
Lesson video

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- `- Hello, it's Mrs. Smart again.

Welcome back to this unit, all about Journalistic Writing.

In today's lesson, we're going to focus on a grammar objective.

We're going to be revising how to punctuate speech.

This is going to be really useful for us later in this unit when we come to write our quotes paragraph and we need to use direct speech.

Okay, if you're ready, let's get started.

In this lesson you'll need an exercise book or some lined paper, a pen or pencil to write with, and a highlighter or a coloured felt tip or a coloured pencil if you've got one.

If you haven't got any of those items with you right now, just pause the recording and go and get them.

In today's lesson, we're going to start by revising speech punctuation and thinking about why it's so important to use accurately in our sentences.

We'll then focus on speech first or when speech is at the beginning of the sentence, and then we'll move on to looking at speech second, or when speech is at the end of our sentence and how we punctuate both of those structures accurately.

Lastly, we'll finish today's lesson with your independent task.

All of the sentences that I have written for today's lesson are based on this film "Hoodwinked." And you're going to write all of your speech sentences based on this story as well.

This is a retelling of the story, "Little Red Riding Hood," so you might be quite familiar with this story already.

We're going to watch the clip now.

So make sure you're watching really carefully, and you're listening to what the characters say, because you're going to be using that in your speech sentences today.

The director of this film is Corey Edwards and the production company is Kanbar Entertainment.

We're going to watch a two-minute clip now.

Granny? It's me, Red.

Is everything okay? Oh, oh yeah, sure thing, come on in! Who are you? I'm your grandma! Your face looks really weird, Granny.

I've been sick, I uh.

Your mouth doesn't move when you talk.

Plastic surgery, grandma's had a little work done.

Now, come on over here.

Let's have a look at you! So, what's going on grandma? Oh, this and that.

Doing a lot of quilting.

So you got the loot? Whoa! What big hands you have! Oh, well the better than scratch my back with! And what big ears you have! Oh, the better to hear your many criticisms! Old people just have big ears, dear! And granny, what big eyes you have! Are we just going to sit around here, talk about how big I'm getting? You came here for a reason, didn't you? So tell old granny whatcha got in the basket.

Granny, what bad breath you have! All right! Ah! You again? What do I have to do, get a restraining order? Settle down little girl, I'm on to you! Hi-yah! Save it Red Fu.

You've been dodging me all day, but now you might as well give up.

Ah! Hi-yah! You crazy wolf! What have you done with Granny? I'm taking Granny down, and you're next! Granny! The first question I want you to consider or think about in this lesson is why do we need to use speech punctuation? I've got a sentence here with no speech punctuation, but why is it really important that I include some? Who are you asked Red.

Why do I need speech punctuation? Pause the recording, and either have a think, or write yourself some notes to answer that question.

Off you go.

Speech punctuation is really important, because it makes things so much clearer for the reader.

The reader can clearly see which part of the sentence the characters are actually saying.

So I can see in this sentence now that my character Red is saying, "Who are you?" and 'asked Red' is not part of the speech.

What are the key components of speech punctuation, or the key parts or aspects? Let's look at that sentence again.

"Who are you?" asked Red? What are the key pieces of punctuation that you can see? I've coloured them in pink to help you out a little bit.

Pause the recording and write yourself some notes now.

The key pieces of speech punctuation are of course, our inverted commas, or our speech marks.

And you can see those at the beginning of our speech, just before the word 'who', and the end of our speech after 'you'.

Before our closing speech marks, you can also see a piece of punctuation.

In this sentence, it's a question mark, because 'who are you' is a question.

But this could also be a comma or an exclamation mark.

It couldn't be a full stop because it's not the end of my sentence.

The end of my sentence is 'asked Red', full stop at the end.

And then we've got the word 'asked', which is really important because that is our verb.

And that is a synonym for 'said', another word we could use instead of 'said'.

If we use 'said' all the way through our writing, it can make it very, very boring.

So we try and think of synonyms for 'said' to make our writing a little bit more interesting for our reader.

We're now going to focus on speech first.

That's when we use speech at the beginning of our sentence.

Going to look at three examples.

We've looked at this one already, "Who are you?" asked Red.

"I'm your Grandma," replied Wolf.

"Granny, what bad breath you have!" exclaimed Red.

Have a look carefully at the punctuation that you can see in pink.

Hopefully you can see the inverted commas at the beginning of the speech, followed by a capital letter, because it's the beginning of a sentence.

And then each piece of speech ends with a different piece of punctuation.

The first sentence ends with a question mark.

The next sentence has a comma, and the last sentence uses an exclamation mark at the end of the speech.

This shows that the person is shouting or speaking quite loudly.

And then we close our speech with our inverted commas after each one.

Then you'll notice each sentence has a word, or a synonym for 'said', that's our verb.

So we have 'asked', 'replied', 'exclaimed', and then we have our proper noun, or our character's name, 'Red', 'Wolf', and 'Red'.

Look carefully at that speech punctuation and those structures, because you're going to punctuate your own speech sentences in a moment.

Okay, I hope you can remember that speech punctuation.

I have written two sentences here, but there's no speech punctuation.

Can you punctuate these sentences? You need to pause the recording, copy down the two sentences, and then draw in your speech punctuation.

This is where your highlighter or your coloured pen or pencil is going to come in really handy, because you can colour in or draw right in colour.

So there's really clear where your speech punctuation is, so that you can see it really clearly, and anyone looking at your work and see it really clearly.

