Year 9

How do songwriters ensure their song has a sense of direction?

Year 9

How do songwriters ensure their song has a sense of direction?


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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will explore how songs can go with the flow - be structured so that they have contrasting sections but still a sense of direction.


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5 Questions

What is a hook in music?
Correct answer: A ‘hook’ in music is the ‘catchy’ part of the song.
A hook is the catchy loop in the background of the song.
A hook is the very first thing we hear in a song that gets our attention.
Can a hook be a chorus?
Correct answer: No - Although a chorus may contain a hook.
Yes - The hook is always the chorus.
Yes - The hook is often the whole chorus.
Can you have an instrumental hook?
No - A hook must always be sung.
Yes - A hook must always be instrumental.
Correct answer: Yes - Particularly in dance music, the hook is often instrumental.
Can you have more than one hook in the same song?
No - there can only be one hook.
Yes - but it has to be the same hook.
Correct answer: Yes - you can have multiple hooks in the same song.
What is one way to make the hook more effective?
Play the hook backwards so it is more distinctive.
Correct answer: Reduce the texture so it is more easily heard.
Start with the hook as the intro.

5 Questions

One of the effects of 6/8 time signature
Correct answer: Swing
How can tonality be used to give a song a sense of direction?
Correct answer: Change the key to reflect the climax of the song/lyrics.
Keep the tonality the same all the way through.
Only use major chords for a happy song and minor chords for a sad song.
How can dynamics be used to give a song a sense of direction?
Correct answer: Get louder towards the climax of the song.
Get quieter towards the climax of the song.
Keep the dynamics the same all the way through.
How can texture be used to give a song a sense of direction?
Keeping the texture the same all the way through.
Making the texture busy during the hook.
Correct answer: Reducing the texture to make the lyrics stand out.
How can tempo be used to create a sense of direction?
Correct answer: Increase to build momentum, or slow down at the end of sections/phrases.
Keep the tempo the same all of the way through.
You should change the tempo throughout your song.