Year 9

The Holocaust in context

I can explain what was distinctive about the Holocaust.

Year 9

The Holocaust in context

I can explain what was distinctive about the Holocaust.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The Holocaust involved the deliberate murder of around 6 million European Jews.
  2. Nazi ideology held that Jewish people were racially inferior and a threat.
  3. The Holocaust represented an attempt to murder all Jews.
  4. The Holocaust is distinct from other genocides and other instances of Nazi persecution.

Common misconception

The Holocaust was confined to Germany.

The Nazis and their collaborators murdered 6 million Jews from across Europe and aimed to eliminate Jews from the entire continent.


  • Genocide - the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a particular national, racial, ethnic or religious group

  • Holocaust - the murder of six million Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators

  • Collaborator - a person or group who works together with others for a particular purpose

  • Mortal enemy - a very serious and dangerous person or group who oppose or want to harm you

  • Perpetrator - someone who has committed a crime or a violent or harmful act

Students may attempt to answer Task B in terms of value judgements (i.e. 'the Holocaust was worse than...'). Instruct students to avoid subjective responses and to focus instead on the actual behaviour and intentions of the perpetrators instead.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of serious crime
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

What is a mortal enemy?
Correct answer: a person or group who oppose or want to harm you
a person or group who support or want to help you
a person or group who have no interest in what you're doing
Which war began in 1939?
Boer War
Russo-Japanese War
World War One
Correct answer: World War Two
In which year did WW2 end?
Correct Answer: 1945
Which of the following countries fought alongside Germany in WW2?
Correct answer: Italy
Which political party gained power in Germany in 1933?
Correct answer: Nazis
Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into chronological order.
1 - Germany defeated in WW1
2 - Nazis rise to power
3 - Holocaust begins
4 - WW2 begins

6 Questions

Write the missing word. A is the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a particular national, racial, ethnic or religious group.
Correct Answer: genocide
What alternative name is the Holocaust known by?
Correct Answer: Shoah, the Shoah
Roughly how many Jews were murdered during the Holocaust?
Correct Answer: 6 million, six million, 6 000 000, 6000000
How did perpetrators of the Holocaust often treat Jewish children?
Abducted them to grow up in Germany
Forced them to fight in the German army
Correct answer: Murdered them alongside other Jews
Converted them to another religion
Which of the following countries saw the highest proportion of its Jewish population killed during the Holocaust?
Correct answer: Lithuania
Write the missing word. As well as racially inferior, the Nazis considered Jews to be their mortal...
Correct Answer: enemy, enemies

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