Year 1

The animal kingdom

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Lessons (6)

  • In this lesson, we will be learning about living things and the features of living things. All living things need to be able to breathe, produce waste, grow and change, feed and reproduce. We will then finish the lesson looking in more detail at different types of diets that animals may have.
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  • In this lesson, we will be learning about the differences between invertebrates and vertebrates. All animals can be classified as either invertebrates which do not have a backbone or vertebrates which have a backbone. We will be identifying different animals from these classifications.
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  • In this lesson, we are going to be learning about 3 different families of animals which are invertebrates. Invertebrates are animals which do not have a backbone. They either have a soft body, like worms and jellyfish, or they have a hard outer casing covering their body, like spiders and crabs. We will be learning specifically about crustaceans, arachnids and insects which are types of invertebrates.
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  • In this lesson, we are going to be learning about 3 different families of animals which are vertebrates. These animal families have backbones like humans but they are all very different and special in their own way. We will be learning specifically about reptiles, amphibians and fish.
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  • In this lesson, we are going to be learning about 2 different families of animals which are vertebrates. Vertebrates are animals which have a backbone inside their body. The major animal families include fish, amphibians, birds and mammals. Today we will be focusing on the differences between mammals and birds.
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  • All living things need to eat other living things to survive. What an animal eats is called its diet. In this lesson, will be learning about what diets different animals follow. We will be identifying what different animals may eat based on the appearance of their teeth, some flat, some sharp.
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