How are organisms adapted to live in the deep sea?

In this lesson, we will learn about the deep sea environment and the adaptations that organisms have evolved to survive there. We will also learn about deep sea conservation and create a poster to convince our schools to support this cause.

How are organisms adapted to live in the deep sea?

In this lesson, we will learn about the deep sea environment and the adaptations that organisms have evolved to survive there. We will also learn about deep sea conservation and create a poster to convince our schools to support this cause.

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Describe the conditions of deep sea environments
  2. Common deep sea adaptations
  3. Deep sea conservation


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5 Questions

How long can elephant seals hold their breath for?
Correct answer: 60 minutes
60 seconds
90 minutes
90 seconds
Which of these is NOT an adaptation that helps marine animals to breathe?
Blow hole
Correct answer: Blubber
Which is better for swimming?
Correct answer: Fins
Which shape is most streamlined?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Shape A
Shape B
Which statement is true about many marine animals?
Correct answer: They are dark coloured on the top and light coloured on the bottom
They are light coloured on the top and dark coloured on the bottom

4 Questions

Which of these is not a condition of the deep sea environment?
Food is scarce
Correct answer: Light
What is the correct word for light that is emitted by living organisms?
Correct answer: bioluminescence
Which of these is not a type of body that is camouflaged in the deep sea?
black bodies
reflective bodies
transparent bodies
Correct answer: white bodies
How is the black swallower adapted to scarce food?
Correct answer: It is able to swallow food that is large and store it
It is very small in size
It swims to swallow water to find food

Lesson appears in

UnitScience / Adaptations
