
Content guidance

Contains conflict or violence.

Adult supervision suggested.


Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, I hope all is well where you are.

Today, we are going to be planning a build up and this is where things start to get bit more exciting.

So I love doing this bit of the story and I hope you do too.

Okay, I'm going to run through what the lesson is going to look like today.

First of all, we're going to do a warm up.

Then we're going to think about the purpose of the build up.

So what it's for, what it's supposed to do in our story.

Then we're going to look at action and reaction.

What the characters do and then what happens as a result.

And then we're going to write some star sentences.

In this lesson, you will need an exercise book or some paper a pencil and your brain switched on.

So if you have not done any of those things, or you have not got any of those things, pause the video now.

And just when you come back, make sure you got rid of as many distractions as you can.

So you're ready to do some brilliant learning today.

Off you go pause the video, or if not, carry on.

Okay, let's have a go at this warm up.

I've got some fronted adverbials here.

So they tell me how something is done, how something happens.

And these are from the beginning of a sentence.

You can see they've all got a capital letter and they've got that commerce either after the phrase or after the single word.

So I would like you to sort them for me into fast and slow.

So I think I would like you just to do this verbally.

Can you just say it out loud? Like instantly that one goes that way or that way.

Pause the video and have a go at this.

I showed you a little sneaky peek.

Have a go first, pause the video.

Okay, here they are.

Hopefully you paused it and didn't have a sneaky peak.

Here are our first ones.

My turn, your turn.


As quick as a flash.

In the blink of an eye.

So a flash happens really quickly.

So that must be fast and then in the blink of an eye also very quick.

So let's look at our slow ones.


So that's with caution, going carefully.

Next one, my term carefully.

Going with care.

Last one, nervously.

So that's going a little bit nervously when you're a bit worried.

Really well done for that.

So let's look at the purpose of the build up.

What is the point? First of all, we have done our opening really well done.

So this is our story mountain, the shape of the story.

Next, we're going to be doing our build up.

So what does a build up need to do or have? What happens at this stage of the story? Have a pause and have a think.

See if you can come up with two things and then start the video again.

Well done.

Let's look at this first one.

First of all, it introduces a problem.

So there needs to be some kind of conflict or problem in the story.

And it makes you ask questions, which helps to build up your excitement.

So that of course builds excitement and tension.

Tension is when you're really tense, worried about what's going to happen.

And also the pace increases.

So the pace is the speed that something happens and it usually starts to crank up in the build up.

So opening sometimes not always, but is often kind of gives you a nice setting like we did before.

And then the build up, lots of questions and things start to speed up.

So now we're going to watch a section of the clip and see whether you think that it does these things.

Let's watch now.

I could be on your toes, that was a short one because we're really focusing in on just that section.

So let's think about what the build up does when it introduces a problem and makes you ask questions.

How does it do that? And what kinds of questions are you asking in your head when this bit happens? Pause the video and just have a think for a minute about what kinds of questions.

Pause now.

Okay, now tell me some of the questions or some of the things, the problems that are being introduced in this bit.

I'm going to listen carefully, whisper it to me.

Yeah, so I think I've got some of those, but some of those are new ones for me.

So really, really good thinking.

Let's have a look at what's some of the things you've said and then some other ideas.

So I'm wondering what is the bug? It's a magical thing, but what is it really? I'm wondering what the bug's going to do.

That was a really good one from someone else.

How is it treasure? Because they talked about it being treasure.

In what way? It's a pretty cool bug, but in what way is it treasure? Is it good or bad? They're clearly bad, but is the bug going to do something bad? And what's going to happen next? These are really key questions.

So let's think also about how it builds excitement and tension.

And one of the ways is by asking questions in your head, but how else is it building excitement and tension? Pause just for a minute and have a think.

Maybe tell your hand or tell a banana in the fruit bowl or tell someone in the room, I don't mind.

Have a little think.

How does it build excitement and tension? Pause the video now.

Okay, so one of the ways is there's closeups on faces.

And that remember from our other lesson, when we were talking about a closeup, shows you something about how someone's feeling.

The faces show fear and excitement.

So yeah, they absolutely do.

