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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, will look at one of the most famous documents in history: the American Declaration of Independence. It was created during the American Revolutionary War and then shaped the country that was created. We are going to read the document to help decide for ourselves whether the Enlightenment fueled the American Revolution.


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5 Questions

What became the official name of the 13 Colonies after they declared independence?
The Three Branches of Government
The United Kingdom
Correct answer: The United States of America
Who led the American armies and became the first President of the new country?
Benjamin Franklin
Correct answer: George Washington
Lord North
Thomas Jefferson
Which two countries helped the Americans during the War of Independence?
Canada and Mexico
Correct answer: France and Spain
Massachusetts and Virginia
Russia and Britain
What does 'constitution' mean?
A country ruled by a monarch and a parliament
A country where the people are sovereign
A system of government where a President rather than a monarch rules
Correct answer: The rules which decide how a country should be governed
Which Enlightenment thinker's idea of a separation of powers inspired the design of the USA's three branches of government?
Correct answer: Montesquieu

5 Questions

What was the name of the document that announced the 13 Colonies would become a separate country outside the British Empire?
The Constitution
Correct answer: The Declaration of Independence
The Intolerable Acts
The Separation of Powers
Which Enlightenment thinker had a clear influence on the wording of the Declaration of Independence?
Correct answer: Locke
Which of the following ideas is the clearest example of an Enlightenment idea?
That governments have a duty to protect the safety of their subjects
That men and women should have the vote
Correct answer: That people have a natural right to freedom
That republics are the best style of government
Which of the following ideas is the clearest example of a conservative idea?
Correct answer: That governments have a duty to protect the safety of their subjects
That men and women should have the vote
That people have a natural right to freedom
That republics are the best style of government
What does 'tyranny' mean?
A government which is led by all the people
A government which is ruled by a constitutional monarch
Correct answer: A government which rules badly and cruelly
A government which rules respecting natural rights

Lesson appears in

UnitHistory / Did the Enlightenment fuel the American Revolution?
