
Lesson video

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- ♪ Hello, everyone.

♪ My name is Ms. Hart, and we are now on lesson two of finding the pulse in a song.

If you haven't already, make sure you have completed lesson one first.

Put on your listening ears and your smiling face, of course, and let's begin.

In this lesson, we are going to find the pulse in a piece of music.

We're going to learn to follow symbols keeping the pulse.

We're going to recognise different patterns between words and sounds.

And we're going to match words to the pulse.

In this lesson, you will need some paper or the worksheet that is provided with this lesson, a pencil, and of course your brain.

Okay, so in lesson one, we learn the song "Kye kye kule".

We're going to use that as our warm up today and recap the song.

I'm going to sing it all the way through once, first, just to remind you, okay? This song is a call and response song.

So each time, it's my turn, your turn, except for that last bit.

Can you remember what happens? We sing it all together.

My turn.

♪ Kye kye kule ♪ ♪ Kye kye kofi sa ♪ ♪ Kofi sa langa ♪ ♪ Kaka shi langa ♪ ♪ Kum Adende ♪ ♪ Kum Adende, hey! ♪ This time you're going to answer me back.

So in those gaps that we had, you are going to be copying me.

Are we ready? My turn.

♪ Kye kye kule ♪ ♪ Kye kye Kofi sa ♪ ♪ Kofi sa langa ♪ ♪ Kaka shi langa ♪ ♪ Kum Adende ♪ ♪ Kum Adende, hey! ♪ Well remembered.

This time, what was I doing in that? I was tapping the pulse, wasn't I? Remember, you need to be doing that as well.

And we're going to try and keep it really steady.

I'm going to move from my head, maybe my shoulders, maybe my knees.

So, make sure you're watching really carefully, okay? Here we go.

Starting with my head.

♪ Kye kye kule ♪ ♪ Kye kye Kofi sa ♪ ♪ Kofi sa langa ♪ ♪ Kaka shi langa ♪ ♪ Kum Adende ♪ ♪ Kum Adende, hey! ♪ Well done.

Okay, so let's recap.

What is pulse? I'm going to give you a little moment to have a think.

In a piece of music, there is a steady beat called a pulse.

It is like a heartbeat that keeps beating throughout.

We can tap along to different pieces of music and find the pulse.

Activity two, to follow symbols keeping the pulse.

Another activity we did in lesson one was to use our body to make sounds to the pulse.

We are going to be using our feet to stamp and our hands to clap.

So have a look at the pattern on your screen.

They are numbered one, two, three, and four.

What did we do on number one and number two? We stamp.

And beat three and four, we clap.

Okay? I'm going to model it first, and then I want you to copy me back straight away, okay? I'll count in each time, one, two, three, four.

Okay? My turn, one, two, three, four, stamp, stamp, clap, clap.

Stamp, stamp, clap, clap.

Stamp, stamp, clap, clap.

Stamp, stamp, clap, clap.

Hopefully, you got that, it was my turn, your turn.

Let's have one more and more practise, my turn, then your turn.

One, two, three, four, stamp, stamp, clap, clap.

Stamp, stamp, clap clap.

Stamp, stamp, clap, clap.

Stamp, stamp, clap, clap.

Well done.

Can you remember the word used for speed in music? That's right, tempo.

This time, we are going to increase the tempo.

We're going to go faster, okay? So, whichever speed I count in at the beginning, you need to copy me back.

My turn, one, two, three, four, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, stamp, stamp, clap, clap.

Did you guess it right? It's so well done.

For our last body percussion pattern today, we are going to have a go at this one.

What do you think we do in box number two? Have a think.

If you said nothing, then you're right.

We are going to be quiet in box two.

So, to remind us that we're not going to do anything, we're going to put our hands out like this.

Okay? So, on number two, hands out.

So, the pattern will go like this, one, two, three, four.

Okay? I'll do it again.

One, two, three, four.

Should we have a go? We'll do it together.

I'll count four beats in to set our pulse.

One, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

Let's have fun.

♪ Now they go, here we go ♪ One, two, three, four Well done.

This time, I'm not going to count the numbers.

You have to feel the pulse, okay? I'll count as it, but then I will stop.

One, two, three, four.

Did you manage it? Let's do it one more time.

One, two, three, four.

Well done.

Should we go a little bit faster? Remember, the word tempo, to increase our speed.

Okay, here we go.

One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, one, two, here we go.

One, two, three, four.

Once more, here we go again.

One more time, here we go.

Did you keep up? Did you do all of your stamping and clapping, and stopping in the right place? Let's move on.

Activity three, to recognise patterns between words and sounds.

We're going to learn a new song today called, "Hey, hey, look at me".

You will be able to see the words on the screen with their heartbeats above.

The heartbeats are showing us the pulse of the song, okay? So I'm going to sing the song first, so you can understand how it fits with the pulse, okay? ♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ ♪ I am waving, can't you see ♪ I'm going to sing it one more time, keeping a steady pulse.

♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ ♪ I am waving, can't you see ♪ This time, you're going to join in.

We're going to do a line at a time, okay? My turn fast.

♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ Well done, let's have another go.

My turn first.

♪ Hey, hey, look at me.

♪ Well done.

Now we're going to have a go at the second line.

My turn first.

♪ I am waving, can't you see ♪ One more time.

Me first.

♪ I am waving, can't you see ♪ Well done.

Did you manage to keep your pulse going all the way through? Let's see if we can sing it all the way through.

Get your pulse good.

Ready? ♪ Off we go ♪ ♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ ♪ I am waving, can't you see ♪ Okay.

This time, we're going to change the word waving, and I am going to jump, okay? So this time, instead of waving, jump in, are we ready? ♪ Off we go ♪ ♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ ♪ I am jumping, can't you see ♪ Did you join in with the actions? This time, you're going to think of your own action.

