Year 7

The Knight's Tale: The Courtly Lovers

Year 7

The Knight's Tale: The Courtly Lovers

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will further explore 'The Knight's Tale' and see what happens when two loyal kinsmen, Palamon and Arcita, find something to fight over.


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8 Questions

Reviewing your learning
Palamon and Arcita are ...
Hippolyta's brothers
Pilgrims on their way to Canterbury
Correct answer: Theban Princes
Theseus' sons
Theseus saves Palamon and Arcita because ...
He believed in courtly love
He wanted to ransom them
Correct answer: They fought well in battle
They were related to him
Which word best describes the code that Knights live by?
Correct answer: Chivalry
Courtly love is ...
Correct answer: When love in literature causes suffering and drama
When love in literature copies real life
When love in literature is forbidden
When love in literature is not returned
Who is Emily?
Correct answer: Emily is Hippolyta's daughter
Emily is Hippolyta's maid servant
Emily is Hippolyta's sister
Emily is the Princes' sister
When Emily is described as "sweeter than any flower that blows," what does it mean?
Emily carries flowers, as she likes their scent
Emily is beautiful like a flower
Emily is more beautiful than any flower
Correct answer: Emily's breath is sweet like a flower
What is Palamon's reaction when he sees Emily?
Correct answer: Palamon feels physical pain in his heart and cries out
Palamon is not impressed by Emily
Palamon starts considering how to escape prison
Palamon tells Arcita how beautiful she is

9 Questions

Reviewing your learning
Why is Palamon's love for Emily an example of courtly love?
Palamon's love for Emily is an example of courtly love because he falls in love with her voice.
Correct answer: Palamon's love for Emily is an example of courtly love because he feels physical pain at the strength of his emotion.
Palamon's love for Emily is an example of courtly love because he meets her in the Duke's Court.
Palamon's love for Emily is an example of courtly love because he thinks she may be a Goddess.
What emotions do Palamon and Arcita feel when they are locked in the tower?
Anger and rage.
Correct answer: Anguish and distress.
Excitement and impatience.
Jealousy and sadness.
What have you learned this lesson?
Why does Arcita jump up and look out of the tower window?
Arcita looks out of the tower window because he hears a noise outside.
Correct answer: Arcita looks out of the tower window because he hears Palamon cry out and wants to see what has caused it.
Arcita looks out of the tower window because he is tired of hearing Palamon complain.
Arcita looks out of the tower window because he longs to be free.
What does Palamon compare Emily to?
Palamon compares Emily to a beautiful flower.
Palamon compares Emily to the God Mars.
Correct answer: Palamon compares Emily to the Goddess Venus.
Palamon compares Emily to the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.
What happens when Arcita sees Emily?
Correct answer: When Arcita sees Emily he also falls in love and feels physical pain as deeply as Palamon.
When Arcita sees Emily he can't understand why Palamon is in pain.
When Arcita sees Emily he soothes his friend Palamon.
When Arcita sees Emily he thinks he sees a Goddess.
What is a patriarchal society?
A patriarchal society is a society where men and women have equality.
Correct answer: A patriarchal society is a society where men have more importance than women.
A patriarchal society is a society where men honour women and do everything that they say.
A patriarchal society is a society where women have more importance than men.
Why has Emily not spoken, so far, in the tale?
Emily has not spoken because she has taken a vow of silence until she finds love.
Emily has not spoken because she is so important to the story that her words will not matter.
Emily has not spoken because she represents a Goddess.
Correct answer: Emily has not spoken because she represents women being seen as unimportant except as a prize in medieval society.