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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will examine the pressures that the Second World War placed on the British in India.


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5 Questions

What was the aim of Congress and Gandhi?
Correct answer: for India to achieve independence from the British
for India to become independent through violence
for India to fight the British and kill them
for the British to give Indians some freedom
What did Gandhi believe in?
noncooperation and marching
nonviolent action
Correct answer: nonviolent noncooperation
violent action
What tax did Gandhi break when he led a march?
the British tax
the cloth tax
Correct answer: the salt tax
the spinning cloth tax
What did Gandhi do in jail?
ate salt
organised violent protests
Correct answer: spun his own clothes
told the British he would fight them
What was the organisation that Gandhi led?
Correct answer: Congress

5 Questions

How many Indians volunteered to fight in WW2?
10 million
Correct answer: 2.5 million
one hundred thousand
one thousand
What was the name of Gandhi's book?
British Out!
Get out of India
Leave India
Correct answer: Quit India
What did the British do to Gandhi?
burned all his books
Correct answer: put him in jail
sent him to fight in the War
tortured him
During WW2, 30 Indians won the highest award for bravery in the British army. What is this award called?
the British Empire Medal
the Elizabeth Medal
the George Cross
Correct answer: the Victoria Cross
Where did Indians fight in WW2?
all over Europe
Correct answer: all over the world
only in India
only near Britain

Lesson appears in

UnitHistory / How did India achieve independence in 1947?
