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Lesson video

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My name is Ms. Johnson and I'm going to be teaching you reading today.

In today's lesson, we're going to be analysing a character's emotions from "The Suitcase Kid" by Jacqueline Wilson.

Now this book does focus on family relationships and in particular divorce, so if that's something that might make you feel uncomfortable, just pause the video and go and get an adult.

If not, you also need to have watched lesson one before you start this video.

So make sure you go back and watch the previous lessons before you complete this lesson.

If you've done all that, then let's get started.

We're going to start today's lesson by recapping what we know already about "The Suitcase Kid".

Then we're going to look at our key question for today's lesson.

Then we're going to analyse the character of Andy.

And then we're going to do some reflecting on the story as a whole.

In today's lesson, you will need the following things.

You will need an exercise book or paper, a pencil or a pen, and bring your brain as well because I want you to be thinking in this lesson all the time.

If you've got any distractions near you as well, such as your phone is near you or there's an iPad near you or perhaps a TV is really loud, you might want to just pause the video and make sure that they've all been sorted.

And then when you're ready, let's get started.

We're going to start today's lesson by recapping what we know already about Andy as a character.

So I would really like you to write down three things you know about her already.

It could be what age she is.

It could be who her mascot is.

Or it might be something a little bit more in detail.

For instance, it might be that you know she's visiting a counsellor with her family.

So what are the three things you know already? Pause the video, write them down, and then press play when you're ready to resume.

Well done, I'm sure you had lots and lots that you can tell me about Andy.

So I can tell you these.

I just picked three things that I thought of.

The first one I thought of is she is 10.

Then I thought well, I know her parents are splitting up.

That's why we're in this, listening to this opening chapter.

And I know she has a mascot called Radish.

So you might have ones that are slightly different to me and that's perfectly fine if you do.

Or you might actually have some that are similar to me.

I'm sure you probably could think of more than three.

I certainly could.

Okay, we're going to look at our key question today.

So this is the question that I want you to be thinking about all the time.

So whenever we're looking at the lesson today, this is the question I want you to have in your mind.

And it's this.

How does Andy feel throughout the chapter? So "The Suitcase Kid" is written from Andy's perspective.

That means we jump into the shoes of Andy and she tells us what her views are, what her thoughts are when she went to visit the counselor's office.

Now, what they don't necessarily know is how she's feeling.

We have to work that out from what she says, what she does, and how she acts.

And today we're going to look at the text and analyse to see if we can find out how Andy feels throughout.

So let's have a go at doing a question now.

Write down three words that you already know that are used to describe how someone is feeling.

So before we can even work out how Andy's feeling, we need to just think about general feeling words to help us.

So can you think of three words that you already know that are used to describe how someone is feeling? I've given you an example here.

So one of those words is embarrassed.

Say it after me, embarrassed, okay.

I'm sure we've all felt a bit embarrassed sometimes where maybe we make a mistake on something, something like that, and our face goes red.

So that's how we know someone is embarrassed.

So can you come up with three other words that you already know that are used to describe how someone is feeling? Press pause, and then press play when you're ready to resume.

Excellent, so I wonder if you've got any of the words that I did.

So I did more than three because I wanted to show you how many different words there are.

Now, there are even more than this.

This is just some feeling words.

So you might have one that matches mine or you might have a different one and that's absolutely okay, but just check mine to see if the one you have is similar.

So mine are these.

I've got embarrassed, happy.

Repeat after me.

Happy, joyful, angry, frightened, furious, upset, devastated.

Devastated means you're really upset.

Worried, nervous, relaxed, and excited.

If you had to pick three words from here to describe Andy from what you know already, I wonder which three you would pick.

Ready? Pick three now.

Fantastic, and we will see if you're correct throughout at the end of the lesson.

Let's see which words we come across as we go through our lesson today.

So now we're going to do some analysing of Andy.

We're going to look at her as a character to see how she's feeling.

And we're going to have a go at answering our key question.

So remember to answer this key question today, we need to think about what she says, how she acts, her body language.

Often people show how they're feeling about something through their facial expressions or through the rest of their body language.

So if you're nervous, you might be biting your nails.

If you're happy, you might have a big smile beaming across your face.

