
Lesson video

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Hi there, my name is Mr. Byrne-Smith, and today we are going to be doing some spelling together, which I am very excited about.

In particular, we're going to be learning about the double consonant, which sometimes appears in some words.

If you haven't yet, watch lesson two and 10, I really recommend that you do that first, because it will really help you, when it comes to understanding today's learning.

If you're ready, let's make a start.

Here's the agenda for today's lesson.

First we're going to look at some key vocabulary.

Then we're going to recap the spelling rules.

After that, we'll learn a new strategy, before having a go at this week's test.

In this lesson, you will need an exercise book or paper, a pencil, and then of course, don't forget this, your brain.

If you need to go up and get any of these things, pause the video now.

Let's go through some key vocabulary.

My turn, your turn.


Vowels are the letters a, e, i, o, u.


Consonants are all the other letters, so that's all the letters except for a, e, i, o, and u.


A noun is a person, place or thing.


The origin of a word is where it comes from, so when we talk about origins, we're talking about where something comes from.

Now before we go on, we have to think in a bit more detail about vowels.

The vowel letters are a, e, i, o, u.

But we need to think about vowels' sounds, which are slightly different.

These can be categorised into long vowels and short vowels.

First, let's look at the short vowels.

A, e, i, oh, ah.

These are the long vowels: ay, ee, igh, oa, u_e.

There are some other long vowel sounds, however these are the most common.

There are also different spellings for these vowel sounds, if you think back to your phonics, you can think about a variety of spellings for the same sound.

Let's have a practise, I'm going to give you a word, and I'd like you to tell me whether it contains a long vowel sound, or a short vowel sound.

The first word is pat.

Long or short? Pat contains a short vowel sound.

The next word is might.

Point for me, long or short, might contains a long vowel sound, the I sound.

Next we have feast, point.

Aha, feast contains a long vowel sound, the ee sound.

Finally, flop.

Flop contains the short o vowel sound.

Okay, let's recap some spelling rules.

So, here we have four words, and they all have something in common, we're just going to really recap, really quickly recap what they have in common.

So have a careful look, you have happy, grinned, coffee, and summer.

Pause the video, and have a go.

Okay, so happy, grinned, coffee, and summer all contain a double consonant, which is what we're looking at in today's lesson.

Can you think of any others? I'm going to give you a few minutes now to have a careful think about any other words which might contain double consonants.

Pause the video now.

Okay, I thought of silly, fussy, and then, fussy led me right on to funny.

Silly, fussy, and funny.

Let's see if we can figure out the relationship between vowel length, and double consonant.

Here we have some pairs of words.

Here's an example, pole and pollen.

Now these words are pairs because they have a similar spelling, they are not linked in meaning, however they do have a similar spelling.

All of the words on the bottom row contain a double consonant.

All of the words on the top row do not.

Pole and pollen, writing and written, lady and laddy, ripen and ripping.

I'd like you to see if you can find the short vowels, and see if you can find the long vowels.

So where are the short vowels, where are the long vowels.

Pause the video now.

Okay, let's have a look, where are the short vowels, where are the long vowels.

Well, long vowels are at the top, and the short vowels are in the bottom row.

What else is in the bottom row? Well as we discussed a second ago, the double consonants are in the bottom row.

So, there must be some sort of relationship between double consonants, and short vowel sounds.

Pollen, written, laddy, and ripping.

I'd like you to have a careful think, does the double consonant come after the short vowel sound, or before the short vowel sound.

Pollen, written, laddy, and ripping.

Double consonants are often found after short vowels.

Okay, I'd like you to have a think of any words you can, related to cooking, which contain a double consonant.

So any words that you can, now this could be food, ingredients used in cooking, or utensils, which are the tools that we use to cook.

It could be about the places where you cook, or the things you eat.

Have a good, careful think.

Pause the video now.

Okay, you should now have a selection of words containing double consonants related to the theme of cooking, I have some up my sleeve, let's see mine.

Coffee, batter, butter, carrot, pepper.

Okay, our next challenge is to put two of these into a sentence.

I'm going to pick two of mine, and in a second, you're going to pick two of yours.

Please may you pass the salt and pepper? I hate the smell of coffee! I'd like you to pause the video now, and have a go with yours.

Okay, new category, this time, garden.

So things related to the garden, that contain a double consonant.

Maybe things you find in the garden, things you do in a garden, maybe if you were to visit a garden, things you might take with you, have a careful think.

I've got some up my sleeve, I want to hear yours, so pause the video now and have a go.

Okay, let's see mine.

Poppy, flower, apple, might grow an apple tree, berry, cherry, and then holly.

Holly, which is a kind of a prickly plant.

Now, we got to pick two of these to put into sentences.

I've picked apple and berry.

As the boy strolled through the garden, an apple fell of the tree behind him.

The lush garden was full of plants and trees.

There was even a berry bush! Okay, I'd like you to have a go with yours, so, pick two, pause the video, and put them into sentences.


So, next challenge, I am going to give you a word.

Your job is to tell me whether it contains a single or a double consonant.

Now remember, double consonants are linked very closely to short vowel sounds, so that's what you're listening out for.

If you hear a short vowel sound, then it likely that this word contains a double consonant.

The first word is writing.

Writing, pause the video.

Okay, writing contains a single consonant.

It has a long igh sound in it.

