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Hello, it's Mrs. Smart.

Welcome to today's English lesson.

I am really looking forward to today's lesson because, this is our first opportunity to actually write our own poetry, as part of this unit.

We're going to use everything that we've learned from John Lyons poems. We're going to use our word maps from our previous lessons, add some of our expanded noun phrases to write the most descriptive, vivid poems about nature and weather.

I cannot wait.

Let's get started.

In this lesson, you will need an exercise book or some lined paper, a pen or pencil to write with and your going need your word maps from one of our previous lessons.

If you haven't done that lesson yet, where we thought of lots of vocabulary to describe different weathers and different parts of nature, then please go back and complete that lesson first.

If you have done that lesson, then you're going to need your notes that you created during that lesson.

If you haven't got any of those items with you right now, just pause the recording and go and get them.

In today's lesson, we're going to reread the poems that are inspiring our own poems, Carib, Nightfall and "Dancing in the Rain" by John Lyons, and we're going to remind ourselves of the main themes and the tone of the poem, so that we can reflect the same themes and tone in our own poem.

We're going to recaption the vocabulary, that we generated in a previous lesson, and then it's time for our shared right, where we're going to write verses of our poem together.

And lastly you independent task will of course be to write your own free verse poem.

Our poetry is going to be based on "Dancing in the Rain" and "Carib Nightfall by John Lyons." I'd like you to pause the recording, and reread this poem to remind yourself about it.

Now, I want you to think about these two questions and we've thought about these before so hopefully this will be really easy and you remember.

What are the main themes of this poem, and what is the tone? So remember the themes are the main ideas, and the tone is the feeling of the poem.

pause the recording and answer those two questions now.

We're now going to recap Carib Nightfall.

This is the other poem that is going to inspire our poetry.

Pause the recording and reread this poem now.

I want you to consider these two questions, For this poem as well.

What are the main themes, and what is the tone of the poem? Write your answers now, pause the recording.

You've now had a chance, to reread those two poems and think about the themes and the tone of the poem.

What is similar about those two poems? Did you notice anything about the themes or the tone, or any of the language or the description, or the content of the poems that might be the same? Pause the recording, and write yourself some notes now.

I noticed, that there are some common themes between the two poems. They're both about nature and the world and also weather.

The tone is generally very positive in both of the poems. The John Lyons describes rain and the sunset in a very positive way with lots of beautiful description.

And the description he uses he describes lots of colours and sounds and feelings linked to nature and weather.

Did you have anything else? If you can remember, we discussed in a previous lesson, what we could describe as part of our poetry.

And these were some of my ideas.

So we talked about describing the sun, moon, stars, clouds and sky, so all aspects of the world and space around us.

Animals as part of nature.

Although "Dancing in the Rain" and Carib Nightfall, don't feature animals that much.

Although Carib Nightfall has got a little bit of description of animals and actually "Dancing in the Rain" has got a little bit as well.

He's written some other poems that are more focused on animals like, Happy Hummingbird Feed that we've read Previously.

We could describe parts of the landscape, so things like sea, land, forest is all part of nature, and we could also describe the weather.

So three weather conditions, we discuss the rain, wind, possibly even snow.

Although obviously, John Lyons poems are all set in Trinidad and Tobago, he probably wouldn't write about snow, but you might want to write about your own experiences of snow.

Now hopefully, you have got your word maps in front of you with all of your amazing vocabulary to describe there's different aspects of weather and nature.

If you want to steal any of my ideas now before we start writing our poem you can.

Here are some of the ideas we had to do with the sun.

Here's some of the description to do with the stars.

You want to steal any you can.

Here's a description of the clouds.

When we talked about you could describe really dark thick clouds, or we might describe the more wispy clouds that might appear in a blue sky.

Here's my description of the rain.

Again, we've got a bit of variety here we've got a really heavy rain, the torrential deluge.

And then we've also described the lights drizzle or the pitter pattern of rain.

You want to steal anything, this is your chance.

And we've got the wind.

Again, you might want to describe a really strong, violent wind, or you might want to describe a more gentle breeze totally up to you.

If you want to write any notes now, you can.

Before we write our free verse poem, let's go through our success criteria.

These are a list of features, that we want to try and include in our Writing today or things that we want to do as we're writing.

I have described aspects of nature and weather.

You know that we're taking inspiration from John Lyons poems, "Dancing in the Rain" and Carib Nightfall, which were all about nature and weather.

We're going to write our own versions of those poems. I have thought carefully about my vocabulary choices.

