Year 9

Frida Kahlo (Part 1): Narrative/storytelling through portraiture

In this lesson we will learn about the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo and her self-portrait techniques. We will study one self-portrait in detail and then use her techniques to create our own self-portrait.

Year 9

Frida Kahlo (Part 1): Narrative/storytelling through portraiture

In this lesson we will learn about the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo and her self-portrait techniques. We will study one self-portrait in detail and then use her techniques to create our own self-portrait.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Frida Kahlo was a twentieth century Mexican painter.
  2. Frida Kahlo typically created self-portraits showing her head and shoulders.
  3. Frida Kahlo created 55 self-portraits during her lifetime.
  4. Frida Kahlo's "Self-portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird" was painted in 1940.
  5. 'Definition' is the act of making something definite, distinct or clear.


A pencil and eraser, a photographic self portrait, A4 sketchbook or paper.


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4 Questions

How does DAIN create a textured surface on his work?
He adds sand to his paint
Correct answer: He pastes his work on a textured wall
He scrunches his artwork up
He uses lots of layers of paint
In the demonstration, how is further texture added to the work?
Adding sand to the paint
Correct answer: By scrunching up the paper
Lots of layers of paint
What happens when you add more water to gouache paint?
It gets thicker and the colour lightens
It gets thinner and the colour darkens
Correct answer: It gets thinner and the colour lightens
What type of paint does DAIN use?
Acrylic Paint
Oil paint
Correct answer: Spray Paint
Watercolour paints

4 Questions

What is portraiture?
A drawing of someone's feet.
Correct answer: A likeness of a person as a painting, drawing or photograph.
A painting of nature.
A photograph of the world.
What is definition?
A portrait that is particularly clear and obvious.
Any drawing on your artwork.
Correct answer: The act of defining or making something definite, distinct or clear.
The relationship between height, width and depth in an artwork.
What is proportion?
The difference between two different artworks.
The number of different objects in an artwork.
The overall size of an artwork.
Correct answer: The relationship between height, width and depth in an artwork.
Which statement about Frida Kahlo is correct?
Frida Kahlo only painted one self-portrait during her lifetime.
Correct answer: Frida Kahlo painted 55 self-portraits during her lifetime.
Frida Kahlo's self-portraits rarely featured animals.
Frida Kahlo's self-portraits were rarely focused on just her head and shoulders.