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Lesson video

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Welcome to the RSHE, Internet Safety and Harms, Reality Versus the Online World.

My name is Mr. Duffy, and we're going to look up today how the online world is different to real life.

And I'm really pleased that you've joined me today.

So let's have a look at what we're going to learn then.

So let's take a look then at what we're going to learn today.

So we're going to look at how do you connect with people? What are the benefits of being connected? Real life or physical versus the online world.

Similarities and differences between the real life or the physical versus the online world.

Ad what are your opportunities online? So let's take a look at some key words then.

Online means controlled by or connected to a computer.

Now, this can include things like iPads and your mobile phone, anything that can connect to the internet.

And offline is not controlled by or directly connected to a computer or the internet.

And this can be known as real life or the physical world.

So for today's lesson, you will need an exercise book or paper, as you may need to write some things down.

And in order to do that, you're going to need a pen or a pencil.

So how do you connect with people? How we connect with people or communicate with one another has changed dramatically in the last 10 years.

If we think about our mobile phones, the introduction of the internet, computers, we connect with people in many, many different ways than we once did as I said, 10 years ago.

How many ways do you connect with people? Do you want to write them down for me now please? Fantastic, so you've got some really good ideas there.

Some of the ideas that I was thinking of how I connect with people, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, constantly using my mobile phone, connecting with people like I said, through WhatsApp groups and messaging services.

I also like to connect with people, writing letters, something that we used to do, like I said, 10 or 15 years ago, but not so much now.

What we have in our hands, mobile phones, gives us the opportunity to connect with people 24/7.

So what are the benefits of being connected 24/7? Now what we mean by 24/7 is 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

So that means all the time.

So 24/7, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Pause the video and we'll see you in a second.

Fantastic, nice to see you back.

Hopefully you've got some fantastic ideas written down for me.

What we're going to do now is that you'll watch a video and write down anything that you didn't get.

Fantastic, I really hope you enjoyed the video.

So, everything in the video are examples of using digital media.

Is that true or is that false? It is false, not everything in that video was using digital media.

If you noticed, when the student was playing football, they were offline.

They were playing in real life.

Everything else, finding the weather, messaging that to their friends, that was all digital media except when he was playing football, which was of course in real life.

So we can categorise how we interact and connect with people into two different columns.

We can have the real world, real life, me for example, I'm in the real world, or the online world.

Digital technologies are now entirely interwoven with an exert considerable influence on all parts of our lives.

So real life or the physical world versus the online world.

What I want you to do is pause the video and then complete the table that you can see here.

So we've got real life or the physical world, the world in which we can physically touch things and see things and do things versus the online world.

The online world, when you're on the internet behind a computer screen.

So I've given you an example there to help you get started.

We've got a real identity.

We have a real person.

And the online world might not be a real identity.

We can be whoever we want to be online.

So that gets you started.

So pause the video and we'll see you in a second.

And try to think of three more for the real life and three more for the online world.

Off you go, I'll see you in a minute.

Fantastic, welcome back.

Hopefully you've got some really, really good ideas.

It's really hard to differentiate the real world to the online world.

And there's a little bit of a trick question there for you.

Basically the similarities and the differences between the real world or real life and the online world is in its physical sense.

And what we mean by that is in the real world it's physical.

We can see it, we're there, we can feel it, we can touch it, we can taste it, we can smell it.

It's in the physical world.

The online world isn't.

We can't do any of those things.

And that's primarily the difference between these two concepts real life and the online world.

Because our relationships that we have are very real, yeah the relationships that we have with our friends, for example, at school we see them every day.

That's in the physical world.

That's real life.

But we'll go home and we'll go online and you start playing computer games with one another.

That is on the online world.

And that's where that sort of crossover is.

That's why the real life is still real life.

It's sort of real relationship.

It's just not in the real world.

Gaming and that type of things, the way in which you communicate on the phones, through WhatsApp, through all these different social media platforms is classes online.

So digital media that, and we did this through digital media is content for example texts, audio, images, video, or devices that allow people to share information, communicate and collaborate over internet or computer networks.

