Lessons (7)

  • In this lesson you will have an understanding of different races in the world. We are all different and we need to celebrate our similarities and differences. We will look at how different animals look very similar but a closer look shows they can be different. We will be reading a story called: Not like the others by author Jana Broecker available at (www.jbroeckerbooks.com)
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  • In this lesson you will learn about different festivals and how people celebrate these festivals. You will have an understanding of the similarities and differences between the festivals you celebrate and those that other people from different religions celebrate.
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  • In this lesson you will understand that different people in different countries dress differently due to the customs and traditions they follow. You will use clothing from your home to dress as though you live in another country.
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  • In today's lesson we learn about different spoken languages from around the world. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to say and remember some phrases from a different language.
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  • In today's lesson we will be exploring different foods from around the world. By the end of the lesson you will have a better understanding of the foods from different countries and follow a recipe to create a new dish.
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  • In today's lesson we will be learning about different homes and their types. By the end of the lesson you will be able to name the different types of homes and spot them on your travels.
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  • In today's lesson we will understand the different religions followed around the world.
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