
Lesson video

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Well, we are still on shape and symmetry.

And we're going to be looking at what we call today, comparing and classifying quadrilaterals.

New word there for you.

So equipment check for today, this is what you're going to need.

Your pencil, your ruler, something to write on and somewhere quiet with no distractions.

So, we're going to talk about our key learning in a moment and practise our vocabulary.

Then we need our number trees warm up, I love that one.

I have been enjoying making a few of these for the next few sessions and over the next few weeks together.

We are you going to recap on shapes and some new quadrilateral learning.

Then we're going to look at our main activity, and that's creating quadrilaterals.

And a final knowledge quiz to see what you've remembered.

So here is our key learning, and I'd love it if you could say these words back to me, there are a lot to get through.

So to compare and classify quadrilaterals is our key learning today.

Our key vocabulary today, the words are, quadrilateral sides, vertices, square, oblong, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezium, 2-D, regular, and irregular.

And you remember those two last words, regular and irregular, from yesterday.

2-D, we never really mentioned too much yesterday cause I think this is something you already know, but I'll just go over it again just in case you've forgotten.

2-D stands for two dimensional.

Dimensional means that you, the two dimensional means there are two things you can measure.

You can measure the width and the height of something, okay? A 2-D is a flat shape, something you can't pick up.

It's something you've drawn on paper.

A flat shape is a 2-D shape.

So here's our to start activity, our number trees.

You know how these work, the first one's already been done for you.

These two numbers added together give me the one above and so on.

If I need to go backwards, I could do 30 takeaway 16 gives me 14.

So we can work forwards and back using addition and subtraction, so we can use one and then the inverse to figure out the ones that are missing.

Give that a real good go, I know you're amazing at this now.

So when you're ready, come on back and let's share the answers.

All right, welcome back.

Are you ready for it? Give you some a little drum roll on the table.

Here are your answers.

Just checking over those then.

Very well done.

If you've got all of those right, you're a mega star and I'm your biggest fan.

Now, next time we do these, I've been really tricky with them, I've taken out more numbers.

So why not have a go at creating some of your own just to get your head around how they work.

So that next time we come to these when they are trickier, you're going to smash it.

I think you can.

Anyway, deep breath and let's move on, shall we? So we talked yesterday in the last session, very briefly about parallel lines.

So let's really quickly recap on what parallel lines are.

Parallel lines are a pair of lines that will always stay the same distance apart.

So if they start five centimetres apart, they will always be five centimetres apart.

It means they will never ever meet, no matter how long you keep drawing those lines, they'll never meet.

Now below you can see six pairs of lines, each pair of lines is a different colour.

Some of those pairs of lines are parallel lines, some of them are not.

I wonder if you can figure out which ones are parallel.

I'm going to give you 10 seconds before I do the big reveal.

Your 10 seconds to decide which are parallel lines start from now.

Five seconds left.

Two, one and here they are.

Well done, the orange, the blue and the red were all a parallel line.

And you can see they stay the same distance apart the whole time.

If I look at the yellow ones I know that they're almost ready to meet.

This one's going to crash into this one.

And if I extended the green ones longer, they would meet just somewhere down there off the page.

Well done.

So, one of the key words we heard today was the word quadrilateral, and that's this word right here.

And the first bit, the quad part, you may have heard that before.

For example, if I use the word quad bike, that's a kind of bike that's different to a regular bike.

A regular bike would have two wheels, I wonder if you know how many wheels a quad pike would have.

Now, if you said four, you're spot on.

Quad means four.

We might often talk about it, if there's a grid it might have quadrants, and you can have four quadrants, okay? You could play sports in a quad, which means it's an area split up into four pieces.

I wonder if you can find any other words that have quad in them.

Have a think, see if you can find any.

But a quadrilateral is a shape that has four sides and four vertices.

Now, if you remember in the last session together, I mentioned what vertices were.

Vertices are basically angles or corners, it's just a much more mathematical way of saying corners.

So they have four sides and four corners.

Now quadrilateral can be regular or irregular, so it doesn't matter whether they're all the same, length or whether all the angles measure the same, but if they have four sides and four vertices, four corners, four angles, then they are quadrilaterals.

Five seconds then, can you spot the quadrilaterals here? Which ones are quadrilaterals? Five seconds.

Two, one, and did you spot them? I tricked you, because they actually all are.

Every single one of those shapes had four sides.

Every single one of those shapes had four vertices.

Therefore they were all quadrilaterals.

And if I just skip back a second, if you take a look at them, you can see they kind of look very different.

And you could make some real weird and wonderful ones as well, I'm sure.

So, real quick recap then, what's the difference between a square and an oblong? They're not the same shape.

So what makes them different? So a square is a type of rectangle, remember we said this before.

Rectangle is the last name, square and oblong is the first name.

So a square and an oblong are both types of rectangle.

Now a square is a type of rectangle that has four sides, well, so does an oblong.

They are all equal, and they have four vertices, corners, that are all equal, they're all 90 degrees.

And what's another way of saying 90 degrees? Yeah, a right angle.

But then hang on, doesn't an oblong also have four sides and four right angles? Hmm, let's find out some more, shall we? An oblong is a type of rectangle that has four sides, but in this case, opposite sides are equal.

So not all of the sides are the same length, 'cause I can clearly see that this side and this side are different to these ones.

Remember those marks, they mean matching marks, matching measurements.

So, opposite sides are equal.

Opposite side are equal.

All the angles are right angles, but it doesn't have four equal length sides, okay? That's the only difference.