The action slows a little at a key moment.

So we know it's an important thing and that helps build suspense.

Suspense is that feeling of what's going to happen next? Okay, so now I want you to pause and think about how does the pace increase? How does it start speeding up? What happens? Pause the video and tell your hand, two minutes.

Okay, now tell me.

Great ideas.

So let's see how the pace increases.

Some of these are your ideas and some of them are things that I came up with.

There's no talking.

So that makes things happen more quickly.

Remember when we were doing our dialogue lesson, it sort of slows things down a little bit, doesn't it? There's more action.

So things happen quickly.

The magic begins, yeah.

No one seems to have control.

So that gives an idea that that's one way that these things are kind of out of control and it's speeding up and not even the baddies know what is going to happen.

Really good thinking there.

That's going to help us to understand what we need to include when we begin to write our build up.

Okay, so now we're going to look at some of the action, what happens and the reaction.

What happens because of that or as a result.

And we are going to build some really good vocabulary and ideas to put in our writing, which will be the next lesson with me when we write our build up.

So the action.

Jafar held the two objects together.

So that's what's happening.

He holds the two objects together.

Let's think about how he brings them two together.

How he brings the two together.

Can you pause and write down some adverbs to describe how this movement happens? How does that happen? Pause and write down maybe two adverbs to tell me how he brings the two objects together.

Okay, so whisper something to me.

Great, those are really strong.

Let's see whether those are there as well, carefully.

He carefully brings them together.

He does and you can see by the shape of his fingers.

There he is doing it very carefully.

Slowly and also confidently.

Yeah, he's quite confident.

And you can see all of those have a capital letter 'cause they're at the beginning of the sentence.

That way around capital letter.

And they also have a comma afterwards because they're fronted adverbial.

So let's think about what verbs we could use to replace, to make it more vivid.

Pause the video and write some verbs.

Okay, let's have a look at what some of your ideas are.

Just shout one to the screen for me.

Three shout, one of your verbs.

Three, three, that not three.

Three, two, one.

Brill, okay.

Some of them are coming splat on the computer 'cause they were so good.


He reunited the two objects.

He brought together the two objects and he joined the two objects.

Really good synonyms for bringing them together.

Okay, now let's think about our adjectives.

How could we describe this bug? How could we describe this object? Is it, what colour is it? Is it precious or not precious? Think about ways that you could describe it.

Pause the video and just jot down two for me.

Two adjectives to describe what the bug looks like.

Okay, now three, two, one and shout out one of your ideas, three, two, one.

Shout it.

Right, okay.

It could be metallic.

That was a really good one I heard.

Precious, so precious is when something is really valuable to you.

So you might have a precious teddy.

You might have a precious object that someone important gave you.

Precious is a really useful word.

Beautiful, so it looks really nice.

Okay, now we're going to use, try finding some different nouns.

So you could say the two objects, but it's really helpful when we're writing to refer to this.

If we're talking about the same thing a lot, to refer to it in different ways.

So to have those up our sleeves is really handy.

So let's think about the ways that we could describe this bag.

Could you pause the video and just come up with a couple for me? Write them down so that they're useful later 'cause we'll use them.

We'll use our notes when we do our writing.

Okay and shout them out to me.

Three, two, one.

Great, so different ways to call that treasure could be, oh, treasure, beetle, 'cause it is a beetle, isn't it? And or an object.

And we've got object there, but that is quite a useful one actually.

But you could have had fantastic other ideas.

And actually I bet yours are probably a bit better than mine to be honest.

Okay, so using that new vocabulary, I would like you to insert some of your new words into a star sentence for me.

So look back at your notes and I would like you to first drop in an adverb.

So tell me how he did it.

Jafar, and then what did he do with it? The verb, the describe it and then a strong word for the object for the noun.

So I would like you to pause the video and say your sentence aloud and then write it down and then check to make sure it's got all the punctuation it needs to have.

So pause now.

Okay, so here's one that I wrote.

What do you think? Carefully Jafar joined the precious objects.

So I've got my capital letter.

I've got my full stop.

I've got a capital letter for Jafar as well 'cause it's a name.

