Year 10

Diffusion and exchange surfaces

Define diffusion and describe the factors affecting it. Explain how diffusion is affected by surface area to volume ratio and relate this to examples of exchange over surfaces in organisms.

Year 10

Diffusion and exchange surfaces

Define diffusion and describe the factors affecting it. Explain how diffusion is affected by surface area to volume ratio and relate this to examples of exchange over surfaces in organisms.

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Describe how substances move in and out of cells by diffusion
  2. Explain factors that can affect the rate of diffusion
  3. Calculate surface area to volume ratios
  4. Explain adaptations for exchange




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6 Questions

How would the ratio between 3 and 5 be correctly written?
Correct answer: 3:5
In which two states of matter are particles free to move?
Correct answer: gas
Correct answer: liquid
Calculate the surface area of a cube with a side length of 1 cm.
1 cm2
1 cm3
Correct answer: 6 cm2
6 cm3
Calculate the volume of a cube with a side length of 1 cm.
1 cm2
Correct answer: 1 cm3
6 cm2
6 cm3
is a gas that is inhaled in the gas exchange system, where it then moves into the blood.
Correct Answer: oxygen, O2
Substances move into and out of through the cell membrane.
Correct Answer: cells, a cell

6 Questions

Diffusion is the net movement of particles from an area of high to an area of low .
Correct Answer: concentration
Which of these is an example of diffusion?
Correct answer: a smell moving through the air
electricity moving through a wire
heat moving through a metal rod
Diffusion happens quicker at higher temperatures because particles have more energy.
Correct Answer: kinetic
Match the adaptation of alveoli to the explanation.
Correct Answer:lots of small air sacs,increases surface area

increases surface area

Correct Answer:one cell thick,short diffusion distance

short diffusion distance

Correct Answer:lots of blood vessels,increases concentration gradient

increases concentration gradient

Calculate the surface area to volume ratio of a cube with a side length of 10 cm. Give your answer as a decimal and do not include units.
Correct Answer: 0.6
Which two of the following are leaf adaptations for diffusion?
Correct answer: are flat
Correct answer: are thin
have folded structure