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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will learn about changes and continuities in religion and the Church under the Normans.


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5 Questions

Which was the safest part of a castle?
The bailey
Correct answer: The keep
The moat
The palisade
Why did the Normans build castles? (Select three)
For attack and defence
In order to house the Saxons who had lost their homes
To control the surrounding countryside
Correct answer: To show the Saxons their power
Why did the northerners rebel against William? (Select all that apply)
They didn't like the taxes their Norman lords kept charging them
William didn't keep promises to give the loyal men land
William had burnt their castle down
Correct answer: William had forced them to accept him by being violent
What did William do to the rebellious northerners?
Evicted them from their farms and made them move to Denmark
Forced them to march down south to apologise
Correct answer: Killed them and burnt their houses
Took their land
What impact did the Harrying of the North have on rebellions?
Increased them, the Saxons were furious and continued fighting back
Correct answer: Prevented them, there were very few rebellions after 1070
Reduced them, there were still lots of rebellions but not as big

5 Questions

Who was the most important religious figure in Europe?
Archbishop Lanfranc
Archbishop Stigand
Correct answer: The Pope
William of Normandy
Which position in the Church was new under Lanfranc?
Correct answer: Archdeacons
Which of these was NOT a reason why William thought the Church was corrupt?
Priests sometimes had more than one job
Priests sometimes sold jobs
Priests were getting married
Correct answer: The Pope was the head of the Church
How many Anglo-Saxon bishops were there by the end of William's reign?
Correct answer: One
Churches were rebuilt out of stone because...
It was cheaper
Correct answer: They could last longer and show the power of the Normans
To defend them from attack
William thought it looked better

Lesson appears in

UnitHistory / How much did England change during the Norman Conquest?
