Group 1

Describe the physical and chemical properties of Group 1 metals and trends in their reactions with oxygen and water.

Group 1

Describe the physical and chemical properties of Group 1 metals and trends in their reactions with oxygen and water.

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Describe some of the physical and chemical properties of Group 1 metals
  2. Describe the trends in physical and chemical properties of Group 1 metals
  3. Write chemical equations for the reactions of Group 1 metals with water and oxygen


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6 Questions

Which statement about the periodic table is correct?
There are equal numbers of metals and non-metals.
Correct answer: There are more metals than non-metals.
There are more non-metals than metals.
Metals usually have melting and boiling points.
Correct Answer: high, higher
Metals can be shaped without breaking because they are...
Correct answer: malleable.
Compared to non-metals, metals are:
good conductors of electricity but not heat.
Correct answer: good conductors of heat and electricity.
good conductors of heat but not electricity.
not good conductors of heat and electricity.
Copper is used to make electrical wires because...
Correct answer: copper is a good conductor of both heat and electricity.
copper is a good conductor of electricity but not heat.
copper is a good conductor of heat but not electricity.
copper is not a good conductor.
Match the metal use with its property.
Correct Answer:Aluminium is used to make aeroplanes,because it is malleable and light.

because it is malleable and light.

Correct Answer:Iron is used to make bridges,because it is strong and cheap.

because it is strong and cheap.

Correct Answer:Gold is used to make jewellery,because it is shiny and unreactive.

because it is shiny and unreactive.

Correct Answer:Copper is used in electrical circuits,because it conducts electricity and is ductile.

because it conducts electricity and is ductile.

6 Questions

The elements in Group 1 are also known as the …
alkali earth metals.
Correct answer: alkali metals.
noble gases.
transition metals.
Select two physical properties of the alkali metals.
high melting point
Correct answer: low density
poor conductors of heat
Correct answer: soft
Starting with the alkali metal with the lowest reactivity, sort the alkali metals in order of reactivity.
1 - lithium
2 - sodium
3 - potassium
4 - caesium
5 - rubidium
What is the product of a reaction between sodium and oxygen?
Correct Answer: sodium oxide
Match the alkali metal to its reaction with water.
Correct Answer:lithium,floats, moves slowly and fizzes

floats, moves slowly and fizzes

Correct Answer:sodium,floats, moves quickly, ignites with an orange flame

floats, moves quickly, ignites with an orange flame

Correct Answer:potassium,floats, moves very quickly, ignites with a lilac flame

floats, moves very quickly, ignites with a lilac flame

Correct Answer:rubidium,almost instant violent production of white and orange sparks

almost instant violent production of white and orange sparks

Complete the word equations by matching the reactants and products.
Correct Answer:lithium + water →,lithium hydroxide + hydrogen

lithium hydroxide + hydrogen

Correct Answer:sodium + oxygen →,sodium oxide

sodium oxide

Correct Answer:sodium + water →,sodium hydroxide + hydrogen

sodium hydroxide + hydrogen

Correct Answer:rubidium + oxygen →,rubidium oxide

rubidium oxide

Lesson appears in

UnitScience / Atoms and the periodic table
