Feeling good

In this lesson, you will be talking about feelings and how people respond to them. You will meet Bobby and friends who will talk to you about how they feel and what they do when they feel different emotions. At the end you'll write a letter to one of Bobby's friends to help her feel better.

Feeling good

In this lesson, you will be talking about feelings and how people respond to them. You will meet Bobby and friends who will talk to you about how they feel and what they do when they feel different emotions. At the end you'll write a letter to one of Bobby's friends to help her feel better.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. By the end of this lesson, pupils will • know different ways to communicate their feelings • recognise how others are feeling • know some ways to respond to others feelings • identify how the people are feeling in the pictures • explain how you would respond to them.


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Lesson appears in

UnitRSHE (PSHE) / It's OK not to be OK!