Year 6

The Golden Compass - Mixed outcomes

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Lessons (30)

  • In this lesson, we will revise word classification, learn vocabulary that is key to the unit and explore key characters and points in the plot.
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  • In this lesson, we will explore the rules associated with adding the suffix -ous. 10 spelling words will be explained and set to learn.
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  • In this lesson, we will review Mrs. Wordsmith vocabulary, revise key points related to expanded noun phrases and practise writing expanded noun phrases (many of which will be useful for this unit of writing).
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  • In this lesson, we will revise definitions for key Mrs. Wordsmith words, analyse the opening scene of the film and generate vocabulary to describe the main character.
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  • In this lesson, we will introduce new vocabulary, identify word pairs and synonyms and apply the vocabulary in sentences.
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  • In this lesson, we will complete a sentence level task, further analyse the film clip considering aspects beyond the main character and record ideas as planning to support writing later in the unit.
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  • In this lesson, we will recap the rules associated with adding the suffix -ous, look at other words with the same suffix and learn a spelling practice strategy. The 10 spelling words set in the previous lesson will be revisited and tested.
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  • In this lesson, we will correct punctuation and grammar in a sentence level activity, revise prepositional phrases and plan prepositional phrases to be used in their own writing later in the unit.
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  • In this lesson, we will practise writing a complex sentence, will analyse a model piece of writing and will write their own opening scene based on the film clip.
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  • In this lesson, we will practise spellings, look at editing and improving a piece of writing before editing and improving their own outcome from this part of the unit.
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  • In this lesson, we will develop vocabulary for describing a key character in this scene, will analyse a new scene and plan ahead of writing in the next lesson.
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  • In this lesson, we will explore the rules associated with adding the suffix -ial. 10 spelling words will be explained and set to learn.
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  • In this lesson, we will work to correct a sentence, review learning about fronted adverbials, before practising writing fronted adverbials that would be useful for their writing in this unit.
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  • In this lesson, we will practise writing a relative clause complex sentence. They will review all elements of planning for this scene before having the opportunity to free write the narrative scene. There are supporting planning materials within the lesson to support all pupils.
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  • In this lesson, we will introduce new vocabulary, identify word pairs and synonyms and apply the vocabulary in sentences.
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  • In this lesson, we will revisit Mrs. Wordsmith vocabulary to support this second writing outcome. The children will review complex sentences with a non-finite clause and will then practise writing these for a new scene to support writing.
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  • In this lesson, we will recap the rules associated with adding the suffix -ial, look at words that are exceptions to the rules and learn a spelling practice strategy. The 10 spelling words set in the previous lesson will be revisited and tested.
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  • In this lesson, we will revise spellings, review their understanding of adverbials to support text cohesion and then write adverbials to support the flow of writing in the next writing outcome. The lesson includes a short film clip of an armoured bear in an alleyway.
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  • In this lesson, we will practise writing fronted adverbials, will review the features of a diary and will then begin to plan a diary entry in the first person as Lyra, the main character in the story.
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  • In this lesson, we will review use of dashes for parenthesis, will analyse a piece of model writing to support this outcome before writing their next outcome in this unit, which is a diary entry from the viewpoint of the main character, Lyra.
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