
Oak updates

20 June 2023

New opportunities to create resources for Oak

Matt Hood OBE

Chief Executive

In September 2022, we launched our first round of open procurement, seeking curriculum partners for the creation of resources for six subjects: maths, English, science, geography, history and music.

In the next phase of our work, we are now looking for new curriculum partners for a wider range of subjects. We want to engage with potential partners ahead of an expected open procurement process in the new academic year.

This cycle of procurement is expected to cover curriculum sequences and teaching resources in:


This procurement closed in January. We are delighted to be working with a brilliant range of partners. Find out more about them in this blog about our new curriculum partners.

  • PE
  • Computing
  • MFL
  • RSHE
  • Art and design
  • RE
  • Design & technology
  • Primary music
  • Secondary geography
  • Secondary citizenship

Our first process attracted a diverse range of curriculum experts and suppliers from across the sector. We’re currently working with school trusts, a leading publisher, a subject association, a charity and a university to redevelop resources in our first round of subjects, which will start to be released from the autumn.

We want to continue to work with a diverse range of organisations. If you have a great curriculum and resources in any of these subjects, sign up for a webinar to find out more.

Learn more and register for webinars

To support this new work, we have launched a Prior Information Notice (PIN). This shares proposals for an expected procurement this autumn to identify partners to create new, high quality and entirely optional curricula sequences and teaching resources in the second cycle of our subjects.

Schools, subject associations, publishers, or any other organisation that is interested in creating resources for these subjects should take three actions:

  1. Create an account on our supplier e-tendering portal
  2. Read the PIN on Find A Tender or Contracts Finder.
  3. Watch our market engagement webinar


The sessions were held on 4/11 July, however a recording is available to watch, along with a summary of questions and answers.

Please do share this opportunity with any interested colleagues.

A community of partners

Oak has always been a community of practising teachers and educational professionals, and this approach will continue at the heart of our work. .

As we grow our community of partners, we want to continue to work with a wide range of teachers, schools, subject associations, publishers and other experts to co-create these new curriculum packages for our second cycle of subjects.

Our aim is to pool the incredible expertise that exists across the country, so every teacher has the highest quality support available to them on tap for PE, computing, MFL, RSHE, art and design, RE, design & technology, primary music, secondary geography and secondary citizenship.

If your school or organisation has deep expertise in curriculum design and development, we’d love you to learn more about, and consider, this opportunity. We’re also keen to encourage consortia and partnerships.

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