Year 7

Chila Kumari Burman (Part 2)

In this lesson, we will contrast Chila Kumari Burman and Richard Hamilton's pop art styles. We will explore two of Chila Burman's personal collages and then produce a personal pop art collage of our own.

Year 7

Chila Kumari Burman (Part 2)

In this lesson, we will contrast Chila Kumari Burman and Richard Hamilton's pop art styles. We will explore two of Chila Burman's personal collages and then produce a personal pop art collage of our own.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A 'collage' is a picture involving different materials or objects.
  2. Chila Kumari Burman describes herself as a "Punjabi Liverpudlian".
  3. Chila Kumari Burman puts personal narratives into her pop art collages.
  4. Richard Hamilton was a pop artist who used collage, printmaking and digital art.


Sketchbook, magazines, family photos, scissors and glue.

Content guidance

  • Equipment requiring safe usage.


Adult supervision recommended.


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5 Questions

What did we have to do to our images to make them editable?
Open your eyes
Correct answer: Rasterize
What tool did we use to select the plain background for each image?
Magic hat
Magic roundabout
Magic trick
Correct answer: Magic wand
What function did we use to change the size of each object?
Crop tool
Distort tool
Rotate tool
Correct answer: Scale tool
Which button do you press to select more than one layer and also to keep your scaling in proportion?
The '+' button
The delete button
The enter key
Correct answer: The shift key
What did we change to create different layer effects to each object?
Correct answer: The blend mode
The combine mode
The merge mode
The mix mode

4 Questions

What is mixed media art?
A type of art that only features images and videos.
Correct answer: A type of visual art in which more than one medium or material has been used.
A type of visual art in which only one medium or material has been used.
A type of visual art in which painting is combined with video.
What is collage?
A collection of different materials or objects.
Correct answer: A picture in which different materials or objects, such as paper, cloth, or photographs, are stuck together.
A picture in which the same materials or objects are stuck together.
A type of art in which more than one medium or material has been used.
Which fact about Richard Hamilton is true?
Correct answer: Richard Hamilton is best known for creating collage pieces.
Richard Hamilton started his career as a digital artist.
Richard Hamilton was an impressionist artist.
Richard Hamilton's collages often featured animals, food and outside locations.
How does Chila Kumari Burman describe herself?
"East Asian Pop Artist"
"Liverpudlian Punjabi"
Correct answer: "Punjabi Liverpudlian"
"South East Asian Creative Artist"