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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will see how the clever pigs turn Old Major's teachings to their advantage and create Animalism.


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5 Questions

What kind of man was Farmer Jones? (There are TWO correct answers)
Farmer Jones did not like the animals.
Correct answer: Farmer Jones drank a lot.
Farmer Jones was a hard worker.
Correct answer: Farmer Jones was a lazy.
What state was the farm in before the rebellion?
The farm had been handed over to some other farmers.
The farm was in need of repair.
The farm was looked after but a little run down.
Correct answer: The farm was overgrown with weeds and the animals were not fed enough.
Why did the rebellion happen sooner than expected?
The rebellion happened sooner than expected because Farmer Jones hurt one of the animals.
The rebellion happened sooner than expected because the animals got too excited about starting the rebellion.
Correct answer: The rebellion happened sooner than expected because the animals had been ignored and underfed.
The rebellion happened sooner than expected because the pigs wanted it to happen sooner.
What is the correct word for removing someone from power with force or violence?
Correct answer: Overthrow
If Farmer Jones represents Tsar Nicolas II, the animals represent...
abusive leaders
rich Russian people
the Communists
Correct answer: the ordinary Russian people

5 Questions

What is a commandment?
A commandment is a law.
A commandment is a suggestion given by God.
Correct answer: A commandment is a very strict rule associated with religion.
A commandment is something you only have to follow if you are religious.
Why did the pigs rename the farm to 'Animal Farm?' (More than one correct answer)
Correct answer: The pigs renamed the farm because it showed they had control over the farm.
The pigs renamed the farm because they didn't like the name 'Manor Farm.'
The pigs renamed the farm because they thought it would be easier to remember.
Correct answer: The pigs renamed the farm to show off the power they now had.
How many commandments were there on 'Animal Farm?'
Five commandments
Correct answer: Seven commandments
Ten commandments
Three commandments
How did the animals react to the commandments?
Correct answer: The animals began learning them at once.
The animals refused to follow them.
The animals were angry.
The animals were confused and did not know what they were.
Which commandment shows irony?
Correct answer: All animals are equal
No animal shall drink alcohol
No animal shall sleep in a bed
No animals shall wear clothes

Lesson appears in

UnitEnglish / Animal Farm
