Year 6

Maya cities and the geography of Mesoamerica

I can describe Mesoamerica and the cities the Maya built there.

Year 6

Maya cities and the geography of Mesoamerica

I can describe Mesoamerica and the cities the Maya built there.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The Maya lived in a part of central America called Mesoamerica.
  2. Mesoamerica contained rich fertile lands in the highlands and plains, and humid rainforests in the lowlands.
  3. From about 750 BCE, the Maya built cities like Copán near rivers, just like other early civilisations.
  4. These were all different, but usually contained a ceremonial centre with temple-pyramids, ballcourts and palaces.
  5. They often contained causeways and standing stones carved with pictures and writings about their rulers.

Common misconception

Mesoamerican civilizations were primitive or less advanced compared to European counterparts.

Mesoamerican societies achieved remarkable advancements in architecture, mathematics, astronomy, agriculture, and writing systems. E.g., the Maya developed calendar systems and made contributions to mathematics, including the concept of zero.


  • Maya - the Maya are an indigenous people of Mexico and Central America

  • Mesoamerica - Mesoamerica is an area of land that stretches from the southern part of North America and extends to the Pacific coast of Central America

  • Ceremonial - ceremonial means something that refers to a ceremony or is used in a ceremony

  • Ballcourt - a ballcourt is a large stone structure used in Mesoamerica to play the Mesoamerican ballgame pok-ta-pok

Locate Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica on a map to establish where Mesoamerica is.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Match the word to its meaning.
Correct Answer:geographical,relating to the features of the earth's surface

relating to the features of the earth's surface

Correct Answer:historical,relating to history or past events

relating to history or past events

Correct Answer:cultural,relating to the ideas, customs and social behaviour of a society

relating to the ideas, customs and social behaviour of a society

Correct Answer:political,relating to the government of a country

relating to the government of a country

What is hieroglyphics?
a type of medicine used in Central America
a ladder to reach very high places
Correct answer: a writing system used in some ancient civilisations
What is a temple?
a person who works part time
Correct answer: a building for religious worship
a very angry person
Copán is a city built by the ancient .
Correct answer: Maya
What is meant by 'Non-European societies'?
Correct answer: the cultures, civilisations and indigenous groups that existed outside Europe
societies that developed in Britain
the cultures, civilisations and indigenous groups that migrated to Europe
What are primary sources in history?
historical documentaries on television
history books used in primary schools
stories passed down along generations about historical events
Correct answer: first hand accounts or artefacts created during the time period being studied

6 Questions

Who are the Maya?
an ancient civilisation of Africa
Correct answer: indigenous people of Mexico and Central America
indigenous people of Canada
Correct answer: an ancient civilisation of Mesoamerica
Just like other early civilisations, the Maya built cities near .
Correct answer: rivers
Match the feature of a Maya city to its meaning.
Correct Answer:ceremonial centre,where people gathered for important events like religious events

where people gathered for important events like religious events

Correct Answer:stelae,standing stones decorated with hieroglyphs

standing stones decorated with hieroglyphs

Correct Answer:causeways,raised paved roads that connected buildings within and between cities

raised paved roads that connected buildings within and between cities

The Maya game "pok-ta-pok" was played on a .
Correct Answer: ballcourt, ball court, ball-court
Which of the following geographical features are found in Mesoamerica?
Correct answer: mountains
Correct answer: rainforests
Correct answer: plains
Which of the following countries are part of Mesoamerica?
Correct answer: Honduras
Correct answer: Mexico
Correct answer: Belize

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