We've done lots of work on generating vocabulary, and writing expanded noun phrases, I think you're all very prepared to write very descriptive and vivid poems. I've used figurative language.

Remember, that means similes, metaphors and personification.

And I want you to carefully consider your line and your verse length.

Remember, when you're writing poetry, you don't need to necessarily think about sentences.

And you need to think about where you want to start a new line.

As it's a free verse it's totally up to you.

A free verse means, it's completely free.

There's no set structure, there's no set rhyming pattern, you have the freedom to do whatever you like and be as creative as you want.

Okay, it's time to start writing.

As you can see on the screen, I've got an image of the sun setting.

That's where I want to start my poem.

You might want to start in the same way, or you might want to describe something completely different.

I'm going to describe watching the sunset.

And I'm going to use the pronoun "We".

So I'm talking about a group of people, a little bit like "Dancing in the Rain," where he talks about, We love "Dancing in the Rain." I want to imagine I'm with a group of people, because that makes me feel really happy being with friends and being with family.

I'm going to start with, "we," I want to be at the top, we watch the, now how could I describe the sun? I don't want to just say we watch the sun.

That's a little bit boring.

What could I refer to the sun as? What do you think? That's a good idea.

I could use one of my ideas for my word map.

I'm going to say, we watch the blazing orb, round a wood orb of fire.

Remember orb that spherical shape.

And the sun is, we know a ball or an orb of fire.

Now, what is the orb of fire and what is the sun doing? What could I say it was doing in the sky? Okay, yeah, that's a good idea.

I'm going to write glow, slowly , it's quite annoying on my computer It's going to click going to capital letters, although I might not necessarily want it to be.

Glow softly, in evening sky.

And I'm going to put full stop there at the end and I go back and make that a lowercase G.

Because my computer automatically makes its capital letter.

Okay, so I've got we watched the blazing over fire guys softly in the evening sky.

Now I want to describe its movement.

Where does the sun go in the evening? How does it move? Yeah, it goes down doesn't it? It drops behind or beyond the horizon? I'm going to say down, down, down, to show that it's slowly moving down on sun drops.

Beyond, I'm not going to quit the horizon, sun drops beyond I remember an idea John Lyons referred to it as the edge of the field.

I'm going to call it the edge of the world, full stop Now you might make threats that my computer has identified this bit sun drops because it doesn't make sense in as much as it's not grammatically correct if I was writing a sentence, but because I'm writing poetry, I have a bit more freedom.

So in a sentence, I would need to say mirth sun drops beyond the edge of the world, but because today I'm being a poet, I can do whatever I like.

So I'm going to ignore that little red line there.

Okay, now I want to describe the heat of the sun because when the sun drops, the heat comes to an end and things cooled down a bit.

Can you remember that word for when the sun is so hot, It's like the heat is controlling you.

It's like pushing on you and it's really humid and there's no breeze.

Can you remember that word? Good memory, It is oppressive.

I'm going to write the oppressive heat, is over.

I'm imagining I'm in a really hot country or maybe a really, really hot day in the UK.

The oppressive heat is over, full stop.

Now I've noticed in this picture there also some clouds and some really beautiful colours in the sky.

I want to try and describe those next.

I'm going to describe the clouds.

What could I describe the clouds as? Maybe wispy clouds? They're pretty big to be wispy 'cause wispy are knots, just little thin parts of cloud.

Maybe I could go with Billowing clouds.

That describes bigger clouds full of air, so Billowing clouds.

I also want to describe the sky.

Something about the colours.

How could I describe the sky? Excellent, that's a really good idea.

I'm going to write Billowing clouds, sky streaked with swirling colours.

You'll notice my computer's automatically giving me a capital letter there again, I don't want one 'cause I want that to be part of the same sentence.

Billowing clouds I'm actually going to going to put a comma there.

Billowing clouds, comma sky streaked with swirling colours.

Now I want to list off some of these colours.

I want to describe the reds, I want to describe the orange, and I want to describe the purple.

Sky streaked and swirling colours, red, orange, purple, It doesn't really do this picture justice does it? Doesn't really describe it to my reader.

How could I describe those three colours in a more imaginative, vivid way? Some pretty ideas there, I'm going to write with different ways of referring to those three colours.

So I'm going to say rich, crimson.

Crimson is another word for red and rich tells me that really dark deep colour, I'm going to refer to orange or yellow as burnt up ochre.

That's a very ambitious way of referring to orange or almost like an orangy brown colour.

And then I'm going to refer to the purple as a kind of magical or mystical purple, because purple often reminds me of magic.

