How can we best tell the story of Britain's journey to democracy?

How can we best tell the story of Britain's journey to democracy?

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will compare the three stories we have looked at so far about Britain's journey to democracy and consider why different stories have developed around Britain's journey to democracy.


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5 Questions

Which of the following was a Suffragette leader?
Anna Wheeler
Correct answer: Emmeline Pankhurst
Mary Wollstonecraft
Millicent Fawcett
How did the Suffragettes try to gain attention for their cause?
Correct answer: Attack property and try to get arrested
Peaceful demonstrations
Work with the Chartists
Write books
Some women were given the right to vote immediately after which war?
The Boer War
Correct answer: The First World War
The Napoleonic War
The Second World War
What did suffragettes encourage women to do between 1914 and 1918?
Continue to campaign aggressively for the right to vote
Enlist as soldiers to fight
Get arrested
Correct answer: Support the war effort
In which year did British women get the same voting rights as men?
Correct answer: 1928

5 Questions

Which of the following best describes 'democracy'?
Correct answer: A country where all adults have a right to vote in elections
A country where all wealth is shared equally
A country where the monarch and parliament share power
A country which does not have a monarch
In which year did British women get the same voting rights as men?
Correct answer: 1928
Which story to democracy emphasises laws passed by parliament and gradual progress?
The radical story
The suffragette story
Correct answer: The Whig story
The working class story
Which story to democracy relies on the autobiographies of campaigners as an important primary source?
The radical story
Correct answer: The suffragette story
The Whig story
The working class story
Which story to democracy focuses on the actions of the Chartists?
The radical story
The suffragette story
The Whig story
Correct answer: The working class story

Lesson appears in

UnitHistory / Why are different stories told about Britain's journey to democracy?
