
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone.

I'm just eating an apple.

And you could say that I am consuming my energy.

So here's my apple.

I'm an omnivore.

So I like to eat both meat and plants.

This is one of the plants.

Hmm, yeah.

I can't get energy unless I eat.

So, sorry, you just interrupted my lunch.

I'm only joking.

Lenny the lion and I are really excited for today's lesson.

Because we want to think about why producers are so important.

So producers produce and consumers consume.

You just saw me consuming an apple.

And that means I was eating it.

And that helps me to get my energy.

'Cause I can't get to any other way.

If I didn't eat, I would die.

Just like you would too.

But that's why we always have our meals.

So, I've put my apple down now and Lenny's by my screen as well.

So, pause the video and go and get the resources you need.

If you want to get your favourite Teddy, you can do.

And you'll also need a pencil and a pen, a ruler, and a notebook.

Off you go, and I'll be still here, waiting.

Okay, so in today's lesson, we are going to go through our star words, as normal.

Then we'll think about producers and consumers.

Then we'll look at ecosystems. Then I'm going to ask you to write a fact file.

And then I'm going to make you think about an investigation to do with a plant in photosynthesis.

Let's get started on today's lesson, okay? My favourite parts of the lesson as ever is star words! You have such a loud voice today.

I'm so impressed.


The first star word today is, habitat.

Well done, habitat.

Good job.

A habitat is where an organism lives.

A habitat is where an organism lives.

Well done.

The next word is microorganism.

You're turn.

Well done.

Can you remember what a microorganism is, team? Can you tell your screen? Don't forget our action gives you the clue.

It's an organism so small, it can't be see seen by a human eye.

Can you tell your screen what's a microorganism? Well done, good job.

So algae is an example of something that's so small, it can't be seen by the human eye.

What does that make algae? Algae is a microorganism, well done.

The next word is, ecosystem.

Your turn.

Ecosystem, your turn.

Well done.

An ecosystem, remember, is a collection of, with me, plants, animals, habitats, and microorganisms. Let's say those again.

An ecosystem is a collection of animals, plants, habitats, and micro organisms. Well done! You remember that so well.

Let's look at our new star words for today.

The first one is, producer.

Your turn.

So I'm putting, I'm pushing my hands away from me, when I say that.

Producer, your turn.

The next word is, consumer.

Your turn.

Just like with my apple.

Consumer, your turn.

And the last word is, energy.

Your turn.

Energy, your turn.

Well done, and energy is what we use in order to live.

So, now that we've learnt our star words of producer and consumer, let's think about what they actually are.

Now, in the first lesson on ecosystems, I asked you, what animals need to live.

Do you think you can remember all of them? Hmm.

Pause the video and tell your screen.

What were the things the animals need to live? Well done.

Let's see if you've got them all.

Food and water, air, space to reproduce, and space to grow.

Well done.

So, food and water is the main one that we're looking and concentrating on today.

Because as humans, we need food and water, but where do we get our energy from? Well done, we get it from the food that we eat.

We can't make our energy inside.

We have to eat.

And that makes us consumers.

What does that make us? Consumers.

So just like my apple here, I need to consume this so that it gives me energy.

And if I didn't, I would have no energy, and I wouldn't be able to survive.

That makes humans consumers.

So now let's think about plants.

Where did they get their energy from? Hm.

Can you tell your screen? Well done.

Plants and bacteria get that energy from the sun.

And they can use this to produce their own food.

They don't need to eat a sausage sandwich in order to get their energy.

They just need sunlight.

That makes them, what's that word, team? Producers, well done.

So, consumers need to eat to obtain energy.

All of the organisms that we looked at last week that are human or animal are consumers.

Animals can't make their own food.

So they need to obtain their energy by eating other organisms. These types of organisms are called, consumers.

Some organisms, such as plants and bacteria, are able to use energy from the, what did I say? That bright thing in the sky? The sun.

And they can produce their own food.

And these are called, producers.

So, now let's have a think about the different producers and consumers in ecosystems. When we looked at ecosystems in the first lesson on this unit, we learned that an ecosystem is what? We also recapped it in our star words today.

What's it made up of? Plants, animals, microorganisms, and habitats.

Well done.

Let's see if we can spot some producers and consumers in the following ecosystems. What consumers can you see? Can you pause the video and point to and tell me what consumers you can see? Well done, I can see an elephant too.

What else can he see? A monkey, a giraffe, a parrot, a hippo, a bird, a snake.

All of these organisms that are animals are consumers Because they have to eat to get their food.

Because they have to eat to get their? Oh, I said eat to get their food.

That doesn't make sense.

They need to eat to get their energy.

Sorry, team.

Now let's think about the producers.

Name the producers that you can see.

Plants, well done.

Trees, well done.

Flowers, lily pad, fern.