So I'm pretty pleased with that.

I've got my adverb in there, got my noun.

And I've got an adjective to describe my noun.

Will you give me a thumbs up or thumbs down? Thumbs middle.

Okay, so there's something that I need to improve.

What is that something? Can you shout it out for me please? Lucky you guys are here.

So let's have a look.

We've got that adverb.

We've got that verb.

We've got our adjective and we've got our noun, but you just told me something is missing.

What is that something? It is a comma.

Thank you.

A comma after my fronted adverbial.

So I got carefully, which is my adverb.

And then comma at the beginning of a sentence.

Thank you for your help, that's brilliant.

So just go back and edit yours to make sure yours has got a comma in there.

So pause the video and edit yours to make sure yours has the comment in there.

Okay, let's have a look at some other action that's happening at the same time.

'Cause while he's putting these things together, he also is doing other things.

Let's look at his face.

What's happening to his face? To his or to his or to his what's happening? Pause the video and write down two things that are happening to his face while he is putting those two things together.

Now tell me in three, two, one, one of your ideas, go! Fantastic.

So he was concentrating hard.

So he concentrated hard.

He clenched his teeth, which means he pushed them very tight together.

He grinned wickedly.

You can see that cocky.

Really good.

So just steal one of those if you like them.

Pause the video and write down one of those ideas.

Okay, let's have a look at the servant as well.

While Jafar is putting these things together, what's the servant doing? Have a little look at his face here and write down two things that you think he's doing at the same time.

You can kind of interpret it, but you can sort of make it up as well, 'cause that might make it more interesting.

Pause the vid.

Now tell me in three, two, I don't know why I find this so hard.

Three, two, one, there we go.

What's the servant doing at the same time? Really good ideas.

Now let's see if some of them appear.

Do some magic, do some magic.

Make your idea appear, bachanga! He trembled in fear.

His jaw dropped, or you could say his mouth fell open.

Really good ideas there.

Paused, another one he stared in amazement.

He done, you can see his eyes are really wide.

Pause the video and just write down one of those that you liked that you could add to your ideas.

Maybe two, if you're feeling like it.

Two is a good idea as well.

Okay, now from those, I want you to write a complex sentence.

Here is your sentence starter, as the villain.

As the villain, let's use what we have in our notes, the servant, what did the servant do at the same time? So look back at the notes we just made and write a complex sentence using those two bits of starters.

Off you go.

Okay, now say it to me.

Ready, steady, say your sentence.

Really good.

Now I want you to say it and tell me the punctuation as well so that I know that you know where the punctuation should go.

Three, two, one.

Really good.

Now let's have a look at one that I wrote.

as the villain clenched his teeth, the servant trembled with fear.

I've got my capital letter and I've got my full stop.

Am I happy with it? Give me a yes or no.

Okay, lots of these.

Okay, so what's wrong with it? I think something is missing.

What is missing and where does it go? There it is, I was right, it's the comma.

As the villain clenches tooth, so as the villain, as this happened, he clenched his teeth, the servant trembled with fear.

So I've got my comma in the right place.

And that balances the two sentences.

If you imagine the comma goes in the middle and you need both sentences to balance, you need subject and the verb and the subject of the verb.

Otherwise it falls over.

So if yours is falling over, can you please go back and check yours and edit please.

Make sure you've got your comment in the right place.

So now we are going to watch the clip.

Again you lucky things it was quite short.

I want you to think about what else happens.

Ha, that was pretty fast, wasn't it? Blink and you'll miss it.

Now, we're going to look at the second bit of that tiny little clip and the action and reaction.

So here, the insect came to light.

Oh, you see there's a, came to life.

There's a full stop missing there.


The insect came to life and I would like to use an adverbial here.

So something that's fast.

So something the insect came to life.

Can you pause and write down two ideas under the, on your next line? Okay, tell me what you came up with.

Something, the insect came to life.

Make sure it's a fast one because it happens very quickly.

That's a good idea.

Okay, suddenly, suddenly the insect came to life.

It's a classic.

As quick as a flash and it even is a flash isn't.

Instantly, yeah it does.

