe to do so.

You may watch videos or vlogs.

You may read blogs.

You might access the school website.

You might connect to an online gaming platform, or you might complete online shopping to buy presents or games online.

Pause the video and improve your spider diagram please, with lots more information.

We're going to explore how the internet might be used to socialise and to help you build friendships.

Many people use the internet to socialise and to build these friendships.

And they may do this through a range of different ways.

It may be through online gaming, social media platforms, through community forums or interest groups.

But what do I mean by this? Well, by online gaming, I mean playing video games whilst being connected to the internet.

Some people might have headsets where they can hear and talk to their friends by the headset.

They may use chat functions to be able to talk to their friends that way.

Social media platforms are also a way that people can socialise and build friendships.

They may do this through websites all the applications to participate in social networking.

Community forums may be used as well.

These are online discussion pages specifically for the local communities.

Where you live, there will be pages where people will promote things that they think is really important to the community, share events that may be happening, and also raised concerns for something that people should be keeping an eye on and be working hard around.

This might be for, for example, litter.

Also interest groups.

So these are forums for people who share joy with the same hobbies, sports or volunteering activities.

If you ask somebody who's really, really interested in fishing, you may join fishing forums to talk about where's best to fish, the best bait, the best equipment that you can use, and to ask any questions about things that you might be wanting an answer for.

I want to introduce you to a few characters you may have seen them in previous lessons.

And I want to ask how you think they should use the internet.

Aisha has had a wonderful day out shopping.

She's been exploring Leicester with all the family and she wants to share her pictures with her friends.

But which of these four options might Aisha choose to do this? Should she use online gaming? Social media platforms, community forums, or interest groups? I'll give you five seconds to work out and come up with an answer.

If you answered social media platforms then you were correct.

Aisha will use social media platforms to share her photos with her friends who might be able to like or comments underneath them.

There's Josie.

Josie's school are trying to raise funds for a school bus to help to take his football club to matches and the team have decided to raise money by packing bags at the local supermarket.

Josie's parents want to advertise that to gain more exposure and help to try to raise more money by asking the community to go and visit the local supermarket and give the boy some tips.

Where would Josie's parents advertise this?.

Are they best off advertising online? On the gaming? On social media platforms? In the community forums? And in interest groups? I'll give you five more seconds to choose.

If you said community forums well done.

Community forums are locally based.

And this local supermarkets the task will need more exposure amongst local community people.

So they will post it on the community forums. Now we're going to meet Izzy.

Izzy was given a new console.

When she told her friends, they invited her to join them online tonight.

But which one of these options will she use? Will she use online gaming, social media platforms, community forums, or interest groups? I'll give you five more seconds to make your decision.

Did you say online gaming? If you did, correct.

Well done.

And finally, we're going to look at Nicky.

Nicky's decided to take up boxing.

He knows that there is a local group and he's asked his parents if you can go.

And they said, "Yes, we'll take you next Friday." Nicky is feeling nervous though.

And so he wants to find out more, more about boxing and more about the local club.

But which of these options would help Nicky? Is it online gaming, social media platforms, community forums, or interest groups? I'll give you five more seconds.

Did you get it? Yes.

It's interest groups.

Because it's a hobby, it's one of his interests.

And so he gets on the interest group to find out a bit more about this.

We're going to start looking at learning and sharing knowledge.

How is the internet used to learn about knowledge and to share knowledge? Well, many people use the internet to research for and to share the knowledge.

And they may do this if they are researching a topic.

It might be to complete the homework, it might be to complete a project, to learn more about a topic.

It might be that you've been watching television.

You've asked your parents or carers some questions and they aren't able to answer it.

And so they might search for it online to be able to give you some more information.

It's usually what happens in my house.

Sharing information.

Well, a person might've spent a long time studying a topic and they want to share the joy of that topic and the knowledge that they have acquired.

So they may post that online.

Could be a blog, could be a vlog, could be through a website so the other people can also have that information.

It might be that some people have personal interests that they want to share with people.

And then they want more people to find out what they are doing.

And finally, it might be about their personal development.

They might decide that they want to improve on their knowledge or skills in a particular area.

And they might choose to use the internet to find out more.

There might be things where the people might use video guides to help them to complete tasks that they've never been able to do before.

But they know that if they saw somebody doing it, talking them through it, it will help them.

What we need to do now is to go back to that initial spider diagram.

We're going to use that throughout the whole of this lesson.

So keep it handy.

I want you to think about the times when you have used the internet to help you to learn or to share knowledge.

I'm going to give you an example here.

We said that you might have used the internet for research or for homework.

For each of our initial arrows, I want you to create an extra arrow and include some more information about learning or sharing.