Well done, you've spotted lots and lots of producers.

And they can produce their own energy, well done.

Let's look at a different ecosystem.

Can you tell me the consumers in this ecosystems? Which ones can you see? Mm hmm, I can see a duck.

I can also see a fish.

And even a dragon fly.

There are lots of different consumers.

Why are they consumers, team? Can you tell your screen what makes them a consumer? Well done.

They have to eat to get their, energy.

Now, let's name the producers.

Which ones can you see in this picture? Well done.

I could see fern and grass, pond weed, and a lily pad.

I wonder, which ones can't you see? What was that new one I taught you last lesson? Al algae, well done.

And that is a microorganism that we can't see, but uses the sunlight to produce its own food for energy.

So, what I'd like you to do is write me a fact file.

And a fact file is a list of all the facts that you know about a producer.

So, for instance, if you wanted to write about a producer, such as the rubber tree, what I need to do is I need to research it.

Maybe there's a producer that you already know lots about.

So you could write about that one.

And I want you to put all of the facts that you know, or could research about the rubber tree.

Or you can choose a different producer if you'd want to.

I'd like you to include key facts, where you'd find that producer, so, what's its habitat, does it have any flowers? Maybe what time of the year they flower? How long does it live? How tall does it grow? And are there any organisms that use it as their habitat? Hmm.

I'd love to be able to see some of those.

So have a go at drawing and writing your fact file now.

And if you want to, you can draw me a picture in the top corner of your page.

Good luck team and have fun.

Okay, pause the video if you need more time to complete your task.

The next thing we're going to learn about is photosynthesis.

Can you say photo synthesis? Photosynthesis.

Now some of you may have heard of the word photosynthesis before.

If you have, can you write down for me on a piece of paper or in your notebook, what you think photosynthesis is.

What does it mean? Okay.

So, keep that safe.

I want you to edit it as we go through the lesson if it changes from what you can remember.

Maybe you need to add something or maybe you need to edit your definition.

Let's have a look.

What on earth is photosynthesis? Well, before we look at a plant, I'm going to split the word into two.

The first part is photo.

And that means light.

And synthesis means to make.

So you make something with light.

But what do they make with light? Well done, plants make energy.


Photosynthesis is the process where plants produce their own food, using energy from the sun.

This happens in their leaves.

They take in carbon dioxide, which is a gas.

They then give off oxygen, which is also a gas.

They also take in water and minerals from the soil and use these in their leaves to carry out photo synthesis.

So on the screen, you can see some star words; water, sunlight, takes in carbon dioxide, minerals, and gives off oxygen.

Some of them are phrases.

I'd like you to add the labels to the plant, depending on where you think each arrow is referencing.

So, you might think that the first one coming down from the sun, which word do you think will be most appropriate there for the arrows coming off the sun? Do you think that would be minerals? No, well done.

That would be sunlight.

What about the next one? Coming in on the top right-hand corner.

What's given off? Good job, it gives off oxygen.

What does it use in the leaves? It uses oxygen.

Sorry, it uses carbon dioxide, water and minerals, well done.

See if you can have a go a placing the last two on your screen now.

Well done.

It takes in carbon dioxide, and it soaks up water from the ground.

Now team, photosynthesis is a process that you'll learn more about.

I've given you a very quick recap there, or maybe it's the first time you've ever learnt it.

The reason that is is because we could do a whole unit on photosynthesis, but what I really want you to remember, and to know, is that photosynthesis is the process that plants use to make their energy.

They use photosynthesis to make their energy, well done.

Because they are a producer.

Because they are a producer.

So it'd be a bit funny if you were walking around through a park and you saw a tree munching on an apple.

That would be funny, wouldn't it? You wouldn't see a plant chomping on a piece of toast.


Because they don't need to.

Because they are a producer that uses photosynthesis.

What do producers use to make their energy? Photosynthesis.

Well done.

Wow, you have learned that so well.

I've got a think a question for you.

So, I'm going to put on my scientific glasses to help me think.


And now I'm going to read my think question.

What would happen if we removed the leaves from a plant? What would happen if we removed the leaves? Hmm.

That's an interesting question.

I'm going to have a think about that one myself.

And then I'm going to speak to Lenny the lion.

And then, I'm going to speak to somebody in my house.

Or even in my classroom.

I want you to have a think about what you think would happen, if we removed leaves from a plant.

And then, have a scientific conversation with somebody, either at home or at school.

So, well done, everyone.

We've thought really carefully about why producers are so important.

Because, they make their own food.

And if we didn't have them, then we wouldn't be able to survive.

It's like a cycle.

So let me take off my scientific glasses because we are done for today.

I'm going to give you an awesome cheer! For all of your hard learning.

I'm really impressed.

Well done everyone, and I'll see you next time for our fourth lesson on ecosystems. Bye everybody.