Year 8

How can we campaign and influence change?

Year 8

How can we campaign and influence change?

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will explore a particular political tool: the campaign. We will learn about different types of campaigning, for example, social media campaigns, notoriety, political lobbying and the use of the media. We will then explore how campaigns try to influence those in power and the likelihood of a successful campaign.


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5 Questions

A pressure group is
A group of people shouting the street
A group of people who run a charity
Correct answer: A group of people who try to influence the government about a specific issue
Which one of these is not a form of pressure group?
Correct answer: Order
True or false: a social movement only involves a small number of people campaigning.
Correct answer: False
True or false: the Stop the War Protest Group was successful.
Correct answer: False
Which of these are not a method of a pressure group?
Correct answer: Breaking into property
Letter writing and emailing campaigns
Lobbying politicians

5 Questions

A campaign is...
Holding a meeting about an issue you care about.
running an event in school
Correct answer: working in an organised and active way towards a goal, often political or social.
Which of the following groups have campaigned for change in the past?
Correct answer: Suffragettes
The Royalists
The Scouts
The St Johns Ambulance
Which of these methods are ways citizens can campaign for change? Four are correct.
Correct answer: Join a pressure group
Correct answer: Send a letter to an MP or Member of the House of Lords
Correct answer: Start a petition
Correct answer: Visit your MP at the House of Commons
Write an abusive email to a politician demanding they do something
True or false: social media campaigns can be used to create change.
Correct answer: True
Lobbying means
Gathering signatures to support a cause.
Joining a group to campaign on the streets.
Correct answer: Persuading the person who represents you either locally or nationally to support your viewpoint.
Walking around the lobby of a building.
Writing to policy makers.