So that's where we have this online world.

So what I'd like you to do now is pause the video and write down some ideas and answer this question, how is your real life the same as your online life or is it different? I'll see you in a minute, so pause it and I'll see you soon.

Brilliant, it's nice to have you back.

So digital media, being connected 24/7 gives you the opportunity to interact with others on a global level.

Certainly when I was a child at a secondary school, literally the only way I could communicate with my friends at school was either being at school seeing them after school, in that real world or on a landline telephone.

And usually it's stuck at the bottom of the stairs, I'm in a conversation I couldn't move too far from telephone, 'cause it was on a wire.

And that was literally the only way we could communicate.

And like I said, at the very, very beginning, 10, 15 years ago we just did not have the ability to communicate like we do with each other nowadays.

So before mobile phones and the internet, people's interactions with others were limited to a local level.

Literally, it might even be literally 10 minutes, 10 miles, 10 minutes from your house.

That was who you communicated with, your friends at school, your family and colleagues and people who you generally try to, it might be on a part-time job or something like that.

You did not have the opportunity to meet and get to know people from other sides of the world.

I could make friends with someone in America, another teacher potentially, who's teaching a similar sort of content and we could have an online relationship, professional relationship, talking about the online world.

And it would be a real relationship and it's really, really interesting and really fascinating.

So can you think of any benefits of digital media? So what are the benefits of digital media? So write some ideas down and I'll see you in a minute.

You know what to do now.

So pause the video, I'll see you soon.

Fantastic, welcome back.

So we've got some benefits.

There's lots of benefits about being connected 24/7, about having the ability to go onto the internet and meet lots of different people.

And it allows us to connect with people who have similar interests to us.

And particularly in teaching, we like to reach out to different teachers, particularly in the UK, but obviously around the world and sharing best practise.

They go, "Oh, what did you do for that lesson? Has anyone taught this content before?" And it allows us to improve our old practises.

And it's nice to share our own interests with other people and realise there's people just like us out there who were interested in the same things.

And it's something that we really enjoy doing.

We can curate or gather lots of information, which is particularly good especially as you start moving through the schools, when you start getting into GCSE years and needing to start gathering research, or you're doing your homework and you need extra information on a certain topic or subjects.

And that's really useful, the internet, the Google, it's all there now we don't have to go to the library and get Wikipedia and then encyclopaedia.

We've got loads and loads of resources available to us, at our fingertips.

Can socialise easily.

If our friends were away on holiday or they're for whatever reason isolated, and we've not seen them for ages, we can do it all via Zoom, or Microsoft Teams, or Google Meets, or Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

We can keep in touch with our friends and family much more easily than we could do before.

And I think if this was to have happened in 2005, we'd never be a little bit stuck really 'cause we didn't have Zoom or anything like that.

The ability to use technology to communicate and socialise is really, really healthy.

We can carry out our hobbies online such as gaming.

And I mentioned that earlier.

Playing your favourite video games with friends and other people around the world.

You can log in and speak to lots of people and play those games and have those interests with one another.

You can shop online.

Isn't it amazing that we can buy whatever we want at the click of our fingertips? We can get an Amazon order and it's there immediately the next day.

Amazon Prime comes the next day.

It's absolutely fantastic.

Then locally, obviously with the current pandemic and certainly during lockdown, we've been able to do some of our Christmas shopping online, which has been quite helpful.

And we can relax.

We can read and watch videos.

Obviously, if you've got a Kindle, you can get your books on that thousands and thousands of books, huge libraries all on one device.

It's absolutely amazing.

So there's so many benefits available to us.

However, there do come dangers.

Why? With anything people want to exploit certain things for their own gain, unfortunately.

And the internet is a fantastic resource to help us learn, share and communicate and find entertainment.

It has billions of users and who are all generally using it for legitimate reasons.

Wanting to find things out, wanting to meet different people.

However, unfortunately, there will be people and there are people who will use it for illegal and unsavoury purposes.