Okay, pause the recording, and off you go.

Right, let's see how you got on.

I'm going to go through the answers, then want you to check off on your work.

You do a little tick for each piece of punctuation that you remembered.

The first sentence was "Is everything okay?" asked Red.

So hopefully you've got your inverted commas, or your speech marks, at the beginning.

Give it a tick if you've got it.

Your capital letter, then you must have a question mark, because 'Is everything okay' is a question, followed by your closing inverted commas.

Then hopefully you've got your verb 'asked', and your proper noun 'Red', and then full stop at the end of your sentence.

Well done if you remembered all of those pieces of punctuation.

Let's look at the next one.

"Come on in," replied Wolf.

Hopefully you've got your inverted commas at the beginning, followed by a capital letter.

Then I've used a comma.

In this one, we can't use a question mark here, because it's not a question, and an exclamation mark probably wouldn't be appropriate because Wolf isn't shouting.

And then I've got my closing speech marks or my inverted commas, replied Wolf full stop, at the end of the sentence.

Did you manage to include all of those pieces of punctuation? Well done if you did.

Now, we're going to have a look at speech second.

That's when we use speech at the end of the sentence.

Let's look at some examples.

Red commented, "Your face looks really weird Granny." You'll notice that this time we're starting with the character's name, 'Red', or the proper noun.

Then we've got our verb, or our synonym for 'said', 'commented', followed by a comma.

That comma is really important before you start your speech.

And lots of people often forget that comma.

So don't forget.

Then we've got our opening inverted commas, or our opening speech marks, and a capital letter.

Now it looks a little bit strange to use a capital letter in the middle of a sentence.

We normally use them at the beginning of a sentence.

But we must always start speech with a capital letter.

Then at the end of my speech, I've got a full stop, and I close my speech with my inverted commas to show that the end of speech, the end of that person speaking.

Here's another example.

Red questioned, "What's going on, Grandma?" Again, we can see a comma before the speech starts, inverted commas, capital letter.

And then at the end of speech this time, there's a question mark, because it's a question, and then closing the speech with my inverted commas.

Here's one more example.

Red shouted, "You again!" So we can see she's shouting that, she's saying it quite loudly.

So we've got Red shouted, comma, open speech marks or inverted commas, capital letter for 'you', "You again", and then I've used an exclamation mark because Red is shouting it.

And then I've finished my speech with my inverted commas or my speech marks.

Have a really good look at that, because you're going to need to punctuate your own speech second sentences in a moment.

Okay, hopefully you can remember all of those pieces of punctuation.

So can you punctuate these sentences? Wolf explained I've been sick.

Red demanded what have you done to Granny.

Think carefully about which one of those might include a question? So I want you to copy down those two sentences, and use your highlighter or your coloured pen or pencil to draw in your speech punctuation.

Pause the recording and off you go.

Right, how did you get on? Let's check through your answers.

Wolf explained, hopefully you've got a capital letter for Wolf, 'cause it's a proper noun, but also the beginning of a sentence.

Explained, comma, did you get that comma? Tick it off if you did.

Then you've got your opening, inverted commas.

I've, with a capital I, full stop.

I've been sick, full stop, and then close speech marks.

Did you remember all those pieces of punctuation? Well done if you did.

Let's look at the second one.

Red demanded, comma, speech marks or inverted commas, capital letter for 'What', What have you done to Granny? Now this one was the question, so we need a question mark at the end.

And then we close our speech with our inverted commas again.

Did you include all of those pieces of punctuation? Well done if you did, that's really, really impressive.

Good job! This time, I've got a mixture of speech first and speech second sentences, but I think I might have made some mistakes.

Can you see if you can spot my mistakes and correct them? "Is everything okay," enquired Red.

Wolf replied, "come on in." "Who are you"? asked Red.

Wolf explained "I'm your Grandma." So you need to pause the recording, copy out those sentences and make any corrections.

You can do your corrections or your edits in a different colour, or you can highlight them so they're really clear for anyone looking at your work.

Pause the recording and give it a go.

Okay, let's see how you got on.

I'm going to go through my mistakes, and you can check if you've got them correct.

So my first sentence, I needed to have a question mark there before I close my inverted commas, because it's a question "Is everything okay?" My second sentence, I forgot to start my speech with a capital letter.

"Come on in." So come needs a capital letter.

This one had two errors.

"Who are you?" I need to have the question mark before I close my inverted commas, and then 'asked' doesn't need a capital letter.

That needs to be lower case.

And lastly, I needed to have my comma before my speech began.

So, Wolf explained, comma, and then speech marks, "I'm your grandma." close speech marks.

Well done if you spotted all of my errors.

For your task today, you're going to need to remember this film.

So you might want to go back to the beginning of today's lesson and watch the film clip again.

Or you might think that you can remember what the characters said.

You need to use the film clip to write two sentences of speech first and two sentences of speech second.

So two sentences where speech is at the beginning of your sentence, and two sentences where speech is at the end of your sentence.

And you can use anything that Red or the Wolf say to each other.

Remember all of those pieces of punctuation that we've practised in today's lesson.

In today's lesson, we started with focusing on speech punctuation, and we thought about why it was so important to include in our sentences.

We then practised writing sentences with speech first, and then speech second.

And now you're going to complete your independent task to practise everything that you have learned in today's lesson.

Congratulations! You have completed your lesson for today.

Well done for all of your hard work.

If you would like to, please share your work with your parent or carer.

I will see you in your next English lesson.
