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Lessons (6)

  • In this lesson, we will look at contact and non-contact forces and look at an example for each type of force.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    1 Quiz
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will learn what magnets are and test putting magnets together in different ways to see whether the ends are attracted or repelled.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will learn about the history of the compass and then use our knowledge to write instructions for a treasure map!
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will learn the two ways you can see a magnetic field.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will look at how we can tell if a material is magnetic or not and also learn how to make our own magnets!
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • In this lesson, we will learn how to make an electromagnet and write up an investigation to make our own electromagnet.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video