And we've got to be really, really careful and we need to be aware of those things.

We don't want to be, you know, not use the internet 'cause it's amazing.

We've just got to make sure that we're using it in the right way.

So there are several dangers that we might come across when online.

Can you think of any? Can you write some down for me now, please? Fantastic, so I've got a few ideas myself.

And certainly we see these all the time.

Your parents will have experienced this, your teachers will have experienced this, you may have experienced this.

It's absolutely normal, but we need to be aware of them.

We've got phishing.

These are emails which are designed to trick you into giving away personal information.

It is like someone going fishing.

They're dangling that rod into your email.

That's the rod and hoping that you grab onto it.

It might be trying to get your bank card details or your phone number or any information that they can use to fortunately, gain access into your computer or into your bank details and use your personal information to gain money for themselves.

Cyber bullying, we see this a lot.

Certainly as a teacher, we're dealing with a lot of cyber bullying nowadays where students are bullying each other through the internet.

And unfortunately, we are connected 24/7 and the bullying doesn't stop at the school gate.

It should never happen.

It should never happen, but it is happening 24/7.

We can never get away from it and it's horrible.

And trolling where people are finding you and sending you nasty messages.

You don't know who they are, but they're sending you nasty messages.

We see that a lot, particularly with celebrities.

Celebrities have been trolled a lot, maybe for the way they look.

We think about Jesy from Little Mix.

She's a prime example who seems to get trolled quite a lot and has certainly been very open about the trolling that she's received in the media the last 12 to 18 months.

Malware, which is a virus that you might click on to an email or an advert and unfortunately it sends a virus into your computer, which then can take different things out of that that unfortunately that are personal and private and then suddenly they're not personal and private.

And again, we think about banking information.

Posts that can come back to haunt you.

Think about Facebook, social media, Twitter, Instagram.

As a child, teenager, young adult, you're putting things on there all the time, you put anything, parties that you've attended, or you've shared some information that you think is quite interesting to you.

But you can go for a job interview and the person interviewing you and the person who's going to employ you does a little internet search on you, find your personal social media account and sees posts that do not reflect current societal views potentially.

And that could really, really impact you.

Something that you posted 10 years ago could potentially stop you from getting that job because it doesn't reflect the company's interest.

It doesn't show the company outfit, it could bring the company into disrepute.

So it's really important what you put online always has what we call a digital footprint.

It is always there.

Hopefully we delete it or we can try and get rid of it.

So you've got to be extremely careful what you put online.

So that we know the dangers, we've recognised the benefits, we know there're so many benefits and there're obviously those dangerous as well.

As long as we're aware of them, we can do something to protect ourselves.

And that's what's really important.

We can make those informed decisions to protect us.

So how can I protect myself and my computer? Write some ideas down.

So pause the video now and I'll see you in a minute.

Fantastic, welcome back.

Really nice to see you again.

So, like I said, we've got so many benefits of being online and being connected 24/7.

But like I said, there comes those dangers.

So it's really important that you're able to protect yourself first and foremost.

So these are some really simple ideas that you can do.

Don't give out your password to anyone.

You'll hear this a lot in your school and you will probably sign that little piece of paper that says about when I'm using the computer at school and what you are and aren't allowed to do.

And one of those things is never ever give your password to anyone.

Keep it secure, keep it to yourself.

Be careful when sharing personal information.

Only use websites that you trust.

If you think, oh, it's sort of a little bit dodgy this website, I'm not sure about this.

Don't give your personal information out.

Personal information includes your name, your date of birth.

With those simple things people can get credit cards.

Really important, get logged out.

It's really important that you do not give those information away.

Other things, address, very simple.

We sometimes do ourselves, we take a picture of ourselves, our house, oh about to go out or our children, their first day of school.

Usually don't at the front of your house.

What's at the front of your house? Usually your house number.

Sometimes you might have your house number and your first line of your address.

You put that online, straightaway someone's got your name, your address, information that they can use against you.

So it's really, really important that we're just aware of what we are giving to people.

You wouldn't go up to the street and just randomly give someone all the personal details.

