Key stage 4
Citizenship GCSE
Units (14)
Citizenship units
Brand-new teaching resources, thoughtfully crafted by teachers for classroom needs.
Units released in 2020-22
Resources made during the pandemic to support remote teaching.
How well does the media hold those in power to account?
Year 10
6 lessons2
How can we make a difference in society? Active citizenship project
Year 10
6 lessons3
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the UK democratic system?
Year 10
6 lessons4
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the legal system?
Year 10
5/6 lessons5
How does the economy work?
Year 10
6 lessons6
How does the UK still play a meaningful role in the international community?
Year 10
6 lessons7
How is UK society diverse and changing?
Year 11
6 lessons8
What is the nature of the British constitution ?
Year 11
6 lessons9
Why do we need the right to protest in democracy?
Year 11
6 lessons10
How do others govern?
Year 11
6 lessons11
Where does power reside in the UK?
Year 11
6 lessons12
Practising what we have learnt
Year 11
7 lessons