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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will learn about the shape of a quadratic graph and begin plotting graphs of quadratic equations.


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5 Questions

Cala has sketched x = 3 - y correctly. Which sketch could be hers?
An image in a quiz
None of the above
Option A
Correct answer: Option B
Option C
Is the following true or false: All straight line graphs are linear graphs?
Correct answer: False
Which of these is NOT a linear graphs?
Option 1
Option 2
Correct answer: Option 3
Option 4
Which of these tables displaying coordinates of graphs is non-linear?
An image in a quiz
Option A
Option B
Correct answer: Option C
Option D
Which of these tables displaying coordinates of graphs is non-linear?
An image in a quiz
Option A
Correct answer: Option B
Option C
Option D

5 Questions

Which worded description best describes a quadratic graph?
A 'W' shape
A curvy snake with lot's of turns
Correct answer: A happy or sad face
A straight line
Antoni says this is not a quadratic as it does not go through the x axis. Do you agree?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: No, Antoni is incorrect it is a quadratic graph.
Yes, Antoni is correct it is not a quadratic graph.
For the graph below what is the y-ordinate when the x-ordinate is 3?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 13
For the graph below what is the y-ordinate when the x-ordinate is -3?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 13
Which equation could be the equation of the graph below?
An image in a quiz
Option 1
Correct answer: Option 2
Option 3
Option 4

Lesson appears in

UnitMaths / Quadratic expressions (9.9)