There you go sir, thank you very much.

You just wouldn't do it.

So don't do it online.

Where possible limit access to your social media accounts.

And what we mean by that is check your settings.

You don't necessarily want your social media account to be open to the entire world.

You don't want the whole world to know what you've been up to.

So it's really important that you just limit it to your friends and your family.

One of the things that you should always do as well, which I think is quite useful, is reduce or limit what people can share and link you in.

So for example, on Facebook, you can change the settings so that actually, if someone tags you in a post, you have to authorise that post to be shared.

They might be able to share on their platform, but it cannot be shared on yours.

So if you only, say you don't want your friends and families to see something, you do not need to share it.

You don't need to add it onto your timeline.

You have control over what people see and what people view.

It's really important that you realise that.

And know who you are talking to.

It's really easy when you're gaming, you're on your PlayStation or your X-Box or you're playing FIFA, for example, or you have a conversation with someone, but make sure you know who they are.

If you don't know who they are, I'm not saying don't play FIFA with them.

Don't give out any information.

Don't tell them who- You don't even need to say your name.

You don't need to give your date of birth or your address or any other personal information for that matter.

Keep that private.

It's really important that you do those things.

So once we've figured out how to protect ourselves, we're not giving out those personal information details, we're not telling them our date of birth and our name unless we trust the people that we're giving that information to.

How can we protect our computer? Obviously our computer can get infected with viruses.

So we need to ensure that we do not download things until an adult has checked to see if it's a safe.

You might at times that you've been going out to gaming websites, social media, where pop-ups come up.

Utmost nine times out of 10, they're safe.

Usually cookies they know what you like and don't like, and they've got an online profile of you.

And so they're going to direct you to some outfits, which is fine.

Sometimes it's quite useful.

You're looking for a new car? Nice one there's an advert there for a new car, happy days, that's what I'm looking for.

But sometimes they can add malware or a virus to your computer.

And that is a last thing we want.

So it is really important that you don't just start downloading things without parent's consent.

Do not open emails that you do not recognise.

Go back, they could be those phishing emails.

Don't open them if you think, well, this looks weird.

I'm not sure why I'm getting this.

This is something that I've never registered for, it's an odd email.

Just don't open it, just leave it.

It's not going to be important.

It's not going to be something that's useful to you anyway.

Just leave it.

If you don't recognise it, get rid of it.

It normally will go into your spam.

But sometimes the spam D]doesn't pick it up.

So just make sure that you don't open it.

Instal an antivirus software.

So an antivirus will check your computer.

It'll do detailed searches and scans on the computer and make sure that your computer is safe and virus free.

Your mobile phone will also do that.

If you've got an Android on the optimise little top, it'll do it for you.

You can click on that and it'll go to virus check and a scan, go for your emails and it will check everything to make sure everything's nice and safe.

And a firewall stops things from coming in.

So a firewall isn't going to clean your computer up.

It's not going to get rid of anything, but it'll hopefully prevent things from getting in.

Antivirus software cleans off it all, gets rid of stuff.

So really important that you have those things on your computer.

And obviously you're going to have child's settings on there.

You're going to have certain other settings that even the internet provider can put on for you to protect you.

It's really simple.

So many benefits of being online.

However, like we've already said, there comes those dangers.

All you need to be aware of is how to protect you and how to protect your computer.

And we've gone through those things with you.

So where can you get support or find out more? So if you have any concerns or questions relating to the topics that we've covered today, you can contact anyone of these providers.

You've got Childline on 0800 1111, CEOP, which is Child Exploitation and Online Protection, Internet Watch Foundation, Report Harmful Contact, UK Safer Internet Centre or a trusted adult.

So if you've got any questions related to the topics or concerns from today's lesson, please contact one of those providers there.

See you soon, goodbye.

Fantastic, I really hope you've enjoyed the lesson.

I've been Mr. Duffy.

If you'd like to please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Twitter tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.

I've been Mr. Duffy and I'm really glad you joined me today.

And I hope to see you very, very soon.