Year 8

Is plastic damaging the environment?

Year 8

Is plastic damaging the environment?

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will explore the global issues affecting the environment. We then focus on plastic pollution and the threat to our oceans and sea life. Finally we will investigate the action being taken by governments and individuals which aim to address the problem.


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5 Questions

What is the minimum a plastic carrier bag can cost?
15 pence
20 pence
Correct answer: 5 pence
50 pence
By which year does the EU want all plastic packaging to be recyclable?
Correct answer: 2030
Chewing gum often contains plastics
Correct answer: True
Which of these could be ways to reduce plastic pollution? Select all that apply.
Correct answer: Buying fruit and vegetables with no packaging
Correct answer: Encouraging schools not to use disposable plates and cutlery
Correct answer: Having your own water bottle rather than buying bottled water
Correct answer: Using a fountain pen not a biro at school
Correct answer: Using your own coffee cup rather than a disposable one from a cafe or coffee shop
The UK government has banned the use of micro beads as they were causing people to have sore skin
Correct answer: False