As soon as those click together, it happens right at that moment in an instant, it happens instantly.


Okay, now I would like you to change the verb.

So the insect instead of came to life, what might you say? Pause and write down two ideas of what you might say.

Okay, now tell me your ideas.

Really good, some are similar to mine.

Some are definitely better.

So it lit up, definitely.

So the insect lit up.

The insect came alive, the insect shone brightly.

Those are three examples, but I bet yours are better.

They did sound better.

So you could say, suddenly the insect lit up.

You could say as quick as a flash, the insect came alive or instantly insect shone brightly.

Okay, jot down any that you think are really good.

Okay, now we want to describe the insect with an adjective.

The insect, the something insect came to life.

Pause and write down a couple of ideas there, insect.

How would you describe it? Having a look at the picture.

And tell me your ideas.

Three, two, one.


The mysterious insect came to life.

You could say the magical, I like that one.

Or the golden insect, yeah, that's good as well.

Okay, now I want you to have a think about how we might replace the insect because we want to be able to refer to our nouns, refer to our things in different ways so that it doesn't sound listy all the time.

If you say the same thing over and over again, it's like a list.

It's like if you start the sentences with 'the' all the time, it sounds a bit like a shopping list.

So pause and decide which are the nouns.

How else might you refer to it? We've had the insect.

It's also a what? Okay, really good thinking there.

It could be an insect.

It could be the prize or it could be the bug or we had treasure before didn't we? Really good ideas.

Now we're going to put those sentences.

Oh no, we're not.

We are going to think about what happens.

The reaction of Jafar.

So what does he do? He puts it, it comes alive and what does he do? Describe it.

Pause now and write down.

What does he do when the bug comes to life? The insect came to life.

What does he do? Pause now.

Okay, shout out your best one.

Really good.

That is a really good one.

He let go of the object.

Straight forward.

His eyes bulged like that.

Bulging is when you kind of swell bigger.

Watched it hovering.

He did, he watched it hovering.

Pause and write down if you like one of those better than the one that you did.

But I think probably yours is pretty good.

Okay and how did the servant react? We don't know all of the details about how the servant reacted, but when the insect came to life, what might happen? I know what might happen to me.

I'd be quite scared.

What happens sometimes here or here.

Pause the video and write down two ideas.

Okay and now share your ideas.


You could say he gasped.

You can see his mouth open gasping.

Sweat trickled down his neck.

Could do.

He froze on the spot.


So a capital letter that shouldn't be there.

Pause and write down any of the ideas that you can see there you think they're good to add to yours.

It's always good to have more in the bank.

Pause now.

Okay, so now we're going to write our last star sentence of this lesson.

I would like you to put an adverbial at the beginning.

So somethingly, the some thing or something.

The, describe the noun.

So use the building blocks that we've just been talking about something that's something.

Bug, insect could be any of those.

And then what did it do? I want you to write a really star sentence.

Pause, remember to say it aloud fast, write it down and then check it.

Pause now.

Okay, really good.

You've been working really hard.

We're nearly there.

Hold up your writing to the screen so that I can just have a little look.

Really good.

Okay, now I wrote one.

I don't think it's actually as good as yours, but will you just help me with it? As quick as a flash, the mysterious bug came alive.

As quick as a flash, the mysterious bug came alive.

I've got my adverbial, as quick as a flash.

I've got the mysterious bug, oh, the mysterious and I used bug there and came alive as my verb.

Have a little look, make sure your comma is in the right place.

Make sure you've got your capital letters in the right place.

Just to be sure that your sentence is as strong as it can be because it's going to be in the bank, for when we start writing in our next lesson.

Quick as a flash, comma, the mysterious bug came alive.

Check and make sure yours is okay.

Pause now.

This one's okay.

Well done! Got a lot ready in your bag for the next lesson, which is with me, which is when we're going to write our build up.

If you would like to got another lesson in between, I tell a lie, we've got a lesson with me in between, but after that, we're going to be writing our build up.

So really, really well done.

If you'd like to share your fantastic style sentences with someone at home and I'm sure they would love to read them and really, really well done.

Keep up the hard work.
