Year 10

The role of microorganisms in decomposition

I can explain the role of microorganisms and detritus feeders in decomposition.

Year 10

The role of microorganisms in decomposition

I can explain the role of microorganisms and detritus feeders in decomposition.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Microorganisms and detritivores (detritus feeders) are responsible for the decomposition of plant and animal material.
  2. Decay is needed to keep nutrients cycling around an ecosystem.
  3. Compost is made out of decomposed plant and animal material.
  4. Biogas is produced when waste material is anaerobically digested.
  5. Biogas contains methane which can be harvested and used as a fuel.

Common misconception

Decomposers release energy that is recycled back to plants.

Decomposers break down dead organisms and waste. This returns minerals to the soil which can be used by plants. It is worth stating that some decomposers are eaten by carnivores as part of food chain diagrams which include decomposers.


  • Microorganism - A microorganism is an organism that can only be seen using a microscope.

  • Decomposer - A decomposer is an organism that feeds on the remains of other living organisms (organic matter).

  • Decay - Decay is the breakdown (or rotting) of organism matter by bacteria, fungi, or other organisms.

  • Detritus - Detritus is the remains of living organisms.

  • Enzyme - An enzyme is a protein that acts as a biological catalyst (a substance that speeds up a reaction).


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6 Questions

What is a community?
All the organisms of the same or closely-related species in an area.
More than one population in a habitat.
Correct answer: Two or more species found in a habitat.
The interactions between populations in a habitat.
Which of the following are examples of only abiotic factors?
wind speed, disease, rainfall
temperature, humidity, competition for food
Correct answer: altitude, rock type, dissolved oxygen concentration in water
disease, competition for a mate, competition for shelter
Which of these is a behavioural adaptation seen in some animals?
Having sharp claws.
Producing venom.
Correct answer: A mating display.
Having good eyesight.
What is interdependence?
Humans depending upon other organisms for food.
When no organisms in a food web depend upon each other.
Correct answer: When all organisms in a food web depend upon each other.
Humans depend on other humans for food.
What is meant by the term decomposition?
Correct answer: The process of breaking down material to release nutrients back into the soil.
The process by which microorganisms release carbon dioxide.
The speed at which dead matter is broken down.
How much dead matter is broken down.
Which of the following is not an example of a biotic factor?
The introduction of a new predator to a habitat.
A new disease impacting a population of organisms.
Correct answer: The availability of mineral ions in the soil.

6 Questions

What is the name of the flammable gas found in biogas?
Correct Answer: methane
What is an organism that feeds on waste or dead organic matter called?
Correct answer: detritivore
Nitrates are released into the soil by decomposers when they breakdown waste and dead organisms. Why is it important that the nitrates are released into the soil?
They provide food for plants.
They provide animals with the nitrogen they need to be healthy.
Correct answer: They provide plants with the nitrogen that they need to make proteins.
Biogas is made during the decomposition of manure or crops (e.g. maize) in anaerobic conditions. What does the term anaerobic refer to?
The presence of carbon dioxide.
Correct answer: The absence of oxygen.
The presence of oxygen.
The absence of air.
Match the words with the correct description.
Correct Answer:compost,A natural fertiliser made from plant materials.

A natural fertiliser made from plant materials.

Correct Answer:manure,A natural fertiliser made from animal waste.

A natural fertiliser made from animal waste.

Correct Answer:detritus,The remains of living organisms.

The remains of living organisms.

Correct Answer:decomposer,An organism that feeds on the remains of other living organisms.

An organism that feeds on the remains of other living organisms.

What is the name of the process where living organisms return carbon in their bodies back into the atmosphere?
Correct answer: respiration