I'm going to write mystical purple.

I want to change that again, to lowercase and I'm going to put a full stop there.

The end of my sentence starts with Billowing clouds.

And then lastly, I want my reader to know that there is then darkness.

So I'm going to have a very short line where I'm just going to write then darkness.

And I think the next verse I could go on to describe the darkness.

And maybe some things that happen during the darkness.

Let's read that verse back and just check it to make sense.

We watch the blazing orb of fire, glow softly in the evening sky.

Down, down, down, sun drops beyond the edge of the world.

The oppressive heat is over.

Billowing clouds sky streaked with swirling colours.

Rich crimson, burnt ochre, mystical purple, then darkness.

Let's just check my success criteria, to see how I'm getting on.

So I've definitely described aspects of nature and weather 'cause I'm describing the sun and the clouds in the sky.

I've thought really carefully about my vocabulary choices.

Don't think I've used any figurative language yet, although I did describe, I did refer to the sun as an orb of fire.

So maybe I could say that, that was a metaphor.

And I've carefully thought about my line and verse lengths.

So I've got some longer lines and some shorter lines.

Pause the video now and try and write the first verse of your poem.

You could write about the sunset, or you could write about anything you like.

Make sure your referring to your word maps to help you.

How's your first verse going? Are you pleased with it? Don't worry, you can still go back and edit it and make some make some changes and corrections if you want to.

Sometimes it's better to write it and then you can go back and reflect later on.

Let's now try and write a second verse of our poem.

So we've described or I've described, the sun setting and then my finished with then darkness.

Now I'm going to describe the dark sky and the stars coming out.

I'm going to describe the sky as an inky blanket.

Blanket is a really good way to describe the sky or really thick clouds, anything covering something in a thick colour or texture.

So I'm going to refer to it as an inky blanket.

Rushes in, I want to give the idea that it's getting dark really quickly, so it's rushing in.

And that's a bit of personification because the sky doesn't really rush that's something that a human would do.

So I've got something on my success criteria there.

I've talked about the bank, what does a blanket do when you go to sleep at night, What do you do with your blankets? Well maybe you use a duvet.

Yeah, you sort of tuck yourself in, don't you? You tuck yourself under the duvet, especially if it's cold.

And so an inky blanket rushes in, I'm going to describe the blanket tucking in the sky, because it's time for bedtime.

So as if the sky is a person and the blanket is covering it up ready for bedtime.

So an inky blanket rushes in, tucking in the sky, check my spelling, bedtime.

That's a really nice idea for some personification there.

definitely they're really important in the night sky.

What could I refer to the stars as? Is there a metaphor I could refer to them as something else? What do you think? That's a really good idea.

I'm going to refer to them as diamonds.

Remember those sparkling stones that you sometimes have in jewellery, diamonds.

And I'm going to describe in piercing diamonds Pierce.

Well , that's when you have something really sharp and it creates a hole in something.

Diamonds Pierce, the black.

The black is what I'm just going to refer to as the sky 'cause I don't want to say sky again.

I've already said that and I've already said blanket.

Diamonds pierce the black.

And then what do the diamonds do? What's that word? Any ideas, what do the diamonds do? What do the diamonds or the stars do? I can't use that verb.

I'm going to use blinking.

But I could use winking instead, Or something about glowing or glittering maybe.

Diamonds pierce the black blinking gently.

I'm going to say, and it's changing those capital letters I don't want.

I'm going to put a full stop there and start a new sentence.

So I've got diamonds pierce the black blinking gently I've not described the sky, I've described the stars in the sky, I now want to introduce a bit of wind.

Its going to start as a soft wind and it's going to get stronger and stronger through this verse.

So I'm going to start with a gentle rebato wind.

What if its a gentle wind, what do we call it? Yeah, I could use breeze couldn't I? As I've already used gently in the previous line, Maybe I could use another word to describe a gentle breeze any ideas? What adjectives Could I use to describe the breeze? That's a good idea.

I'm going to use soft, a soft breeze.

Now what does the breeze do? John Lyons referred to it, fluttering feathers.

I'm going to steal that idea.

A soft breeze flutters the roosting birds, that means birds are just trying to sleep.

or birds are sleeping off in the branches, birds', feathers, again, it's given me a capital letter that I don't want, and you can see I've got my apostrophe there to show the feathers belong to all of the birds.

So even though it's a poem, it's important, I do have that punctuation and that is great.

Now let's introduce some clouds because I want to build up this wind, introducing clouds, because in my last verse, it's going to start raining.

Yep, it is.

