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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will look at Eleanor of Aquitaine's life and her role during her second marriage to King Henry II. We will be using our knowledge from today's lesson to examine what it tells us about who held power in the Middle Ages.


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5 Questions

Eleanor inherited which kingdom in 1137?
Correct answer: Aquitaine
Where was Eleanor's kingdom?
Correct answer: France
Who was Eleanor's first husband?
Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor
King Henry I of England
Correct answer: King Louis VII of France
What event did Eleanor insist on taking part in with her husband?
The First Olympics
Correct answer: The Second Crusade
The Third Pilgrimage
What happened to Eleanor's first marriage to Louis?
It ended because Eleanor remained in the Holy Land
Correct answer: It was annulled by the Pope
Louis died bringing the marriage to an end

5 Questions

Who was Eleanor of Aquitaine's second husband?
Correct answer: Henry II, King of England
Henry IV, King of the Germans
Louis VII, King of France
Eleanor's lands in Aquitaine were added to the lands of her new husband. What name was given to this?
Correct answer: Angevin Empire
English Empire
The Holy Roman Empire
How many children did Eleanor and her new husband have?
Correct answer: 8
Eleanor gained power and respect as Queen of England. How did she do this?
By crushing rebellions and punishing those involved
Correct answer: By providing her husband with heirs to the throne and ruling in his absence
By staying out of ruling the country and leaving it to her husband
Eleanor couldn't take complete control of Aquitaine after 1168 because her husband kept control of.....
Food and the Army
Money and Food
Correct answer: The Army and Money

Lesson appears in

UnitHistory / What can the life of Eleanor of Aquitaine tell us about who held power in the Middle Ages?