If you're angry, you might have a frown across your forehead.

And well, I was going to think about what she actually tells us.

So how does she describe people? What does she say about them? That's a little bit similar to what she says.

So if we keep these four things in our mind as we're reading through the text and looking at different sections, then we'll be able to answer how Andy feels throughout the chapter.

So question number one.

I want you to pause the video in a minute.

First of all, I'm going to read the extract to you.

I'm going to get you to answer the question and then pause the video.

"So my mom got mad, and my dad got mad, and I got mad too." This is Andy speaking when they're at the counselor's office.

"I felt I was being split up.

Half of me wanted to side with Mum.

Half of me wanted to side with Dad.

It was much easier for Radish.

She just sided with me.

She lives in my pocket so there's never been any hassle over who gets custody of her." And this is my question for you.

How did Andy's parents being mad make her feel? And I want you to pick a word below that is appropriate and give evidence to support your answer.

So you might say she is confused because.

And I'd like you to write down your answer.

So pick one of the words and explain why using evidence from the text.

Okay, pause the video, and off you go.

Well done, I wonder how you got on with that task.

Shall we have a look at it together? So I thought there could be two words that I could pick.

So you might have picked either of these words and I think both of them would work.

I've used confused, though, as my example, but you could easily say torn as well.

Oh, I have actually used confused and torn.

So you might have used either/or of these words.

So I said she is confused and torn because she can't decide who to choose.

She wants to live with them both.

And where I found that evidence in the text has been highlighted, and it's where she said, "I felt I was being split up." So she feels like she's physically being split up and having to decide who to go with.

She almost wishes she could split herself up so that she could pick who to go and live with.

So that's why I said she's feeling a bit torn.

She's also feeling confused.

Why might she be feeling confused? Because she doesn't know what to do.

She doesn't know what's right, who should she live with.

So she wishes she was Radish who just doesn't have to decide.

Ready for another question? Again, I'm going to ask you to pause in a minute, okay.

So don't pause just yet.

I'm going to read you the question and then I'm going to look at the extract with you, and then we'll have a go at answering.

So I'm going to read you the extract now.

This is from the scene where the mum, Andy's parents are arguing over who bought her her pet Sylvanian rabbit Radish.

And I've got a picture of Sylvanian rabbits there for you to look at if you're not sure what it means.

So I'm going to read the extract to you now.

"Look, I can vividly remember buying that rabbit in the corner shop." "They don't even sell Sylvanian families at the corner shop.

I bought it from the toy shop in town and." I snatched Radish back and covered her ears.

She can't stand to hear them arguing.

So how did Andy feel when her parents started arguing? Do you think she's heard them argue before? Why or why not? So again, I've given you the feeling words below that might help you.

Some are appropriate and some aren't.

So does she feel scared, excited, upset, or relieved? Say that one after me, relieved.

Relieved means you might be relieved to finish school for the summer holidays.

It's almost like all your tension releases and you breathe a sigh of relief.

You're happy at the end, okay.

Or you might have been really worried about getting a test result back and your exams and all of a sudden you've done really well.

So you feel relieved that you've done well.

So I would again like you to write a full sentence for this.

So pause the video and off you go.

Okay, shall we see how you got on? So I thought the two words you could have picked again, so you didn't have to pick two.

So you could have picked either of these.

I think she could be scared or upset because she said she couldn't stand to hear them arguing.

She couldn't stand to do it.

She just couldn't bear it any longer.

And I think she has probably heard them argue before, like she almost knows what to do.

It says straight away she covered Radish's ears.

So it tells me she knows what to do.

So I said she's probably feeling scared because she doesn't know what's going to happen and a bit upset because she doesn't like to hear them argue.

So I wonder how you got on with that question.

I'm sure you've done really well.

If you're finding this a bit tricky, don't worry.

It will get easier with practise.

Let's have another go at another question then.

I'm going to read the extract to you, read the question, and then I want you to pause the video and write down your answer.

So this is Andy speaking again.

"I looked at House A.

I looked at House B.

I looked at Radish.

I made her walk one way.

I made her walk the other.

I made her trek backwards and forwards across the desk." So in this scene, Andy's having to decide which house to live and who to live in with.