And therefore, it has a single consonant, rather than a double consonant.

Next word is written.

Written, pause the video.

Written contains a double consonant.

Written has a short vowel sound, in it the ih sound.

Comes just before the double consonant, double t, and there it is, written.

The next word is flappy.

Flappy, have a careful think.

Okay, flappy contains a double consonant.

Flappy has the short ah sound in it, just for the double consonant, the double p in this instance.

Finally, we have flighty.

Flighty, flighty is a lovely adjective, which we use to describe things which don't like to hang around, so if somebody's flighty, then they're always kind of disappearing off.

Have a careful think, single or double.

Single, flighty has a long vowel sound, the i long vowel sound, spelt igh, Therefore, it's followed by a single consonant, rather than a double consonant.

Now, some letters in the English language are never doubled.

An example of one of these is w.

I wonder if you can think of any others, have a quick think, pause the video and come back.

Okay, the other letters that are never doubled are h, j, k, v, and z.

Some letters are rarely doubled, which means not very often.

Now these letters, when they are doubled, it's usually because they come from a different language originally, an example is with the letter c.

I have two examples for you, broccoli, and cappuccino.

In English, we don't often double the letter c, however, in Italian, it's fairly common.

These letters both come from Italian.

Okay, let's learn a new strategy.

The strategy we're going to learn today is called contextualising.

Now, we've actually already done this, when you contextualise a word, you use it in context.

Normally, that means putting it in a sentence, or, representing it using a drawing.

Even better, you can do both.

Let's have a go with the word scuffle, now the word scuffle actually has a couple of meanings, which are sort of similar, but not exactly the same.

The first is a fight, so a sort of minor fight.

I've had a go at putting that into context, first I'll put it into a sentence, and then, a drawing.

The kids got in a scuffle when they couldn't agree which game to play.

So I've put it in a sentence, I've written the word scuffle bigger, so it really jumps out at me, and that way, I can kind of notice it and remember it, that little bit better.

Next up is in a drawing, which are drawn myself, so I hope you like my hard work, it took me a while.

Here it is, it's a scuffle.

The kind of scuffle you often see in cartoons, with arms and legs flying everywhere.

Now, whenever I come across the word scuffle, ever since I drew this, I have a very quick mental image, of exactly what a scuffle is.

And I can imagine it being used in this sentence, and in this context, which actually makes it easy for me to spell.

I tried another sentence, he heard the scuffle of feet coming along the corridor.

That's because scuffle can sometimes be used to describe how feet kind of squeak and brush against each other, and against the floor when people are walking.

I've tried to depict this in a picture, in a drawing as well.

And there it is, and once again, I think this drawing is a really useful aid for helping me remember the word, and how it's used, and therefore how it's spelled.

It sticks out in my memory.

Why is this a useful strategy? Why does it actually work? Well, firstly, it makes you think about the meaning of a word, which is very important.

Whenever you learn spellings, it's very important that you learn the meaning as well.

If you don't know what a word means, you are unlikely to ever use it.

And if you don't use it, you're not going to get better at spelling it.

Repetition, this strategy forces you to repeat the word again and again.

You also have to think about it again and again and again, in order to put it into the right context, and, to depict it accurately.

Finally, it's fun, it's really fun in fact.

Coming up with the drawing is my favourite bit.

I have to think very carefully about the meaning, and I have to think how I can represent it accurately.

And I had lots of fun doing both of these, and I know you will too.

So, time to have a practise, let's use our new strategy on some of this week's spelling words.

We have four words, follow, funny, carrot, and sudden.

If you'd like to use other words from our list, then please do.

Time for this week's test.

First thing I'd like you to do, is write the numbers one to 10 carefully.

Pause the video now.

Okay, now, time to take a deep breath, staying nice and calm, I'm going to read each of our ten words out loud, I'm going to put them into sentences.

That's so you understand exactly what the word means, and how it's being used.

Remember, you can pause the video whenever you like, so if you need more time, or if you'd like to practise a few options, and then pick one, then that's absolutely fine.

Number one, silly.

He did a silly dance whenever she came in the room.


Number two, common.

In some countries, John is not a very common name, common.

Number three, follow.

The lion likes to follow its prey before pouncing.

Number four, funny.

She was so funny that he laughed at almost anything she said, funny.

Five, getting.

Things are getting very strange, getting.

Six, carrot.

I like to include at least one carrot in every meal, even breakfast, carrot.

Seven, comma.

A comma is often used to separate clauses, comma.

Eight, scuffle.

A scuffle broke out between the two siblings, scuffle.

Nine, sudden.

There was a sudden movement in the bushes, sudden.

10, possession.

Each possession he took with him was special in a different way.

Okay, well done! Now I'm going to reveal the spellings, and go through each of them one-by-one.

If there are any you haven't got right, don't worry about it, but please do copy out the correct spelling next to it.

Then you can compare to see what letters you've got wrong, and more importantly, see all the ones that you probably got right.

Here are the words.

One, silly.


Two, common.


Three, follow.


Four, funny.


Five, getting.


Six, carrot.


Seven, comma.


Eight, scuffle.


Nine, sudden.


10, possession.


Okay, well done, that's the end of the lesson.

Today we have looked at key vocabulary, we have recapped rules, we have learned a new strategy, and of course, we've done our test, which is a lot, so well done.

Well done for all of your hard work, and see you again soon!.