An oblong and a square are different in that a square has all the sides the same, an oblong has two pairs of identical sides, opposite sides are equal.

All right, now I think these are parallelograms. Now some of them look more, I don't know if this is a word, I'm going to go out there and just say I'm creating a new word now.

Some parallelograms are more parallelogram-y than others.

That's my new word.

These two are clearly parallelograms. They're a bit like an oblong that's been pushed to one side.

This one is less parallelogram-y because you can barely see that these are not right angles.

Let me tell you a bit more about a parallelogram then, shall I? Cause I'm just throwing made-up words at you now.

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral that has two pairs of parallel sides.

So, remember parallel lines never meet, this side will never meet this one, this side will never meet this one.

Opposite sides are parallel, so these two are parallel, and opposite sides are also equal, so this is the same length this is.

But it's different from a rectangle because it contains no right angles.

And if you remember rectangle, well that's derived from the German language, rect means right.

But there are no right angles in any of these shapes.

So they can't be rectangles, okay? So a parallelogram has four sides, four angles, opposite sides are equal, opposite sides are parallel, but there are no right angles.

And you could also say that opposite angles are equal.

This one and this one measure the same, this one and this one measure the same.

Lots to remember, and you may need to keep flicking back to slides today.

So look at this one then, this is a rhombus.

Now, I'm not even going to say the word that we're not allowed to call this, I'm going to just write it down.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, it's not diamond.

Lots of people will call this a diamond and that's what you might call it when you're much, much younger, but we're going to use the correct word for it which is a rhombus, okay? Now a rhombus is a quadrilateral that has four sides of equal length.

So in this shape, all the sides are the same.

They're all the same.

These are all the same.

But not all of the vertices are the same and it will have no right angles, okay? So, whereas a parallelogram was like an oblong that's been pushed over, a rhombus is like a square that's been pushed over.

If I were to straighten these two sides up, it would now be a square.

So a rhombus is a quadrilateral that has four sides that are equal in length but the vertices are not all the same.

Again, opposite angles are the same, so this one and this one, this one and this one, but they're not all the same and it has no right angles, okay? Easy to remember really, and I'm sure you will.

If you need to skip back, that's absolutely fine.

If you want to just go over those definitions again, you do that, that's great 'cause that'll help you to remember.

Okay, so here is a moving on task for you.

And you have six shapes coming up, these three and these three.

All I want you to do is tell me what it's called and how you know.

So if you think the first one is an oblong, I'll say this is an oblong, I know because, and then tell me the properties.

Remember the properties are the bits that make a shape the shape that it is, so the number of sides, the angles, the rules about the sides and the angles or the vertices.

So you're just going to tell me that, okay? Have a go, name it and explain it, okay? That makes sense, doesn't it? Give it a go.

Your time begins now.

Alrighty then, welcome back.

How did you do? Do you think you got those? Do you think you managed to explain what they all were and how you knew? Shall we find out then? Now the wording of my answers, yours doesn't have to be exactly the same, these are just my explanations.

But if you have something that sounds right, that gets the gist, the main ideas then well done to you.

Okay, so you don't have time exactly the same words, the only bit you do need to make sure you've got correct is the name.

So the first one is a parallelogram.

And I know that because it has two pairs of parallel sides.

The opposite sides are equal in length and there are no right angles.

I know the next one is an oblong because the opposite sides are equal and then it has four right angles.

I know this one is a trapezium because it has one pair of parallel sides here and here, and I didn't go through the definition of this so I wondered if you'd be able to figure that one out.

So this and this is parallel but there are no right angles.

I know this is a square because all the sides are equal and all vertices are right angles and the same.

This is a parallelogram, two pairs of parallel sides, opposite sides are equal, no right angles.

And then I know this is a rhombus because all four sides are the same, but none of the vertices are right angles.

That guys, it wasn't bad, was it really? The only one I think could have tricked you was the trapezium cause I was sneaky and I didn't give you a definition or a rule to follow with that.

Naughty me, but I'm sure you got it.

All right.

So here's your main task today, and you can make your own dotty grids as well if you need to.

But using the dotty grids I've given you, how many different quadrilaterals can you make by just joining four of those dots together with straight lines? Now remember, this is key.

Ruler, ruler, ruler, ruler, use a ruler, use a ruler.

Ruler, ruler, ruler, ruler, ruler, ruler, ruler, straight lines, use a ruler.

I think you get the idea, right? Straight lines, joining four of the dots together for your four vertices.

How many different quadrilateral shapes can you make? So how many different four-sided shapes? And if you're feeling super smart, can you name them? Give it a go and we'll come back when you're ready.

And we're coming back in three, two and one.

Hello, we're back.

So, let's take a look, shall we? Here are some of mine, and you may have had different ones, but if we look very carefully, I managed to create two trapeziums here.

I have got parallelogram, another parallelogram, oblong, and an oblong, I have a square and I have a diamond? I'm wrong, right? It's not a diamond, it is a? A rhombus, very well done.

Now, have a go and see how many more you can explore.

If you can figure out how to make some more, go for it.

Never, never cap yourself, just keep going.

If you want to keep going, keep going.

It's easy enough to just draw yourself some dots out, see how many more you can make.

But well done, I wonder if any of you managed to make more than two parallelograms, or more than two trapeziums. Well, I don't know about you but I'm going to need a rest in a minute 'cause I've gone a bit crazy looking at all those dots.

That's me, Mr. C, have a good one, bye.