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Lessons (8)

  • In this lesson, we will look at the difference between univariate and bivariate data.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    1 Quiz
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will explore examples of scatter graphs to represent bivariate data.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will investigate different kinds of correlation and interpret them from scatter graphs.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will learn how to draw lines of best fit on scatter graphs, and we will invesitgate the purpose of lines of best fit.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will investigate the relationship between causation and correlation.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will discuss the benefits are potential problems of truncating axes.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will discuss whether data in tables fit our hypotheses or not.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will discuss which graph is the appropriate to display for a hypothesis.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video