So how can you tell Andy's feeling confused? What does she do that tells you she's feeling confused? What does she say that tells you she's feeling confused? So pause the video and write a sentence.

Off you go.

Well done, so I highlighted the part that says she made Radish trek backwards and forwards.

Now this tells me she's feeling confused because it shows she can't decide who to go to.

So she's going to both.

She's moving Radish between House A and House B.

She can't settle.

She can't decide which one to choose.

So it's showing that she's trekking backwards and forwards.

So I said Andy is feeling confused because she makes Radish trek backwards and forwards which shows she can't decide.

And now we're going to do a bit of an extended question, okay.

I really want you to put yourselves into the shoes of Andy now.

So don't press pause yet.

I'm going to tell you what your task is first of all.

So you need to jump into Andy's shoes.

Ready, jump! And I'm going to read you the extract from the text first of all.

So that's how it was decided.

Radish lives with me in my pocket as she's always done.

She's the luckiest one.

And I get to live in my mum's house one week and my dad's house the next.

It's as easy as ABC.

I don't think.

Now I want you to imagine you're Andy.

So what might you be thinking at the end of the chapter? And what questions might you want answered? So you might say I am feeling worried.

So I want you to show me her thoughts in the thoughts bubble.

Or what would I do at weekends? Where would I put all my clothes? This is all really important.

So what else might be running through your thoughts? If you were suddenly told you're going to be living at two different houses, what might you be worrying about? What might you be scared about? Why might you feel upset and why might you feel anxious? So I want you to pause the video and I want you to write some thoughts, some questions that Andy might have at the end of the chapter.

Off you go.

Well done, so I have got some thoughts here for myself.

So I have said I will miss spending time all together.

I thought that might be something that's racing through her mind.

Where will I keep my things? Where will I live? And what would I do at weekends? All those thoughts would be showing that she's feeling scared or worried or upset or anxious.

You might not even know, you know.

Everybody likes to keep their things in certain places.

So she might be worried that she's going to have to pack a suitcase every week and move every week.

So these are all the thoughts that might be racing through her mind.

So I wonder what thoughts you had or what questions you had.

Now, we're going to return to this big question.

How does Andy feel throughout the chapter? And I would like you to pause the video.

I want you to have a go at writing an extended answer to this.

So Andy feels mm because.

Off you go.

Well done.

So I hope you have now written an answer and I hope that you had lots of ideas because you had read through, you have done this lesson.

So hopefully you now know how Andy feels throughout the chapter.

And to finish off for today with a bit of reflecting.

So this means we're going to think backwards.

And what I want us to reflect about is how Andy's feeling.

And I want you to think about what advice would you give to Andy and how could you reassure her? It's quite a scary time for Andy.

She's not sure what's going to happen next.

So what advice would you give to her or someone facing a big change? We all go through changes.

That's what happens in life.

And so we all experience these feelings of anxiety and nerves when we go through changes.

Lots of you will be feeling that kind of thing most whenever you change year groups in school.

And there's that change that kind of can give us all these different emotions.

And it's really helpful if you can speak to someone and they give you advice.

So can you be that person for Andy? What advice would you give to Andy? How could you reassure her? I've given you an example here.

I know you must be feeling scared, so I wanted to tell you not to worry.

Things will be okay.

It might be quite exciting to live in two different houses.

So I'm trying to be positive about the experience.

So I wonder if you could write an extended answer now.

That means I want at least two sentences.

And then pause the video, and off you go.

Well done, I would love to hear all your different ideas.

Shout out one piece of advice that you've given to Andy.

That's a great idea.

I'm sure it really would have helped her.

Congratulations, you have now completed today's lesson.

I would like you now to write down two key things that you've learned from today's lesson.

Like I said, it might be how to help someone go through a change.

You might want to write down your piece of advice.

It might be some feeling words that you didn't know before the beginning of this lesson.

So can you tell me two things you've learned? And perhaps can you tell me one extra thing about "The Suitcase Kid"? Have you enjoyed it as a book? Are you keen to read on? It's a fantastic story.

I really hope that I've inspired lots of you to carry on and find out what actually happens to Andy in the rest of this story.

So well done, take care, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your lessons today.