Okay, let's have some really dark grey clouds.

What was that word I could use to describe dark grey? Can you remember? That's it charcoal, I'm going to say charcoal clouds, drift in at a slow movement.

Then I'm going to describe the wind grows.

And my last line, I'm going to have stronger, stronger, stronger, to show building up in strength.

That's a little bit like my previous verse where I had some drops down, down, down.

Excellent, right, let's read all that back and just check it all make sense.

An inky blanket rushes in , tucking in the sky for bedtime.

Diamonds pierce the back, blinking gently.

A soft breeze flutters the roosting birds' feathers, charcoal clouds drifting, wind rose, stronger, stronger, stronger.

I always felt this is my climax building up, to buy my climax on my resolution in my final verse.

let's just check my success criteria because I think I've now managed to use some figurative language.

I definitely had a metaphor and some personification in there to describe the stars.

Now, I want you to write the second verse of your poem.

Your poem might be about the darkness and stars and clouds and wind, or it might be another aspect of nature.

It's totally up to you.

Pause the recording now and write your second verse.

Right, time for our third and final verse.

Well, I'm writing three verses you might want to write more.

Okay, now is my climax.

It's going to start pouring with rain and taking some inspiration from John Lyons poem "Dancing in the Rain." And I'm going to describe the rain in a positive way at the end.

So, I'm going to start with suddenly it wasn't raining and suddenly it starts raining.

I'm going to use the phrase the heavens open.

That means sky opens up.

Sometimes people refer to the sky as the heavens as some people believe that heaven is above.

So suddenly the heavens open, full stop.

New Line.

I want to describe really strong heavy rain.

What was that noun I could use to describe it? Can you remember? That's it.

Deluge, that was that really rough overflowing that flood of water, a deluge of, I'm going to describe it with bulbous.

Remember that meant fatal rounded dropsfall.

Won't need a space in there.

Bulbous drops fall and I mean subscribing hitting the ground.

what verb Could I use for then hitting the ground? I know spattering, spattering the ground below.

I don't want a capital letter there, 'Cause that's going to carry all my sentence.

Okay now I want to scribe back to the people.

We started with "We." So it's going to be a group of people We're going to say, our faces soaked completely drenched or soaked our faces soaked from the warm rain, stealing John Lyons idea.

Matching on holidays and we're really warm, where the rain is actually warm.

And on the last day I'm going to end on a really positive note, "We smile".

That shows that we're really happy that it's rained Well because it's so hot, That actually Sometimes when it rains it's quite a relief that cools us down.

Right, let's read back that verse.

Suddenly, the heavens open.

A deluge of bulbous drops fall, spattering, the grounds below.

Our faces soaked from warm rain, "We smile".

I'm just going to put a comma in there.

And I'm going to put a comma in there as well.

Right, let's check my success criteria.

Here we go.

Have I described aspects of nature and weather? Definitely lots of weather in there for sure.

Have I thought really carefully about my vocabulary choices really carefully, and you've helped me a lot with that well done.

Have I used figurative language? I don't think I'd had a simile in there, but I definitely had a metaphor and some personification to describe the stars.

I've carefully considered my line and my verse length.

So I've put in some punctuation to show where my sentences are, but I've split my sentences into several lines.

Great, I've done a really good job and I'm sure you have done as well.

It is now time for you to write the last part of your poem.

This might be your third and final verse, or you might want to go on and write a few verses, it's totally up to you.

You might want to write your verse about rain, or you might want to write it about another aspect of nature or weather.

We have come to the end of today's lesson, I have really enjoyed writing my poem with you.

And using all of that amazing vocabulary that we thought of in a previous lesson, and stealing lots of John Lyons ideas as well.

I would now like you to use your word map.

Use the sentences that you've written in a previous lesson.

Use the example poems that we've looked at, to create your own free verse poem about nature and weather.

You might have already written your poem as we've gone through today's lesson.

If you have this is your chance to read it back, reflect, make any changes that you want to.

If you haven't written your poem yet, I really hope you enjoy it.

Remember free verse means you can do whatever you like, be as creative as you want.

There are no rules about the structure, the length of your verse, the length of your lines, and there's no rhyming pattern needed.

So be as creative as you want, but use lots of really descriptive vocabulary.

Think about those figurative language devices like similes, metaphors, and personification.

Congratulations, you've finished today's lesson.

If you would like to please share your work with your parents or carer.

I am sure they would absolutely love to see your poems. I know I am really excited to see some of your outcomes from today's lesson.

See you in your next lesson, goodbye.