So, I'm going to keep quiet on the action word, and you can do one all by yourself.

Are we ready? Have you got one? Have you thought of one? ♪ Off we go ♪ ♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ ♪ I am, can't you see ♪ Oh, I wonder what you chose.

Let's have one more go.

This time, you can change it or you can do the same action.

Are we ready? ♪ Off we go ♪ ♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ ♪ I am, can't you see ♪ Well done for putting in your action.

Okay, so when you to take a look at the screen for a moment, we've learned the song, "Hey, hey".

What do you notice about the third heartbeat? How many words are there sharing it? That's right.

There are two words on one heartbeat.

Let's have a listen.

♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ The words, look at, fit on one heartbeat.

This is called rhythm.

Rhythm is where we take a pattern of sounds and put them with the pulse,.

Have a looK at the rest of the song now.

Can you work out how many claps are going to be on each heartbeat? Well, I will sing it while you have a little think.

♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ ♪ I am waving, can't you see ♪ So, our first heartbeat.

♪ Hey ♪ Has one.

♪ Hey ♪ Has one.

♪ Look at ♪ Has two.

♪ Me ♪ Has one.

Should we see if we can sing that and clap the rhythm? Are we ready? Just the first one.

♪ Off we go ♪ ♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ Did you remember to do, look at, as two claps? Let's have one more go to make sure.

♪ Off we go ♪ ♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ Well done.

This time, we're going to have a go at the second line.

I will sing it first.

♪ I am waving, can't you see ♪ Ready? ♪ Off we go ♪ ♪ I am waving, can't you see ♪ Did you remember to do all of the claps? Let's see if we can sing all of the song now whilst clapping the rhythm.

Are we ready? ♪ Off we go ♪ ♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ ♪ I am waving, can't you see ♪ Well done.

Remember, if you wants to practise that again, all you need to do is rewind the video and have another practise.

Let's recap.

In a piece of music, there is a steady beat called a pulse.

It is like a heartbeat that keeps beating throughout.

We can tap along to different pieces of music to find the pulse.

So, what is rhythm? Have a think.

A rhythm is a pattern of different sounds on each beat.

For example, in the song we have learned, look at, has two sounds on the third beat.

♪ Hey, hey, look at me ♪ We can see this from the two crosses inside the heart.

Activity four, matching the words to the pulse.

Get your paper or worksheet ready for this activity.

Okay, we're going to learn one new song now, and this one is called "Copy cat".

Whilst we're singing this song, we are going to focus on rhythm, which means we are going to be clapping all of the different sounds.

I'm going to sing it first, so you can hear all of the different words.

Think about the rhythm as we go along.

My turn.

♪ Copy cat ♪ ♪ Copy cat ♪ ♪ Sitting on the door mat ♪ I'll sing it one more time.

♪ Copy cat ♪ ♪ Copy cat ♪ ♪ Sitting on the door mat ♪ Should we have a go together? We'll do one line at a time.

My turn.

♪ Copy cat ♪ ♪ Copy cat ♪ ♪ Off we go ♪ ♪ Copy cat ♪ ♪ Copy cat ♪ Well done.

Let's have a go at the second line.

My turn.

♪ Sitting on the door mat ♪ ♪ Off we go ♪ ♪ Sitting on the door mat ♪ Did you remember to clap all of the different sounds? It's very easy to accidentally do the pulse instead.

Isn't it? Let's sing it all the way through.

Are we ready? ♪ Off we go ♪ ♪ Copy cat ♪ ♪ Copy cat ♪ ♪ Sitting on the door mat ♪ Well done.

This time, you're going to do it all by yourself.

I'm just going to clap along.

Are you ready? ♪ Off we go ♪ Well done.

And for the last time through, we are going to put all of the song into our thinking voice.

So, we are just going to clap the rhythm.

Are we ready? ♪ Off we go ♪ Well done.

Okay, so on to our written activity.

For this activity, you are going to match the words with the heartbeats.

Learn the song first, and then write down where you think the words fit.

Your challenge is to perform the song whilst tapping the pulse on your knees.

The words you will need are copy cat, copy cat, sitting on the door mat.

See if you can put the words in the right places underneath the heartbeats.

Pause the video to complete your task.

Click play when you are ready to continue.


So, let's go through the answers to the copy cat activity.

As you can see on here, I have written all of the words below the right heartbeats.

Check your piece of paper or your worksheet to make sure yours matches mine.

Did you get it right? Let's go through it to make sure.

My turn first.

♪ Copy cat ♪ ♪ Copy cat ♪ We can see that copy fits in one heartbeat.

♪ Copy ♪ ♪ Cat ♪ Goes on the second one.

And then it repeats.

♪ Copy cat ♪ And then if we go into the second line.

♪ Sitting ♪ Shares a heartbeat.

♪ On the ♪ That's the tricky one.

There are two words sharing that heartbeat.

♪ Sitting on the door ♪ One.

♪ Mat ♪ Let's sing it through, tapping the heartbeats, and looking at our sheet.

Ready? ♪ Off we go ♪ ♪ Copy cat ♪ ♪ Copy cat ♪ ♪ Sitting on the door mat ♪ Well done If you managed to put all of the words in the right place.

Well done for the learning that you have done today.

You will now be able to understand what the word pulse and rhythm means.

Pulse is a steady beat, like a heartbeat, that keeps continuing throughout a piece of music.

A rhythm is a pattern of sound.

If you'd like to, remember to take a picture of your work today and send it to a teacher, so they can see what you have been learning.

And, if you'd like to, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #LearnWithOak.

See you next time.

Bye, bye.