
Talking about what you can, must and will want to do. (Part 2/2)


Talking about what you can, must and will want to do. (Part 2/2)


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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will talk about what you can, must, will and want to do using irregluar -ir modal verbs 'vouloir' and 'devoir' followed by the infinitive. We will also revisit saying 'can' in French using 'pouvoir' and 's'avoir'', and where to position adverbs.


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10 Questions

Comment dit-on "the shop" en français?
la caisse
le jardin
Correct answer: le magasin
Comment dit-on "the church" en français?
Correct answer: l'église
la caisse
le jardin
le magasin
Comment dit-on "the bridge" en français?
le magasin
le parc
le pays
Correct answer: le pont
Comment dit-on "la plage" en anglais?
Correct answer: the beach
the country
the garden
the shop
Comment dit-on " à l'étranger" en anglais?
Correct answer: abroad
to the beach
to the country
to the shop
Je vais aller en France - what does that mean?
Correct answer: I am going to go to France
I go to France
I want to go to France
She is going to France
He is going to watch the film - en français?
Elle regarde le film
Elle va regarder le film
Il regarde le film
Correct answer: Il va regarder le film
We are not going to go to Paris - en français?
Ils ne vont pas aller à Paris
Nous allons à Paris
Nous n'allons pas à Paris
Correct answer: Nous n'allons pas aller à Paris
Ils ne vont pas aller aux magasins - en anglais?
They are going to go to the shops
They are going to the church
They are not going to go to the beach
Correct answer: They are not going to go to the shops
I am not going to go to the beach - en français?
Je ne vais pas à la plage
Correct answer: Je ne vais pas aller à la plage
Je vais à l'église
Je vais aller à la plage

10 Questions

Comment dit-on "the park" en français?
la caisse
le jardin
Correct answer: le parc
Comment dit-on "the checkout" en français?
Correct answer: la caisse
le jardin
le magasin
Comment dit-on "the country" en français?
le magasin
le parc
Correct answer: le pays
le pont
Comment dit-on "le magasin" en anglais?
the beach
the country
the garden
Correct answer: the shop
Comment dit-on " à l'étranger" en anglais?
Correct answer: abroad
to the beach
to the country
to the shop
Je dois visiter ... - what does that mean? (There are TWO possible answers)
I can visit ...
Correct answer: I have to visit ..
Correct answer: I must visit ...
I want to visit ...
I want to go - en français?
Je dois aller
Je peux aller
Je vais aller
Correct answer: Je veux aller
He doesn't want to go - en français?
Il ne peut pas aller
Il ne veut aller pas
Correct answer: Il ne veut pas aller
Il veut aller
Je ne sais pas parler italien - en anglais? (There are TWO possible answers)
I can speak Italian
Correct answer: I can't speak Italian
Correct answer: I don't know how to speak Italian
I don't want to speak Italian
I often visit London - en français?
Je visite Londres souvent
Correct answer: Je visite souvent Londres
Souvent je visite Londres

Lesson appears in

UnitFrench / Year 8 Unit 4