Here's an example of a child in year five who researched information about ancient Greece.

So for every arrow, you are going to try and add in some more information where you use the internet to learn something or to share something.

Pause the video and give that task a go, please.

If you've come back that means that you've had a real good go at trying to add information to your spider diagram.

I'm going to give you some feedback so that you can see how I might've taken it or some questions for you to think about.

If you had online shopping down on there, you will have used the internet to decide what to buy.

You'll have used it to learn about which is the best brand and how much does each cost.

You might also have used the reviews to find out which one works best.

That is learning information, learning knowledge.

If you connect it to an online gaming platform, you might have searched which games have the highest users? Where are the best headsets from? Which brand are the best headsets? You might also have used videos to get some tips on how to improve your performance on the games.

Did you access web programmes for schoolwork? Well, you might have used these to help you to learn about new information.

There might've been links that your school has posted to help you with your homework.

You might've been directed to reading programmes or spelling support and this information will have helped you to learn how to improve your reading skills and how to improve your spelling structures.

I know when I visit my school website, it shows information about the uniform, the times of the day, key staff members, contact information.

That is all learning new knowledge.

You may also have used the school websites to select your secondary schools.

You may have read the prospectus online although maybe even been a video perspective.

If you've ever read blogs, it might be how to guides, might be fashion information, lifestyle.

Or you may also have watched videos or vlogs.

These are places where you can learn about gaming tips or homework support.

Pause the video and add some more information to your spider diagram, please.

So how do you use the internet as we get older? You might use the internet to find a job.

People use lots of websites to search for information about jobs that they think they would like to apply for.

People may also upload their curriculum vitae or CV.

This has information about a person's skills, experience and qualifications.

If you upload your CV, an employer can search through all the different CVS and decide whether to send an invitation for you to come in for an interview.

You may also use the internet to find courses.

This may include college courses university courses, apprenticeships.

This may also include courses when you are working and you want to complete some more learning to take you further in your job or career.

Some of these are free, or some of these are paid for.

You can also read reviews on which are the best courses to complete from other people.

You might use the internet to buy products.

Many of us completed online purchases during the January sales.

You might also use it to sell products.

A lots of people are using social media sites or particular sales sites to upload pictures of things that they want to sell.

And then other people around the country and sometimes around the world might choose to buy their products.


uk is a website that includes lots of different things from the government where you might be applying for things.

One example is applying for a passport.

You might ask to apply for a driver's licence or you might register to vote on the internet.

You may use the internet to access entertainment.

This could be watching television programmes, films, listening to music.

You might choose to publish information, for example in a blog or a vlog when you're older.

And finally you might use the internet for relaxation purposes, to undertake some exercise, or to learn some new skills.

There are plenty of mindfulness videos to help you to meditate and to improve your mental wellbeing.

Exercise is another great one.

Joe Wicks does a lots of lots of PE lessons.

Also you've got the Oak National lessons that you could turn to to help you to improve your exercise If you look into the PE section.

And you may learn new skills.

I'm going to ask you to pause the video in a second because I want you to think about why an adult would choose to use an online platform to complete forms instead of using paper based forms. So why would an adult complete a passport application online? Or driver's licence application, job application, school applications, and voter registration forms? Some things to think about.

What about the time implications? How easy it is to access these things.

And think about auto fill options as well.

Some websites allow you to fill the boxes automatically.

I'd like you to pause the video and complete that task now, please.

If you've come back, you've completed the task.

Why adults might choose to complete forms online.

Here's some feedback.

You might want to add this to your information.

You don't need to go into a branch or an office to collect the forms. Sometimes people are working different hours and sometimes it's difficult to get into a branch or an office to pick up a form.

So you might end up waiting longer for people to send the form out to you, and then you have to wait even longer to be able to post it, and for it to arrive at the place that it needs to get to.

It's also quicker to receive and to send the application.

You can ask for a read receipt to check that it's arrived.

If it's in the post, you don't know if it's arrived unless you pay more.

It also looks neater and tidier to complete things online.

Using text type, the font that you are using allows it to make it easier for others to check and to understand.

Sometimes our handwriting isn't clear enough and so typing things and sending it online just makes it quicker and neater and tidy.

Some computers also allow you to auto fill key pieces of information.

This might be your name, your address, your phone number, et cetera.

And this will save people time.

Also when applying for colleges, university, and jobs, you may be asked to write a personal statement.

This is something that is quite lengthy and takes a lot of time and it's a lengthy document.

What you can do is you can copy and paste them over and then adapt them to suit the specific application that you were applying for.

This will save lots of time than handwriting it out every time that you complete one.

Add some more of that information into your answer, please.

Next thing we're going to look at is how we express ourselves online.

So some people may choose to share appropriate information about themselves.

If you share inappropriate information, it can reduce your chances of being safe.

It may be in the form of a blog or a vlog or of social media profiles.

Now whether a piece of information is appropriate or not will depend on the situation.

Is it safe to share this information? Anything you share online can be shared anywhere.

Do not believe that if you share to just a small group of people on a chat, that it will always remain within that small group of people on the chat.

Your personal information should remain personal.

How old is the person sharing? Do they have the understanding that what they are sharing will remain on the internet most likely permanently? What is the purpose of sharing this information? What is the reason that this person is sharing the information? Who is the intended audience? Who are you sharing this information with? Does the person have permission to share this information? All of these questions need to be answered before you can decide whether the information is appropriate on whether the situation is an appropriate one to share this information.

People may write reviews of products.

It might be make up, it might be books, it might be films that they've seen.

They might also share lifestyle tips and advice.

At the moment, we're getting a lot of mental wellbeing advice online.

Some people might also share information about the difficulties in their lives.

An example of this is Malala Yousafzai.

When Malala was 11, her local area in Mingora which is Northwest region of Pakistan, were living life under the Taliban.

She wanted to share this information on the difficulties that she found.

So she wrote an anonymous blog for the BBC.

It wasn't safe for it to publish who she was but the BBC published this information that was shared by Malala to the rest of the world.

She felt that it was an outlet for her.

And it raised the profile of the area and the people who live there and the concerns that they had.

With the rise of social media and vlogging, more people are wanting to share personal information with others.

Your next task is to think about the benefits and the drawbacks of sharing personal information.

What are the good reasons for doing it? And what are the negative reasons for doing it? You might decide to create a list or a table to set your responses out clearly.

Here's an example of a table that I would use.

Benefits of sharing online on the left and drawbacks of sharing online on the right.

Pause the video now, please, and complete that task.

If you've pressed play, that means that you've had a really good go at it.

We're going to go through some answers and you might choose to add them in in a different colour pen.

What are the benefits of sharing online? The biggest benefit I know is that it helps me to stay connected to my friends and family.

I have many friends who live across the country and I have lots of family members who live in different places in the world.

For example, in America in New Zealand.

By posting what is happening, pictures of my children to my secured social media network, I know that my friends and family can keep in touch with me, can ask questions about my family, and can see what my children are doing as they are growing up.

I can also do the same with them.

Sharing information online can also help you to find a job or a new career.

We spoke about the CVs being loaded up to certain websites to help you.

But also if you are completing blogs about anything that you are using in your career, that might also boost your profile.

Sharing online can also be an outlet for your emotions and your expressive side.

We all know it's good to talk.

Talking improves our mental wellbeing.

So sometimes people will do many diaries for example, or blogs online to be able to share those emotions anonymously.

If you are sharing online, you may also become, get more advertising, which are more tailored to the likes and dislikes that you have.

And you can also raise awareness or educate others about things that you were passionate about.

Going back to Malala, she was passionate that all girls should be able to have an education at the time the Taliban were banning girls from having an education.

And so the blog that she wrote for the BBC really helped to raise this profile.

Pause the video and had some more of this information to your work.

Lots of the benefits, but now what are the drawbacks? As I said earlier, your information may reach people outside of the trusted circle that you have.

It is so easy for somebody to screenshot the things that you are sending or posting and share with other people.

Don't always assume that everything that you post will stay just with the people that you've targeted that post to.

Details about you become less personal because they become public.

If you are sharing the most heartfelt things in your mind, you may find that other people then take that on, and so it becomes public information and not personal.

Once that information is online, it's extremely difficult to delete it.

You may be able to delete the post, but as we'll find out in a couple of lessons time in this unit, your digital footprint remains online.

It is one of the hardest things to do to remove that.

As well as the targeted advertising, you might receive spam or junk mail.

You may have stopped receiving emails that ask you to click on certain links that might bring viruses into your computer.

You might also receive negative feedback.

You might really open your heart and post something online, or share something, and then you might get negative comments about that.

And sometimes that's more damaging to your mental health than it will be if you hadn't have shared this information online in the first place.

Pause the video and add to your table with the drawbacks, please.

Before we finish, we're going to complete a reflection.

I want you to look back at your spider diagram.

At the start of the lesson, we looked at many different things that you might use the internet for.

I want you to reflect on all of the things that we've talked about, for the opportunities that we may find online.

I want you to see if you can include any more ways in which you use the internet.

Pause the video and add some more of that information to your mind map, please.

So you may have found lots of different opportunities that you may not be using yet and that you may use in the future.

Thank you for joining us for lesson one.

Don't forget to complete the end of lesson quiz and hopefully I'll see you for lesson two.